6 November 2021 – 7 AM SLT – 23:00 JST

Akipelago presents,

Rulie Cisse & Kerupa Flow
piano and art monthly collaboration

[ Bonfire 2 ] 篝火 2

Bonfire is a term used to refer to the flames of firewood
that are burned as lights during nighttime performances of
“Noh”, a traditional Japanese performing art.

Stage Direction: Kerupa Flow
Piano Improvisation: Rulie Cisse
Sound & Streaming Engineer: Katsushi Sakamoto

RULIE CISSE YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/ayMEUtRnN94
4K live broadcast URL

Akimori – Kerupa Sphere Teleport

If you are free please come and join us!  
RulieKerupaAkiko & Violet

20211106 Rulie and Kerupa bonfire akipelago4 1024

土曜日の夜は「篝火2」in Akipelago 公演!
Windows 11環境からYouTube Liveの初配信となります^^

Saturday night is “Bonfire 2” in Akipelago!
This will be my first YouTube Live performance in Windows 11 environment.
A live improvised piano performance with improvised ART and production effects, an expression of sound and light that “no one knows what will happen”.
If you are not in Second Life, please experience it on YouTube.

A note about settings


Use World | Environment | Use Shared Environment light <<– IMPORTANT!
Draw distance around 128 m
Particles maximum.
Switch off your face lights.

皆様 こんにちは。


お願い  「 世界 | 自色環境 | 共有された環境を使用 」に設定してください。 <<–重要!

RulieKerupaと 秋子 & Violet

Rulie Cisse Bio

Rulie Cisse is a Japanese pianist who is dedicated to delivering live, real-time improvised music with high quality sound, and has been performing internationally on the internet.

She presents “healing concerts” where the audience can relax and safely participate in a place of their choice, occasionally participating in improvisational collaborations with art, photography, and dance.

She has been performing live in Second Life since 2010, and her motto is “No Live, No Life”.

「吟遊ピアニスト:Rulie Cisse(るぅりぃ・ちせ)」は、リアルタイムでの即興演奏を高音質で、しかも生のまま皆様にお届けする事にこだわり、ネットの世界をステージにして国際的な演奏活動を展開する、日本の「吟遊ピアニスト」です。



YouTube provides not only archives of past performances, but also real-time footage of the concert, and footage of the “insider” performing in the real world in real time. Please watch and participate wherever you like, from your favorite platform.


YouTube – Rulie Cisseチャンネル – Rulie Cisse公式ブログ Official Blog  ライブ、ビジネスやコラボレーションの情報

FaceBook – Twitter

Internet Radio ※24時間ノンストップ・インターネットラジオ(セカンドライフの土地にも流せます)

【セカンドライフ内のオフィス】アバターでお立ち寄りいただけます RULIE CISSE Management Office in Second Life


Inquiries about fan group participation and performances in inworld.

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Violet Boa – Akipelago PR & Art Promotion

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