Portrait Vallys Baxter VallysValife
Portrait Vallys Baxter (VallysValife)

Vallys Bexter joined Second Life on January 7, 2007.

Vallys is a “sociable loner”.
In her “hiding place” in Second Life, she devotes herself to the things she likes most, photography and writing.

Often inspired spontaneously, by music, words, situations, emotions, sometimes by a film or a book, she transports her visions into her photos.
Vally’s works are often in red, black, white 50/50 shades.

She has been interested in photography since her youth.
In her passion for science fiction, she is drawn to Jules Verne’s works.
Vallys is heavily influenced by the stories of “Women and Work” by Audrey Hepburn, Vivian Maier and Fran Lebowitz.

She loves “the written word” and describes “art” as the convergence of vibration: “les sens dans tous les sens”.

Vallys is resilient, always busy, love to laugh and follows the good advice: “We learn by walking”

One great artist and person who care about world and humans, our future and our feelings, about all good in us jet never forget also the opposite side of human character.

“Red is my dark side. Blue is my quiet side.
Purple is my medium side. White is my shadow.
Black is my light….” by Vallys Baxter

Paint It Black by Vallys Baxter VallysValife
Paint It Black by Vallys Baxter (VallysValife)


Your life without art would be …
Vallys: A body without a soul, a heart without beating, light without darkness…

Where do you get your inspiration from?

Vallys: Emotion, soul, passion, words, music, humanity without moderation.
A super active right brain.

What is your work about?

Instinctively I visualize and transpose, often with red, black, white… 50/50 shades, sensuality, erotic, feeling, portraits … and many things.

How is the artistic process like there? Do you see an object / person / landscape first and then the idea comes up? Or is it upside down?

Vallys: At 95% I am spontaneous in my virtual or real photo, otherwise I appreciate collaborations with specific ideas of poses or referring to music, a film, a book, characters.

Your mantra?
Vallys: Aloha

Currently, the best place for you in SL?
Vallys: My lair… I’m a sociable loner.

I rent a great place since 2014 where I always change decor. But I admit from time to time to walk here and there and for the exhibitions.
We are a lucky SL to have many people sharing their art of building and decorating. I love that.

A question that moves you right now …
Vallys: Uh… There are so many… But I wonder how the world is going to evolve for my children, our children when I see everything going on here and there.

Humans are capable of both the best and the worst.

Is there a work of art in your life that particularly impressed you?
Wallys: Still a lot of things and that’s what is fascinating to have the choice. However, I have a passion for words and science fiction, so the works of Jules Verne talk to me.

What is art for you – now completely independent of the usual definitions?
Wallys: Easy question for me. For many years this quote sums up perfectly my look at art, in all its forms …

” Vision is the art of seeing things invisible” – Jonathan Swift

Was there a key experience or has the artist profession always been your dearest wish?
Vallys: As a teenager, I did a lot of argentic photography.

I would like to get back to it one day, maybe when I retire. Otherwise, for a few years now, I’ve been trying to write a book … I take my time, I document myself, I write, I erase, I rewrite passages, maybe one day I’ll finish it … or not.

What drives you?
Wallys: Passion, sharing, smiles, laughter, observe as much as possible, learn again and again, stay myself and love life

Do you feel understood with your art?
Wallys: Everyone has their own perception at all times. I deal with different themes. Some are very eloquent, others more subtle.

Like an open book, with a few watermarked pages. In fact, I like people to guess, imagine, wonder… “What exactly did she mean?” Part mysterious, part mischievous…

Do you think that you can make a difference with your art?
Vallys: I don’t know about mine… I compare art to cooking. To appreciate it, we need several ingredients, flavors, smells that come from all over the world. The differences are essential at all levels.

Do you think that everyone is an artist?
Wallys: We are all artists of our own lives already. Some are better at words, music, drawing, sculpture, photography, architecture, fashion design, etc.
I like the idea that everyone can try to be passionate about art, observe and appreciate in all their palettes. It’s rich for the soul.

Do you have any role models? If yes, which?
Vallys: I like what is unconventional… I also think of 3 incredible stories, women and work… Audrey Hepburn, Vivian Maier and Fran Lebowitz.

What does the term art mean to you?
Vallys: Vibration’s convergence … “les sens dans tous les sens”

Are there any topics that you are particularly interested in implementing?
Wallys: I think I do it as much as possible. Maybe one day my artistic universe will evolve differently, probably through photography. It’s also good to let yourself be guided by the passage of time.

What is your strength?
Vallys: Resilient…

What was the best advice you have ever received in SL?
Vallys: “We learn by walking”

Your next projects, exhibitions. Where your art can be seen?

Vallys: I am glad to join the awesome sim of Ñïéü™ and Belice, and they proposed me a gallery. So my next exhibition at Noir’Wen, 21st march, theme “FreeDÂme”

Teleport to VallysValife : gallery n°14 – Noir´Wen City

And in April, I’ll participate for a new exhibition with 3 new pictures for “L’Autre Oeil”.

Vice et Versa WIth Class by Vallys Baxter VallysValife
Vice et Versa WIth Class by Vallys Baxter (VallysValife)

“When all is revealed …
In the combo of words and evils,
Such a mishmash coming out of sleep,
In the pleasure of transposing my emotions into demos,
And through this skylight, filter my watermarks,
The great arcane of my soul.”
by Vallys Baxter

Vallys Baxter Bio

“Passionate about photography, words and music, I also transpose all this into images with different vibrations.
From simple portraits to eroticism, passing by the sensual and emotional aspect, I try to tame the light and the dark, by favoring my favorite colors like red, black and white.”

“Passionnée par la photographie, les mots et la musique, je transpose avec différentes vibrations tout cela en image également.
Du simple portrait à l’érotisme, en passant par l’aspect sensuel et émotionnel, j’essaie de dompter la lumière et l’obscurité, en favorisant mes couleurs de prédilections comme le rouge, le noir et le blanc.”

Vallys Baxter Flickr

Vallys Baxter Website

La Rumeur de Paris.30 by Vallys Baxter VallysValife
La Rumeur de Paris.30 by Vallys Baxter (VallysValife)

“Quand toutε chosε sε rêé√éillε*…
Dans lε combo dε mots εt dεs maux,
Tεl un méli-mélo sortant du sommεil,
Dans lε plaisir dε transposεr εn démos, mεs émos,
Et dε par cεttε lucarnε, filtrεr mεs ƒiligranεs,
L’arcanε majεur dε mon âmε. “
(écrit par moi -√allys √aLiƒε.04_2013)

Art Promotion by Violet Boa

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