The Dixmix Art Gallery is an artist living room that I have appreciated and frequented for about two years.

The Gallery is owned by Megan Prumier and by Dixmix Source, whose name it bears. The building is exquisite and holds three spaces for three different art galleries. In particular, they are the “Grey Gallery,” the “Black Gallery” and the “White Gallery.”

At this moment when I’m visiting the Art Gallery, the Gray one hosts the artworks of the same DixMix Source, with the exhibition entitled “Extases.” Starting from a photograph, he realizes artistic works that look like drawings on a rough canvas.

Dixmix, in the presentation of his artistic project, says he has found the right inspiration in the Real Life works. In fact, as I said, his art looks like drawings on a rough canvas. The real-life artist who inspired this latest collection of Source is the French Ernest Pignon. As he says, this artist has been a source of inspiration, so was born in Dixmix the desire to create drawings also in the virtual environment.

More specifically, the collection consists of twelve acquisitions made for SL® with different themes (between spiritual and carnal, mystical and sensual), all located immediately at the entrance to the Gallery.

As mentioned, the inspiring French artist of the latest Dixmix Source collection is Ernest Pignon, an exponent of the Fluxus movement and situationism. His artistic research has like his purpose investigating the memories of places, which the artist evokes suggestively through site-specific displays of posters, drawings, and serigraphs. His fondness for the creation of works strongly related to the location of the destination, the political, cultural and social commitment shown in his work, in addition to a situationist and unsettling approach of his ephemeral installations, make Pignon considered today among the forerunners of the street art movement. The first project on the street dates back to 1966 and concerns the construction on the Albion plateau of a series of stencils depicting victims of the nuclear disaster in Hiroshima, in critical response to the creation of a launch base for nuclear missiles in the area. The profound link between work and context becomes from this moment a crucial aspect for Pignon, who rejects the art system, preferring to express himself directly in the places of inspiration. With this spirit, the following projects are also born, such as the vast poster set-up realized on the occasion of the centenary of the Parisian Commune (1971) or in the works accomplished in the town of Certaldo (Florence) in homage to Boccaccio and Pasolini (1980).

Dixmix Source thanks, those who have helped him for the realization of this innovative project, in particular, Kimi Eleonara for the static laying animations, Burk Bode for the shapes, So Lecker as a model and Jil Bonetto and Ica84 for the mesh canvas.

Cecilia Nansen Mode is a guest of the “White Gallery” at the DixmiX Art Gallery with her exhibition entitled “Within the voice of Björk.” I think the presentation that the same artist writes is the best to introduce her photographic art. 

“Within the voice of Björk I hear the roars of a beast of the North, cutting and scratching her way through life. The beast within a woman, fighting her roles, her sexuality, her need to fight the known, the comfortable and conform. The predictable and the expected.
Within the voice of Björk I hear the little girl; the soft and very tiny girl, pleasing and sweet. A girl, insecure and needy for protection, love, care, acceptance and to belong.
Within the voice of Björk, I hear the finest and most delicate tones, the softness of a winter lily, the thin film of frost on a morning window. The ballads of small Icelandic springs, and the waves of mountain grass swaying over the lands. Knowing ….knowing deep within it, a volcano resides. An inner volcano ready to spur in huge explosions, in sounds no one can even define as human.
Within the voice of Björk, I hear passion, anger, love, hate, hope, and fear. The deepest frustration and the highest of happiness. The acceptance of depression, the orgasmic explosions of joy.
– I hear a woman, I hear all women, I hear myself.”

The singer Björk with her distinctive voice is, therefore, the source of inspiration for Cecilia’s works. She manages to capture the nuances of the famous singer, who brilliantly interprets different emotions. Enigmatic, magnetic and revolutionary, Iceland’s elven voice has combined a trip of the techno sound, trip-hop, jazz and pop to unique experimentation of its kind.

From iconic looks to psychedelic video clips, Björk has sold forty million records without betraying her original nature. Twenty-four years of music that, from the timeless Debut, have seen the Icelandic songwriter turn into a geisha, a robot, and a virtual muse. A triumph of masks that, even today, consecrates Björk, the queen of transformism.

The “Black Gallery” holds the photographs of Freekency Banx. The placement of this artist in the Gallery is pertinent because his works are in black and white with a predominance of dark colors. The images of this artist are narratives, telling stories of everyday life. The general tones in his communicative artistic works are humor, grotesque, mystery, and terror. Among the exhibited works, my favorite image is called “Kingsman“; I particularly appreciate it, because it reminds me of the best style of excellent real life photographers who prefer black and white style. For example, I think of Szymon Brodziak.

The Dixmix Art Gallery is an essential point of reference for photographers, so I suggest to periodically visit to explore what’s new in SL® photography planet.


