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If you are looking for some items that mix and match great, this post is for you!

I created this outfit, named Lolita, as a GIFT for my store inworld group, She.
It’s sexy and classy at the same time!
Group Fees: Free to Join.

I enjoyed mixing and matching it with some other awesome stuff:

  • MINA Hair – Senja
  • MAZE – Ribbons for Soft Arms
  • ^^Swallow^^ Gauged S Ears
  • Lilithe‘// Psykhe Tattoos (BOM Evo x Tattoo)

Ready for shopping?

Go, Go & Go

MINA hair






I am passionate about communication and the Second Life community. I share my experiences, explorations, and knowledge through words, conversations, and machinima. I believe that machinima is a powerful tool for presenting events and experiences in Second Life and that it can transport viewers into the heart of these virtual moments. I invite you to join me on an exciting adventure as we explore, learn, and celebrate the remarkable world of Second Life together.

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