Sabina Valeska, the videographer of iLoveEvents.Online, has created a short but intense storytelling dedicated to the new Halloween-themed destination created by the talented landscaper Terry Fotherington. The sim is group-owned by the Frogmore Land Management Group (secondlife:///app/group/e936e4a3-ca1e-e50a-df1f-2341899527fe/about COPY AND PASTE IN LOCAL CHAT). In addition to having an unquestionable talent for creating SL (machinima) videos, Sabina also expresses her emotions and noble feelings with sweetness and naturalness.
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Thank you for the great blog post for Witherwood Thicket, which is one of my regions. I did a lot of research for this sim design.
Dear reader,
Thank you for your comment. I apologize for any confusion regarding the landscaper. I wrote that Terry Fotherington is the landscaper because I saw his items all over the region. Please let me know if I have misunderstood anything and need to make corrections.
Thank you for your understanding.