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We talk about two ideal destinations for photography in this new issue: Soul of Dreams and Lost Lagoon.
In psychology, we talk about Consciousness by addressing critical issues related to what it is and how it allows us to identify ourselves.
In photography, we talk about Arnoo Planer and his ability to improvise in capturing “stolen shots.”
In the area dedicated to art, we speak of Ciottolina Xue, an artist able to be powerfully communicative with his three-person works.
Asahra Lannok is the star of the musical sector of this number of 360 Gradi. She founded a singing school where classes are held in Second Life.
In the men’s fashion sector, we talk about TMD events and some look proposals.
Finally, we will talk about Camp Italia, an important reference point for the Italian community. An educational destination with many projects in the pipeline.



I am passionate about communication and the Second Life community. I share my experiences, explorations, and knowledge through words, conversations, and machinima. I believe that machinima is a powerful tool for presenting events and experiences in Second Life and that it can transport viewers into the heart of these virtual moments. I invite you to join me on an exciting adventure as we explore, learn, and celebrate the remarkable world of Second Life together.

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