DiXMiX Art Gallery

Dixmix Source Flickr

Cecilia Nansen Mode Flickr

Freekency Banx Flickr

Other bloggers wrote…

The Dixmix Art Gallery in Second Life®

The Dixmix Art Gallery in Second Life®

Currently on display within the Black Gallery hall at DixMix Gallery, curated by Dixmix Source, is a selection of images by Cecilia Nansen Mode – whom I confess is one of my favorite exponents of the art of avatar studies. Entitled Within the Voice of Björk, the selection features some fifteen images inspired by the lyrics of thirteen songs by Icelandic singer Björk.

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The DiXmiX Art Gallery in SecondLife®

The DiXmiX Art Gallery in SecondLife®

The latest exhibition at DiXmiX Gallery, which opened on Wednesday, November 23rd 2016, features the art of Fingers (Fingers Scintilla) and Maloe Vansant, together with a new display of work by gallery owner and curator, DixMix Source.

Maloe and Fingers are ideally suited to be exhibited together: there is something of a similarity in style and vision in their work, and the pieces displayed at DiXmiX underline this perfectly, presenting a combined, yet highly individual pairing of studies.

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DiXMiX Art Gallery in Second Life®

DiXMiX Art Gallery in Second Life®

The DiXmiX Gallery, curated by Dixmix Source, is currently showing several concurrent exhibitions in its various galleries. The work of Fingers Scintilla (image above) recently opened at the White Gallery, where his portraits, often infused with bright colors, feature faces that stare out to us, sometimes impassively and sometimes fraught with emotion. In the Black Gallery, monochrome works by Gaus (Cicciuzzo Gausman) (image below) explore the female form, and these will remain on display until about December 8.

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The DiXMiX Art gallery entrance in Second Life®

The DiXMiX Art gallery entrance in Second Life®

Have you ever been so at one with art, that you ate, slept, and breathed it, just for starters?  A lot of what draws us here to Second Life, is the beauty to create and share, so this seems a very obvious answer, but I wanted to share my experience of DiXmiX Gallery with you, anyway!  You see, this place called to me, all my senses were stimulated by the unrelenting aesthetics here.

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The DiXMiX art Gallery in Second Life®

The DiXMiX art Gallery in Second Life®

The sim Furillen, curated by Serene Footman (read here) has become one of Second Life’s most often photographed sims. Recently, photographers were encouraged to submit their best images to Dixmix Source, who has selected seven outstanding works to exhibit in his DiXmiX Gallery, and these — by Iolanda Weidman, MollyWolliDoodle, Hayel Bracula, NikaLee, Oyona, Laura Mrs S, and Magic Maker — will remain on display in the Grey Gallery through the end of October. Additionally, in the White Gallery is a new show of striking images by Vallys Baxter entitled Women in Red. Additional exhibits are ongoing in DiXmiX’s other gallery spaces.

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The DiXMiX Art gallery in Second Life®

The DiXMiX Art gallery in Second Life®

Now open is the inaugural exhibition in the new DiXmiX Gallery (much expanded over its original incarnation, and once again beautifully designed by Megan Prumier), curated by Dixmix Source, and featuring artworks by Ariel Brearly, Grazia Horwitz, Ziki Questi, both Dixmix Source and Megan Prumier, and other artists. “We have built a realistic looking place to host Second Life’s Art, Photography, Sculpture, and Music events in one gallery where we hope you will enjoy to hang around and see works from talented artists,” says Dixmix. Ariel’s dreamy and evocative work, hosted in a double-height foyer (image above), are favorites from Dixmix’s own collection; he plans to invite the artist to display additional works in a forthcoming exhibition.

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The DiXMix Art gallery in Second Life®

The DiXMix Art gallery in Second Life®

Opening on Saturday, September 17th at 12: 00-noon SLT is the DiXmiX Gallery, a new venue for 2D and 3D art and for music in Second Life.

Designed by Megan Prumier (famous for Crimarizon and Deadpool) and curated by Dixmix Source, the gallery offers a large foyer area and three halls for art displays – the Black and the White Gallery Halls, which are apparently to be dedicated to monochrome art, with the Grey Gallery linking them. Art in these halls may be split over two levels, the ground floor, and a mezzanine area, while a music venue, The Atom, completes the major facilities.

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The DiXMix art Gallery in Second Life®

The DiXMix art Gallery in Second Life®

Now on display at the Dixmix Gallery, curated by dixmix Source, is Escape in the Landscapes, an exhibition of landscapes by Megan Prumier and Lam Erin. It’s a pleasure to see works by both artists: Megan may be best known to others as a builder and creator, but her luminous images are beautifully composed, and, as dixmix remarked as we talked, Lam “has very rarely shown inworld.”

(click on the image to read the entire article)

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