auto portrait au soleil dhiver
Tutsy Navarathna

Tutsy Navarathna signed up for Second Life for the first time on May 21, 2008

At a very young age, Tutsy understood that he needed a job that would allow him to live a little “outside the system”.

Hungry for adventure, he found himself at home in the world of artists. As he says, it was not so much the art that made his life run, but rather being an artist and living the life of an artist.

In order not to lose the pleasure and the feeling of adventure, he also changes the medium of his interest from painting via the computer to video and photography.

In his work there is a kind of narrative or story that contributes to the development of an image or a project.

Tutsy is influenced by Surrealism, Expressionism and Pop Art and understands art as an encounter where you can suddenly see and think the world differently.

According to his moto: “Enthusiasm is an engine that can do everything” and with the question: “How do I create the next installation photo or the next film?” – he works full of enthusiasm on his projects.

He defines art as the historical continuation of cave paintings, goes on to the birth of conceptual art, and raises essential questions that all artists have asked: Does art have limits? Does a job have to meet certain criteria? And although he refers to the history of art, his art serves to convey the emotions in his own way!

Tutsy is a humorous, advanced thinker.

In his descriptions he chooses words with ease, but in his sentences we recognize the complexity and depth of his thoughts.

Tutsy made me laugh, amused me very much, informed me and not only gave me a deeper insight into his world, and in our encounter I actually suddenly experienced a new and different world.

In Tutsy’s installations he manages to bring a complex storyboard with numerous small elements under one “hat” and playfully frames it.

With his current installation withe Eupalinos at Aneli, I went into discovery with an adventurous feeling, was surprised by a multitude of small elements and experienced a complex topic with an essence of lightness and humor.

He manages to pull us into his path and lets us encounter his kind in a new way.

The fact that I could win him for an interview makes me very proud and I would like to thank him warmly for this wonderful opportunity to get to know him better, also thank you very much for the bilingual translation.

I hope that everyone who reads this interview will feel Tutsy’s enthusiasm and that we will pick up a bit of Tutsy’s humorous adventurous spirit and enjoy sharing it with others.

Please visit Tutsy’s installation “Enivrez vous” at La Maison dÁneli – opening on April 28, 2021 at 12:30 PM
(all information can be found in the interview below)

Tutsy Navarathna
Interview with Tutsy Navarathna


Your life without art would be …

Tutsy: No doubt astro-physicist

But I’ll tell you a secret! Very young I understood that I didn’t want the life that was offered to me. So I looked for what profession could allow me to live a little outside the system!!! Becoming an artist was ultimately the best possible adventure in life.

It’s not so much art that has ruled my life, but being an artist. This is how I went from painting to the computer to video or photography.

When one medium tires me I switch to another and then I come back to it, so that I never lose the taste for the pursuit of pleasure and adventure!

* Sans doute astro-physicien

Mais je vais vous dire un secret ! TrĂšs jeune j’ai compris que je ne voulais pas de la vie que l’on me proposait. J’ai donc recherchĂ© quelle  profession pourrait me permettre de vivre un peu en dehors du systĂšme!!! Devenir un artiste Ă©tait finalement la meilleure possibilitĂ© d’aventure de vie.

Ce n’est pas tant l’art qui a dirigĂ© ma vie mais le fait d’ĂȘtre un artiste. c’est ainsi que je suis passĂ© de la peinture Ă  l’ordinateur la video ou la photo.

Quand un mĂ©dium me lasse je passe Ă  un autre et puis j’y reviens, pour ne jamais perdre le gout de la recherche du plaisir et de l’aventure!

Where do you get your inspiration from?


In my DNA most certainly.

let’s say through the multiple flashes that strike my neurons, whether visual, sensitive or abstract at every moment, day or year.

There must come out some kind of narration that will guide my choice when developing an image of a project …

In fact I will say that there is initially a huge jumble of informal things from which little to little meaning emerges. Finally for me!

