Are you a creator and would like to share your work in one place that lists all the items in your specific category? Or do you host events and want to give your event maximum visibility? We could go on and on with these examples, but I think you get the point 🙂
2.Life Classified is a free service inspired by modern RL classifieds: items, events, services, and more are all organized by category and keywords so that people searching for a specific item/event/service can quickly get relevant results.
If you are wondering what a classified site is, here is a good example: As you can see, the categories have the function of helping the visitor search, and the seller benefits because he will more easily reach people interested in his product/service.

The most fascinating aspect of this promotional system is that any creator/event manager can add his or her own items/services independently without filling out tedious applications and waiting for a response from the owner.


The creator/event manager must register and create an account.

Sign In
The 2.Life Classified registration area
Sign In 2
The 2.Life Classified registration area

Click on “Register” to create an account.

The 2.Life Classified registration area

Fill out this form and verify your e-mail address. The system asks you to accept our terms and conditions: read before accepting, please. You are logged in when you see your name at the top of the right:

your name
The 2.Life Classified logging area

You’re done! When you have an account, and you are logged in you can add your first listing 🙂

add listing
The 2.Life Classified listing area

Now you can add your item/event details: select the correct category → choose an image (1024X1024 px is perfect) → add a description (the more detailed you are, the easier is for customers to find your item/event)

add details

Click “Submit Listing” to publish your item/event.

All done! Now your item/event is published, and you can find it in the 2.Life Classified Page (select the category you choose above).

Feel free to explore some of our categories to have an idea:

And here are some listings:

You can select your favorite items and contact the seller if you like (if you are the seller people can contact you).

2.Life Classified is a “democratic” content sharing system that allows event creators/organizers to share their content instantly and for free.
It is much simpler than inworld notices and more straightforward than applications subject to approval.


Feel free to reach us out for futher information.

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