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Dixmix Source

Dixmix Source entered Second Life for the first time on November 10, 2006.

Belgian artist, photographer, director, musician, curator and owner of the Dixmix Gallery since 2007.

He owns a music video production company and the official national newspapers have declared his status as an artist.

He himself said that he never asked about the label “artist”, he got this label from those who looked at his life’s work and reported about it.
Dixmix says he never had an undue need to be an artist, for him it was a means of having fun.

His inspiration comes from many places, the nature of a simple imagination, sometimes he feels attracted to heaven, where he sees the variations of blue and gray tones, other times inspiration comes from his deep inside.

Poetry can also lead Dixmix into a new dimension and depth,
be it how light hits an object or a person and makes it so special, beautiful or interesting, or the desire to capture a special moment.

He doesn’t follow any specific process, he just lets things run organically.

That this is actually the case is shown by the example when his business partner took his beautiful ring from a coffee cup and placed it on the table. The imprint of the ring would become his company’s logo.

Art is omnipresent for Dixmix and the feeling he gets when he sees something he likes is always there, the way he perceives art changes with time and context.

In his role as a curator, it’s not just about inviting artists and letting them do their work, he’s always interested in a healthy exchange with one another, familiarizing the artist with the idea and information on how the art works should be presented in the best possible way and is always there making sure that everything really fits together perfectly.

Some photographers (like himself) have many different genres (portrait, surreal, landscapes, erotic), Dixmix always makes a strong selection and makes sure that all images in a series match.

If he is impressed by a art work, he checks the production quality and style, seeks a conversation with the artist and discusses whether a collaboration for an exhibition can take place.

It is very important to him what an artist presents in his gallery and he is always involved in the selection process, he supports and encourages the artists to produce exclusive pieces for the exhibition in his gallery.

He is a man who can definitely always rely on his own actions, a man who learns from the past, dreams of the future, and always looks up.

In our interview he told me that he is a fan of Sheldon Cooper which really made me laugh as I also find some traits of Sheldon in Dixmix, especially when it comes to innocence and humor.


I’ve known Dixmix for a very long time.

There is hardly an exhibition in all of the years that I have not visited.
For me, his exhibitions have a very special charm.
On the one hand because of the quality of the art he is presenting, on the other because I can always intuitively feel the good cooperation between the artist and his person. This connectedness and togetherness is always quietly present, while you don’t hear a lot of words, rather an inner satisfaction that is reflected in the whole mood at the exhibitions.

The cooperation with Dixmix is ​​accompanied by a healthy dose of humor, he is a very reliable partner, an advanced thinker who has mastered the most important components for effective and productive communication.

In addition to his art and gallery, I really appreciate his ability to build trust, expand it, and his professional approach as well as his competence, be it in solving problems or with new ideas.

A very respectful person who is always looking for solutions, has an interest in the well-being of his partners and friends and this is also reflected in very good cooperation with him.

Dixmix not only inspires with its art and gallery but also with its multi-layered arrangements in its music sets. He has a fantastic feeling and in fact he manages to teleport us into another dimension with his choice of music.

I would like to end my introduction to our interview with text I found in Dixmix SL Picks:

“Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden. “

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Interview with Dixmix Source


Your life without art would be …

Dixmix: Life without art is like eating frites without salt. 

It would be terribly boring and tasteless.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

Dixmix: Inspiration can come from anywhere and everywhere. All of nature in fact. The simple notion of looking at a sky, and seeing within that, ‘art’ ; it’s never just blue, but rather shades of blue and gray mixed with light. 

My inspiration comes from many  places.

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What is your work about?

Dixmix: Sometimes it comes from a deeper place within, like my last show, using a theme of doorways and a connection to travel, as the  point of departure for the work, and the poetry came as a result, adding to this dimension and depth, and sometimes it’s just about capturing a moment in time. For example, the way light hits an object or a person making it beautiful or interesting.

How is the artistic process like there? Do you see an object / person / landscape first and then the idea comes up? Or is it upside down?

Dixmix:  I have no specific process. I just let things go organically.

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Your mantra?

Dixmix: One of my personal mantras is, “I can definitely depend on my actions”.

Currently, the best place for you in SL?

Dixmix: I have a secret place that I only share with friends.

A question that moves you right now …

Dixmix: A little Shakespeare applied to SL … To TP or not to TP?

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Is there a work of art in your life that particularly impressed you?

Dixmix: I had a music video production company. My  business partner left  the most beautiful ring on the table from his coffee cup. This image became our logo. I look at it everyday, and am reminded that I see “art” everywhere.

What is art for you – now completely independent of the usual definitions?

Dixmix: I don’t want to look pretentious, art for me is about the feeling I get when i see something i like, some are good to intellectualize about, some are just visceral reactions.

I generally go in the opposite direction, the way we perceive art changes with time and context.

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Was there a key experience or has the artist profession always been your dearest wish?

Dixmix: My official national papers, declares my status is “artist” .

Do you think I asked for that? No way.

They looked at what I had been busy doing during my life, and gave me the label.

Honestly, It was never a professional need, but rather a means for having fun.

What drives you?

Dixmix: Black coffees matter!  

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Do you feel understood with your art?

Dixmix: Not even by me … sigh

Do you think that you can make a difference with your art?

Dixmix: No, I don’t. 

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Do you think that everyone is an artist?

Dixmix: I certainly don’t feel like an artist, and worse, I don’t like the ones who pretend to be an artist.

Do you have any role models? If yes, which?

Dixmix: I dont have any or maybe I have too many.

But I am a fan of Sheldon Cooper.

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What does the term art mean to you?

Dixmix: Marcel Duchamp said, “Everything in life is art. If I call it art, it’s art, or if I hang it in a museum, it’s art”.

I feel the same.

Are there any topics that you are particularly interested in implementing?

Dixmix: To defy gravity while riding a bicycle.

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What is your strength?

Dixmix: My strengths are innocence, humor and being reliable.

What was the best advice you have ever received in SL?

Dixmix: RELOG, you’re orange.

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How it came to choose name “Dixmix” and why?

Dixmix: dixmix@gmail was my email and i thought i could change the name after, i can’t and i had no clue 15 year later Dixmix would still be active in SL.

What have moved you to open first Gallery?

Dixmix: I showed some of my abstract RL pictures to a friend who told me to import them in sl to show them in world. Quickly my NY loft turned into a gallery and i invited another photographer, then an another, then it’s history.

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Dixmix projects and exhibitions can be seen at the Dixmix Gallery .

In one of interview´s time ago, for one Magazine Dixmix described his Bio in less then 50 words:

“When I rezzed I thought SL was a chat forum and then I discovered this new media, with many creators.

As I am an RL artist (director, photographer, musician) SL is an extension of my artistic life.”

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Dixmix Source – Artist, Photographer, Musician, director & Curator

Dixmix GalleryWebsiteFacebookInstagramFlickrTeleportDixmix Music

More about the new Dixmix and Gallery “the place to be” can be read in my introduction of Gallery.

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