Sundays at 5:00pm and Wednesdays at 5:00pm thought December

in Ballet Pixelle’s new Grand Theatre

Ballet Pixelle performs its version of the Nutcracker (“The Nut”) for the fourteenth year this holiday season. “The Nut” is Ballet Pixelle’s essence of The Nutcracker so you can see just the wonderful dances.

In Ballet Pixelle’s constant quest to blend and explore physical and virtual dance, several surprises await you!

Does Clara become the Princess to her Nutcracker as he becomes the Prince of her dreams? We see mysterious dances in the white castle. Arabian dancers fly in on magic carpets. A Russian cossack stamps out a dance. Matryoshka dolls roll and play. Chinese empresses and emperors move on delicate feet and Spanish señoras and señoritas prance flamboyantly. And even snowflakes dance!

Join us for an evening of classic, and yet new, holiday delights.

Ballet Pixelle The Nut Poster

Ballet Pixelle®

Is the first performing ballet company in the virtual global community Second Life®. Says the Company’s founder, Inarra Saarinen,

“As artistic director of the Company since its inception, I have enormous pride in Ballet Pixelle. Our goal is to investigate and explore the interaction and intersection of physical and virtual dance and blended realities. We perform in the virtual reality of Second Life as well as in the physical reality of First Life (Australia, England, Germany, Japan, USA for example). We are excited to celebrate the future of dance.

We are dancing into the digital future!”

Members of Ballet Pixelle come together from all over the world, including Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. Animations are created by Inarra Saarinen and put into dance phrases. There are no artificial synchronizing devices and the dancers truly perform dancing with each other and the music. Each performance is truly live and unique, and takes advantage of the characteristics of Second Life to extend the art of the ballet in new directions.

For More Information

For more information on Ballet Pixelle®, search for the group “Ballet Pixelle” in Second Life® and join the group to receive notices of all performances, auditions, newsletters, and other news and invitations.

There is also Subscribe Service in the theater which allows you to receive notices without joining the group.

Ballet Pixelle Webseite

Ballet Pixelle Facebook

Ballet Pixelle Wikipedia

Ballet Pixelle Winter Logo

Machinimas (videos) and information on previous ballets, information on auditions, current Company members’ bios and photos, newsletters, press and reviews, etc. are available on these sites.

For Ballet Pixelle work done under the name Second Life Ballet you can search YouTube for Second Life Ballet or see the website.

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