*Dans mon ADN trĂšs certainement.

disons qu’a travers les multiples flash qui viennent percuter mes neurones aussi bien visuels, sensitifs ou abstraits Ă  chaque moments, jours ou annĂ©es.

Il doit sortir une sorte de narration qui va guider mon choix lors de l’élaboration d’une image d’un projet

En fait je dirai qu’il y a au dĂ©part un Ă©norme fatras de choses informelles d’ou peut Ă  peut Ă©merge du sens. Enfin pour moi !

“Apsara” – Theda TammasTusy NavarathnaOpen till 8 May at Dixmix Gallery “Womb”

What is your work about?

Tutsy: No doubt the fascination with what has no immediate meaning. This strange phenomenon that manifests itself at a certain point in the making of an image in a film, in writing. An extremely jubilant feeling which is totally outside the final quality of the work but which fills you with joy!

I think of the painter Braque’s words: “The painting is finished when he has erased the idea. “

*Sans doute la fascination de ce qui n’a pas de sens immĂ©diat. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne Ă©trange qui se manifeste Ă  un certain moment de la fabrication d’une image d’un film, d’une Ă©criture. Une sensation extrĂȘmement jubilatoire qui est totalement en dehors de la qualitĂ© finale de l’oeuvre mais qui vous comble de joie!

Je pense au mot du peintre Braque : « Le tableau est fini quand il a effacĂ© l’idĂ©e. Â» 

How is the artistic process like there? Do you see an object / person / landscape first and then the idea comes up? Or is it upside down?

Tutsy: In general I have no preconceived ideas, I am rather looking for a meeting! Find the magic that inhabits us in this globality from which we cannot escape but which is so difficult to perceive and materialize.

The making of a work is ultimately a condensed version of its history. What in fact is the style.

*En gĂ©nĂ©ral Je n’ai aucune idĂ©e prĂ©conçue, je cherche plutĂŽt la rencontre ! Trouver la magie qui nous habite cette globalitĂ© Ă  laquelle on n’échappe pas mais qu’il est si difficile a percevoir et materialiser.

La rĂ©alisation d’une oeuvre est finalement un condensĂ© de son histoire .Ce qui en fait est le style.

Your mantra?

Tutsy: “Enthusiasm is a motor that can do anything” – I think it was Charlie Chaplin who said that!

* Â« L’enthousiasme est un moteur qui peut tout Â» je crois que c’est Charlie Chaplin qui disait ça!

Fascination by Tutsy Navarathna

Currently, the best place for you in SL?

Tutsy: When it comes to photos I don’t have any privileged places, I like to take photos fairly quickly, capture an image on the fly and play with the surroundings.

For films, these are locations that fit with the script, but sometimes the script will evolve depending on the places discovered.

For fun it totally depends on the mood of the moment.

What fascinates and inspires me about SL is that on this sea by default given by Linden-Lab, thousands of people let their imaginations, their tastes of games, their fantasies and pleasure, to create universes express themselves. fantastic and in most cases without financial compensation.

*Quand il s’agit de photos je n’ai pas de places privilĂ©giĂ©es, j’aime bien faire des photos assez rapidement, saisir une image au vol et jouer avec le dĂ©cor prĂ©sent.

Pour des films il s’agit de repĂ©rages qui collent avec le scĂ©nario, mais parfois le scĂ©nario va Ă©voluer en fonction des lieux dĂ©couverts.

Pour le fun ça dĂ©pent totalement du mood de l’instant.

Ce qui me fascine et m’inspire dans SL c’est que sur cette mer par dĂ©faut donnĂ©e par Linden-Lab, des milliers de gens laissent s’exprimer leur imaginaire, leurs gouts du jeux, leurs fantasmes leur plaisir, pour crĂ©er des univers fantastiques et cela dans la plupart des cas sans contrepartie financiĂšre.

A question that moves you right now ..

Tutsy: How will I create the next installation photo or film?

*Comment vais je faire la photo l’installation ou le film suivant?

Is there a work of art in your life that particularly impressed you?

Tutsy: Overall I was more influenced by artistic movements than by a work.

