A new Group Gift from violent seduction
This new great group gift is from Violent Seduction.
Teleport to Violent Seduction’s Mainstore
This new great group gift is from Violent Seduction.
Teleport to Violent Seduction’s Mainstore
A new skin gift from Pumec – Genus, Lelutka and Catwa.
Teleport to Pumec Mainstore.
This lingerie by La Perla is on marketplace for 1 L$.
Buy on marketplace.
Kaithleen’s store gives a new group gift for June. This merchant usually permits her costumers to take the previous gifts.
Teleport to Kaithleen’s store
Coffee Time & Croissant from B.H.D. Group:
In these days of the opening of SL 16B, I’m often going around shops. Unfortunately, the lag is very much, and moving is not easy. To get to a gift, this morning (Italian time) it took me 15 minutes (sigh). The effort was well spent because I could take this lovely gift of {le fil casse}.
But you won’t spend 15 minutes, because I am going to share the SLurl with you, girls. 🙂
{le fil casse} Rachelle Dress Sugarplum → Teleport to the store @SL 16B