7 August 2021 – 7 AM SLT – 23:00 JT

Please join us this Saturday August 7 at 7am SLT 23:00 JT

Back by popular demand: Rulie Cisse and Bamboo Barnes return to the Akipelago for their combined show:

“drop of the moon”

Once again, the concert will be held in the Qing Gallery of Akiniwa.

A note about settings:

Please: Use World | Environment | Use Shared Environment light <<– IMPORTANT!
Use Very High to Ultra Graphics
Advanced lighting model WITHOUT shadows
Draw distance around 128 m
Particles maximum.
Switch off your facelights.

If you are free please come and join us!

Qing Gallery of Akiniwa – Teleport

RulieBambooAki and Violet!

皆様 こんにちは。

ルリー・シセ(Rulie Cisse)とバンブー・バーンズ(Bamboo Barnes)の合同ショー第二弾 ”drop of the moon”「月の雫」をアキペラゴ (Akipelago) にて開催いたします。

前回同様アキペラゴ内, 秋庭 Qing Galleryにてのコンサート開催と


「 世界 | 自色環境 | 共有された環境を使用 」に設定してください。


RulieBambooAki and Violet!

Qing Gallery of Akiniwa – Teleport

Rulie Cisse, Bamboo Barnes, Aki and Violet!

drop of the moon square

Rulie Cisse Bio

Rulie Cisse is a Japanese pianist who is dedicated to delivering live, real-time improvised music with high quality sound, and has been performing internationally on the internet.

She presents “healing concerts” where the audience can relax and safely participate in a place of their choice, occasionally participating in improvisational collaborations with art, photography, and dance.

She has been performing live in Second Life since 2010, and her motto is “No Live, No Life”.

「吟遊ピアニスト:Rulie Cisse(るぅりぃ・ちせ)」は、リアルタイムでの即興演奏を高音質で、しかも生のまま皆様にお届けする事にこだわり、ネットの世界をステージにして国際的な演奏活動を展開する、日本の「吟遊ピアニスト」です。



YouTube provides not only archives of past performances, but also real-time footage of the concert, and footage of the “insider” performing in the real world in real time. Please watch and participate wherever you like, from your favorite platform.


YouTube – Rulie Cisseチャンネル – Rulie Cisse公式ブログ Official Blog  ライブ、ビジネスやコラボレーションの情報

FaceBook – Twitter

Internet Radio ※24時間ノンストップ・インターネットラジオ(セカンドライフの土地にも流せます)

【セカンドライフ内のオフィス】アバターでお立ち寄りいただけます RULIE CISSE Management Office in Second Life


Inquiries about fan group participation and performances in inworld.

Bamboo Barnes Bio

Self–taught artist, creating digital art in virtual worlds (Second life) since 2011

I began making images in Second life in 2011 with avatar screenshots. Seeing 3D installation works in SL in 2013 changed my art-making path completely, as I fell in love with them. Since then, I am on my way. After 10 years I am still making images in the metaverse of SL as an artist, I am learning and developing everyday:

Art is never finished, just abandoned.
The artworks in this exhibit are about my emotions which aren’t clear to see. I hope that you will see something in them for you. Life goes on.
” Bamboo Barnes

Bamboo Barnes wishes to thank:
Hans Goosson for your constant support.
Haveit Neox , Theda Tammas, Livio Korobase, JadeYu Fhang, Cherry Manga, Rebeca Bashly, Giovanna Cerise, Bryn Oh , Mistero Hifeng and all other 3D installation artists. Your artworks make me stay in Second life.
Thank you to all the gallery owners and curators for your endless patience and support.


2021 April 24th ~ 28th May 2021 “Marginal Mannerism” at DIXMIX Gallery

2021 Feb 27th to March / ” Blue Snow” at Kondor Art center

2020 October ~ present/ ArtCare gallery

2020 Sep–present / “Receding Reality” at Ribong Gallery Artspace 2243

2020 Aug–Sep / “Where the Rainbow Ends” at Hannington Endowment for The Arts

2020 July -present at Akiniwa (SL art and RL art) Bamboo´s hall Akiniwa – Bamboo´s corner 2 Akiniwa

2020 April–Sep / “Meant to be” at Itakos Project

2020 Jun / “Tranquil droplet” at Nitroglobus Roof Gallery

2020 Jan 31–May 29 / “Shelter” at MEA

2020 Mar–Apr / “Bamboo Barnes” at Hoot Suite Art Gallery

2019 Oct–2020 Feb. / “Maze” at ArtCare Gallery

2018 Mar 21–May 20 / “Mind” at Koka Gallery

2019 Jul 20–Sep / “Faces” at Art Free

June 2017–present / Ongoing solo exhibits at The Galleries (2020 Mar, Jul; 2019 Jul, Nov; 2018 Apr, Jul, Dec; 2017 Jun, Nov)

June 2017–present / Ongoing solo exhibits at Vision of Beauty Art Complex (2019 Jul, Aug, Dec; 2018 Jul, Aug, Dec; 2017 Jul, Dec)

2016 Dec / “Themeless Colors” at Empusa Art Gallery
2015 Sep./ Windlight gallery
2015 July / “Outside and Inside,” co-exhibit with Livio Korobase at LEA11
2014 / RoseTheater Gallery4
2013 / RoseTheater Gallery4
2013 Jul / Ub’s


2020 Oct- / ArtCare Gallery

2019 Nov–2020 Jan / Art In the Park Gallery
2019 Dec 11–2020 Jan 10 / VeGeTaL PLaNeT
2019 Dec 2–31 / Merry Arts
2018 Jan–Feb / Kandis Gallery
2017 Oct / TerpsiCorps Isle
2017 June / LEA10
2014 Spring / Creation Park
2014 / BlueMoonGallery
2013 Sep–2014 Feb / “The Freedom Projects” at University of Western Australia sim
2013 June / “Art Festival” at MadPea
2013 April–May / BlueMoonGallery
2013 March / Art4U
2013 Spring / Creation Park


2021 April 23 / VIRTUALITY – Interview with Bamboo Barnes

2021 March 10 / “Bamboo’s Blue Snow in Second life”

2020 October 14 / VIRTUALITY

2020 Jun 8 / “Tranquil Droplets at Nitroglobus in Second Life” by Inara Pey

2020 Apr 16 / Review of “Meant to be” exhibition at Itakos gallery in Second Life by Diomita Maurer


2017 Sep 7 / “Cajsa’s Choices: Bamboo Barnes Turns Second Life Screenshots Into Brilliant Abstract Art” by Cajsa Little hook

“Thank you to Mr. Haveit Neox for kindly displaying my images at his own sim: ACC Alpha/114/169/355”

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