3 great artistic movements have greatly influenced me, Surrealism, Expressionism and Pop Art.

However, there are sometimes encounters among all the works of art that will mark you forever.

For me this shock was my first vision of a painting by Francis Bacon “Study after the Portrait of Pope Innocent X by VelĂĄzquez”

*Globalement j’ai plus Ă©tait influencĂ© par des mouvements artistiques que par une oeuvre.

3 grand mouvements artistiques m’ont Ă©normĂ©ment influencĂ©s, Le SurrĂ©alisme, l’Expressionnisme et le Pop Art.

Cela dit il y a parfois des rencontres parmi toutes les oeuvres d’arts qui vous marquent à tout jamais.

Pour moi ce choc fut ma premiĂšre vision d’une peinture de Francis Bacon « Ă‰tude d’aprĂšs le portrait du pape Innocent X par VelĂĄzquez Â» 

les hiboux
Les hiboux by Tutsy Navarathna

What is art for you – now completely independent of the usual definitions?

Tutsy: For me art, is this encounter that will suddenly make you think differently, see the world differently.

That will stir your neurons so much that you will have after another read of the world. This is why I told you that these are the artistics movements that inspire me.

We don’t think the same since surrealism, for example.

Art is also an inner adventure!

*Pour moi l’art c’est cette rencontre qui va vous faire brusquement penser autrement, voir le monde diffĂ©remment.

Qui va agiter tellement vos neurones que vous aurez aprùs, une autre lecture du monde. C’est pour cela que je vous disais que ce sont les mouvements artistiques qui m’inspirent.

On ne pense plus pareil depuis le surréalisme par exemple.

L’art c’est aussi une aventure intĂ©rieure!

Was there a key experience or has the artist profession always been your dearest wish?

Tutsy: I believe that it was definitely the experience of my military service that introduced me to human stupidity and that made me decide to become an artist to escape human nature.

Finally I believed it 🙂

*Je crois que dĂ©finitivement c’est l’expĂ©rience de mon service militaire qui m’a fait cĂŽtoyer la bĂȘtise humaine et qui m’a dĂ©cidĂ© de devenir artiste pour Ă©chapper Ă  la nature humaine.

Enfin je le croyais 🙂

Resigned by Tutsy Navarathna

What drives you?

Tutsy: Money and Glory of course!

More simply, the pleasure of seeing a small part of yourself reveal itself each time.

Find this unique and rare moment where butterfly wings guide your hands.

*L’argent et a gloire bien sĂ»r!

Plus simplement, le plaisir de voir se rĂ©vĂ©ler chaque fois une petite partie de soi mĂȘme.

Retrouver cet instant unique et rare ou des ailes de papillons guident vos mains.

Do you feel understood with your art?

Tutsy: Ooh La La! Well already if you have recognition from your peers, it’s not so bad!

Then if we manage to live more or less even by making lots of concessions, that’s good too.

When it comes to “glory” it’s another story that sounds like a serious fighter’s journey mixed with a lottery.

Having said that, we are always very happy when spectators really appreciate our work.

My first great pleasure was when during a first exhibition, a person whom I did not know at all bought me a painting.

*Ouhlala! Ben dĂ©jĂ  si l’on a une reconnaissance de ses pairs c’est pas si mal!

Ensuite si on arrive a en vivre plus ou moins mĂȘme en faisant plein de concessions c’est bien aussi.

Quand Ă  la « gloire Â» c’est une autre histoire qui ressemble a un sĂ©rieux parcourt du combattant mĂ©langĂ© a une loterie.

Cela dit on est toujours trÚs content quand des spectateurs apprécient réellement notre travail.

Mon premier grand plaisir fut quand lors d’une premiĂšre exposition, une personne que je ne connaissais pas du tout m’a achetĂ© une toile.

Les Papes
Les Papes by Tutsy Navarathna

Do you think that you can make a difference with your art?

Tutsy: Obviously at the beginning we believe it of course!

After that we don’t imagine that it would be possible and then in the end it doesn’t matter too much!


