Lately, I have had the pleasure to visit “Lawst Paradise Art Gallery” that currently entertains the jobs of Treacle Darlandes.
Fractals, as well as geometric art 2D and 3D, are the protagonists in this beautiful art exhibition.
At “Lawst Paradise Art Gallery” geometry and art live the same house.
The fractals represent the abstract image in movement as 3D geometric, animated by special scripts.

Visiting the gallery, you can observe different geometric forms, colored and animated in a different way among them.
To the entry, there is a room to the right, where there are made of sculptures, realized in Second Life® in a stylized way, those give the welcome to the visitor.
The play of light helps to make these sculptures expressive, even though the shapes are hardly outlined.
In different points of the Gallery, you can find the “gifts” for the guests and one of them, it is really in this room of the sculptures, entering immediately to the right.
In the main room on the ground floor live fractals and abstract 3D art in movement, all embellished by the decoration of numerous and welcoming candles.
Some sculptures emit their own music specially created for them by Nicolas Skytower (name in Second Life). He is a composer in Real Life and is called Claus Grahrn.

The music is an important topic in this performance, treated very well in the room of musical instruments represented in a stylized way upstairs.
I confess that I like the idea of music combined with sculptures, I think it’s original, an interesting idea.
The sounds are relaxing and suitable for meditation, as they are the statues and fractals, characterized by their slow and delicate movements.


Where: Lawst Paradise Art Gallery, owned by ZRM-LS Holdings

ArtistTreacle Darlandes and Nicolas Skytower


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