360 GRADI Magazine is OUT! In this fifth issue of 360 GRADI Magazine, we explore three regions: Frogmore, KekeLand, and…

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360 GRADI Magazine is OUT! In this fifth issue of 360 GRADI Magazine, we explore three regions: Frogmore, KekeLand, and Noweeta. In the psychology column, we talk about cyborgs and tackle the relationship between man and machine. In the photography column, we meet Loverdag, a photographer who is characterized by her ability to create beautiful images without post-production work. In the music column, we meet Ve Joyy, a live singer characterized by a particular repertoire and a unique style. In the fashion sector, we explore a Parisian look and get to know the designer of MOGUL. Read the magazine: https://www.yumpu.com/kiosk/360GradiMagazine

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360 GRADI Magazine 2021 May – June is OUT!

360 GRADI Magazine is OUT!

In this fifth issue of 360 GRADI Magazine, we explore three regions: Frogmore, KekeLand, and Noweeta.
In the psychology column, we talk about cyborgs and tackle the relationship between man and machine.
In the photography column, we meet Loverdag, a photographer who is characterized by her ability to create beautiful images without post-production work.
In the music column, we meet Ve Joyy, a live singer characterized by a particular repertoire and a unique style.
In the fashion sector, we explore a Parisian look and get to know the designer of MOGUL.

Read the magazine:

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360 GRADI MAGAZINE Issue May-June preview

360 GRADI Magazine will be out very soon!


In this issue:
????What is it like to be a cyborg?
Variations on the theme of “being able to be”.
by Degoya Galthie

????Anja’s Surrealism
An emerging sensation in the art world of SL speaks about her remarkable journey, creating her own brand of surrealism and her latest exhibition at the Nitroglobus Gallery.
by Frank Atisso

????Ve Joyy
Let’s continue our journey between particular live singers whit a unique repertoire and style.
by Van Loopen

Urban, bold and classy. MOGUL’s creative director Dmitréi reveals.
by IlleTil Mote
… and much more!


Images by Jarla Capalini

360 GRADI Magazine: 2.4k views in one week. Thank you!

360 GRADI Magazine had 2.4 k views in just one week. It’s a result that makes us very happy and determined to continue to offer quality content to our readers.
In the next issue, we will have some news regarding staff members. Ladmilla Medier leaves the art section to Frank Atisso. Honey Bender joins the fashion section talking about specific stores and showing us their outfits.
At the moment there is a vacancy in the destinations section which normally offers two articles.
Anyone interested can contact me inworld (Oema Resident) or at the following e-mail address: 360gradi.sl@gmail.com.
Again, a big thank you to our readers!


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