*Forcement au début on le croit bien sur !

Apres on n’imagine que ce serait possible et puis finalement ça n’a pas trop d’importance!


Do you think that everyone is an artist?

Tutsy: Not at all, being an artist requires a lot of renunciation and a particular psychology.

Being an artist is a life of adventure! Not everyone wants to run the risk of adventure, which is understandable.

On the other hand, everyone can be creative. It is a great thing for everyone to come face to face with themselves in an artistic creation. It doesn’t matter which one and its quality.

Having talent in your field is another thing.

*Non pas du tout, ĂȘtre artiste demande pas mal de renoncement et une psychologie particuliĂšre.

Etre artiste est une vie d’aventure ! Tout le monde n’a pas envie de courir les risques de l’aventure ce qui peut se comprendre.

Par contre tous le monde peut ĂȘtre crĂ©atif. C’est une excellente chose pour chacun de se retrouver face Ă  soi mĂȘme dans une crĂ©ation artistique. Peut importe laquelle et sa qualitĂ©.

Avoir du talent dans son domaine est encore autre chose.

dont touch my chicks
DonÂŽt touch my chicks by Tutsy Navarathna

Do you have any role models? If yes, which?

Tutsy: Ouhlala trick question!

Let’s say that among the many photographers who create images or installations, some of whom are truly original, I am more attracted to those who stray a little from the realism of Second Life.

To quote some artists in the universe particularly touched me in SL there are the installations of Haveit Neox that of Eupalinos Ugajin, Meilo Minotaure and Capcat Ragut, Theda Tammas or in still an installation like “Alter Ego” of Harbor Galaxy. But there are also plenty of excellent photographers who do impressive light work.

*Ouhlala question piĂšge !

Disons que parmi les nombreux photographes crĂ©ateurs d’images ou d’installations, dont certains ont une vraie originalitĂ©, je suis plus attirĂ© par ceux qui s â€˜Ă©loignent un peu du rĂ©alisme de Second Life.

Pour citer quelques artistes dans l’univers m’a particuliĂšrement touchĂ© dans SL il y a les installations de Haveit Neox celle d’Eupalinos Ugajin, Meilo Minotaure et Capcat Ragut, Theda Tammas ou en encore une installation comme « Alter Ego Â» de Harbor Galaxy . Mais il y a aussi plein d’excellents photographes qui font un travail sur la lumiĂšre impressionnant..

les corbeaux
Les corbeaux by Tutsy Navarathna

What does the term art mean to you?

Tutsy: It is very difficult to define, Art is a historical continuation from the cave paintings through the white square on a white background by Malevich or, the mythical urinal by Marcel Duchamp whose exhibition in 1917 marked the birth of the conceptual art and the concept of the ready-made. Duchamp and many others after him like Picasso asked an essential question: does art have limits? Does a work have to meet specific criteria? Or is everything a work from the moment it is presented (and therefore viewed) as such?

But without referring to the history of art already transmitting emotion is not so bad!

*C’est trĂšs difficile a dĂ©finir, L’art est une suite historique depuis les peintures rupestres en passant par le carrĂ© blanc sur fond blanc de Malevitch ou, le mythique urinoir de Marcel Duchamp dont l’exposition en 1917 a marquĂ© la naissance de l’art conceptuel et le concept du ready-made. Duchamp et bien d’autres aprĂšs lui comme Picasso ont posĂ© une question essentielle : l’art a-t-il des limites ? Une Ɠuvre doit-elle rĂ©pondre Ă  des critĂšres prĂ©cis ? Ou toute chose est-elle Ɠuvre Ă  partir du moment oĂč elle est prĂ©sentĂ©e (et donc regardĂ©e) comme telle?

Mais sans ce rĂ©fĂ©rer Ă  l’histoire de l’art dĂ©jĂ  transmettre de l’’émotion n’est pas si mal!

Are there any topics that you are particularly interested in implementing?

Tutsy: Sometimes in my dreams I see a very beautiful exhibition which I totally fall in love with.

