I live in one of those areas that are defined as “red” because the Italian government quarantines them.

In particular, I am in Lombardy in the city of Milan. Here the situation is complicated: at work, in the family, in leisure time, in relationships with others. In any form of interaction, the limits are many. Of course, these are sensible limits, which are dictated by the need to reduce the danger of spreading the virus.

What we know for sure is that it is not a simple flu virus, some people are not at all elderly in severe respiratory conditions, attached to a respirator to live and is in intensive care. Among them, there are not necessarily people with previous pathologies. The situation is even more difficult, considering that many people do not respect the limits that are imposed by the authority. A strict discipline would be needed to limit the spread of the virus, such as the one that the Chinese have implemented.
We are in quarantine; we cannot leave Lombardy nor move within the same region unless particular reasons must be authorized first. We are afraid.

Since the particular situation, I don’t feel at the time of writing on this blog.
The writing and production of podcasts and video content are suspended, hoping that the emergency will pass as soon as possible.
God help us.

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