I would like to one day realize it in real life…

*Parfois dans mes rĂȘves je vois une trĂšs belle exposition dont je tombe totalement amoureux.

J’aimerai bien un jour arriver Ă  la rĂ©aliser en vrai 🙂

What is your strength?

Tutsy: Stubbornness in research, obstinacy, enthusiasm, pleasure.

*L’entĂȘtement dans la recherche, l’opiniatretĂ©, l’enthousiasme, le plaisir.

What was the best advice you have ever received in SL?

Tutsy: All the good technical advice gleaned here and there.

*Tous les bon conseils techniques glanés ici et là.

Your next projects, exhibitions. Where your art can be seen?

Tutsy: Installation SL “Enivrez vous”

Enivrez-vous.Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867). Get drunk! One shall always be drunk. This is the key, the only point.

So as not to feel the horrendous burden that breaks your shoulders and bends you toward the ground, you shall get drunk, relentlessly.Now what with? Wine, poetry or virtue, as you please. And if sometime, on the steps of a palace, on the green grass of a ditch, in the sullen loneliness of your room you wake up, drunkenness already ebbing or gone, ask the wind, the wave, the star, the bird, the clock, all that laughs, all that moans, all that flees, all that sings, all that speaks, ask them all what time it is.And the wind, the wave, the bird, the clock will answer: “it is time to get drunk!”

So as not to be the tortured slaves of Time, get drunk; get drunk relentlessly!

With wine, poetry, love or virtue, as you please.

La Maison dÁneli Teleport: Enivrez-vous / Get Drunk – Tutsy Navarathna + Eupalinos Ugajin

*La maison d’ Aneli fin Avril une installation avec Eupalinos Ugajin sur le poĂšme de Charles Baudelaire « Enivrez vous Â»

Enivrez vousIl faut ĂȘtre toujours ivre, tout est lĂ  ; c’est l’unique question. Pour ne pas sentir l’horrible fardeau du temps qui brise vos Ă©paules et vous penche vers la terre, il faut vous enivrer sans trĂȘve. Mais de quoi? De vin, de poĂ©sie, ou de vertu Ă  votre guise, mais enivrez-vous! Et si quelquefois, sur les marches d’un palais, sur l’herbe verte d’un fossĂ©, dans la solitude morne de votre chambre, vous vous rĂ©veillez, l’ivresse dĂ©jĂ  diminuĂ©e ou disparue, demandez au vent, Ă  la vague, Ă  l’étoile, Ă  l’oiseau, Ă  l’horloge, Ă  tout ce qui fuit, Ă  tout ce qui gĂ©mit, Ă  tout ce qui roule, Ă  tout ce qui chante, Ă  tout ce qui parle, demandez quelle heure il est ; et le vent, la vague, l’étoile, l’oiseau, l’horloge, vous rĂ©pondront : « Il est l’heure de s’enivrer ! Pour n’ĂȘtre pas les esclaves martyrisĂ©s du Temps, enivrez-vous ; enivrez-vous sans cesse !

De vin, de poésie ou de vertu, à votre guise. »Charle Baudelaire (1821 1867, le spleen de Paris XXXIII

Poster enivrez vous def
Tutsy Navarathna Bio

A new medium for new messages
Marshall McLuhan.

Tutsy Navarathna French Multi- Media artist « Video, painting, photos
At  this moment experimenting virtual world, creating photos and machinima in Second Life.
His films presented around the world at various festivals have won numerous awards.

Also several exhibitions and installations of photos including :
Nitroglobus Gallery, Berg by Nordan, Metales, Itakos Gallery, La Maison d’Anelie, Voir Gallery, Galerie des machines, Vibes Gallery

les journe╠ues lentes saccumulent
Les journeâ• ĂŒes lentes s’accumulent by Tutsy Navarathna

Follow Tutsy Navarathna: Facebook InstagramFlickrYouTube – E-Mail:

nostalgie de la lumiere
Nostalgie de la lumiere by Tutsy Navarathna

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