The new Stilt Homes – preview and some considerations

I know it’s not a new topic and that many have already introduced the new Linden house theme, Stilt Homes.

Unfortunately, since I wanted to make a video, the first few days of the opening was impossible due to the many people present and the resulting lag. Now that several days have passed since the aperture, I was able to move with the 3D mouse in a reasonably fluid way. Although I have no cinematic pretensions, I believe that a jerky video is a pain more than a pleasure.

The new theme of Linden houses for premium users is called Stilt Homes: we do not know precisely when it will be available, hopefully on the occasion of the summer that has already begun. The structure of these houses resembles traditional ones, but on stilts. All in all, considering that the purpose is to offer beach houses, I think this solution is acceptable.

Reading on the community forums and other social networks such as Facebook, I realized that the interest in this new theme of houses is high. Personally, my Log Home still remains my favorite choice. Recently Daniel Voyager promoted a survey on user preferences regarding the different subjects offered for Linden houses. The result is a preference for Log Homes.

The Stilt Homes are divided into four types:

  • Lauderdale: on two floors, with two large rooms on the first floor, and two bedrooms on the first floor;
  • Havana: it has only one level, it is small but suggestive. There are 3 rooms, one of which is large and two smaller;
  • Tortuga: like the Havana has only one plan. The rooms are two and are very large and comfortable;
  • Santiago: it has two floors like Lauderdale, 2 rooms on the first floor and two on the second floor. The premises are small but well distributed.

I remember that the preview of this new type of case is available at the mega SL17B event. Once the happening has ended, it will no longer be possible to see this preview. For this reason, too, videos are an excellent resource.

When it is possible to choose the houses, we hope that some volunteers will make one available to be visited, so that, who is uncertain whether or not to accept this premium home solution, will have the opportunity to visit it. It would be desirable that it was Linden herself who made at least one house per type available to everyone for a free visit.


So che non è un argomento nuovo e che in molti hanno già introdotto il nuovo tema di case Linden, le Stilt Homes. Purtroppo, dal momento che desideravo realizzare un video, i primi giorni di apertura è stato impossibile a causa delle moltissime persone presenti e del conseguente lag.

Ora che sono trascorsi diversi giorni dall’apertura, mi è stato possibile muovermi col mouse 3D in modo abbastanza fluido. Pur non avendo pretese cinematografiche, credo che un video a scatti sia una sofferenza più che un piacere.

Il nuovo tema di case Linden per gli utenti premium si chiama Stilt Homes: non sappiamo con precisione quando sarà disponibile, si spera in occasione dell’estate ormai iniziata.

La struttura di queste case ricorda quelle tradizionali, ma su palafitte. Nel complesso, tenuto conto che lo scopo è di offrire case sulla spiaggia, credo che questa soluzione sia accettabile.

Leggendo sui forum della Community e su altri social come Facebook, mi sono resa conto che l’interesse verso questo nuovo tema di case è alto. Personalmente, la mia Log Home resta ancora la mia scelta preferita.

Recentemente Daniel Voyager ha promosso un sondaggio sulle preferenze degli utenti relativamente ai diversi temi offerti per le case linden. Il risultato è una preferenza per le Log Homes.

Le Stilt Homes si suddividono in quattro tipi:

  • Lauderdale: disposta su due piani, con due stanze grandi al primo piano, e due camere al primo piano;
  • Havana: ha un solo piano, è piccola ma suggestiva. Ci sono 3 stanze, di cui una ampia e due più piccole;
  • Tortuga: come l’Havana ha un solo piano. Le stanze sono due e sono molto ampie e confortevoli;
  • Santiago: ha due piani come la Lauderdale, 2 stanze al primo piano e due al secondo piano piano. I locali sono piccoli, ma ben ditribuiti.

Ricordo che l’anteprima di questa nuova tipologia di case è disponibile al mega evento SL17B. Una volta che l’evento sarà terminato, non sarà più possibile vedere questa anteprima. Anche per questo motivo i video sono un’ottima risorsa. Quando sarà possibile scegliere le case, speriamo che qualche volontario ne metta una a disposizione per essere visitata, in modo che, chi è incerto se scegliere o meno questa soluzione di casa premium, abbia la possibilità di visitarla. Sarebbe auspicabile che fosse la medesima Linden a mettere almeno una casa per tipo a disposizione di tutti per una libera visita.

Teleport to → Stilt Homes Preview

SL17B Exhilarate

My Youtube Video – Stilt Homes

Fortnite increasingly similar to Second Life

I would like to talk about Fortnite and the evolution that, in this period, is making. Fortnite, the famous video game created in 2017 by Epic Games and People Can Fly, is trying to look more and more like Second Life.

Fortnite is trying to get closer to Second Life, perhaps hoping to become a Second Life 2.0. But why? What is its purpose, and why this sudden interest in virtual worlds?

The motivation is simple: the recent (dramatic) situation in which we found ourselves because of the Corona Virus, has forced us into the house for some time. This homestay has generated a great interest in virtual worlds, such as Second Life. It is no mystery that Second Life has had a significant increase in users precisely due to the home isolation that we had to respect.

We do not know how our life habits will change in the coming years, but there is certainly a renewed interest in smart-working and everything that involves remote interaction.
The ability to communicate with work colleagues in virtual rooms that mirror the real ones is exciting. In short, any virtual reality that can allow people to interact with each other in the same way they would in real life attracts the attention of different companies.

Epic Games, creator of Fortnite, is no exception.
The doubt that Fortnite was trying to emulate Second Life was born with the mega event of the famous DJ Travis Scott. I must admit that a spectacular event, light years away from the DJ events that occur in Second Life. 12.3 million people attended the event. Not all of them were present in Fortnite; most were simply in live-stream.

Before Travis Scott, DJ Marshmello had 10 million spectators: we were in February 2019.
At the beginning of May, Fortnite hosted another extraordinary DJ set with names known worldwide: Dillon Francis, Steve Aoki, and deadmau5.

It is news of a few days that Fortnite has opened a cinema area. Party Royale mode in Battle Royale on June 26 screened one of Nolan’s three films, Inception.
It seems that watching the film has been less successful than the DJ sets we talked about earlier. However, Fortnite wants to become something like a metaverse, and not just be a fighting game.

It will undoubtedly be fascinating to see the developments of this game.
However, I hope that Second Life, which has come to do the same things ten years in advance, will not be overcome by new companies with little experience in this sector.

Travis Scott’s Concert on Fortnite

My Youtube Video

Blogger: automate your credits!

You are a blogger/vlogger who promotes items for sale; you will have noticed how boring it is to insert credits. Whether items you wear or objects for sale (home furnishings, to give you an example) you want to cover, copying, and pasting credits one by one is a job that slows down the activity and does not make it enjoyable.

By pure chance, on the occasion of the last Fifty Linden Friday, I discovered this HUD that does the tedious work for us.
The FOURTH WALL creates the HUD, and as I communicate, it is for sale at L$ 199. Money, in my opinion, well spent to save quite a bit of effort every time you have to enter credits at the end of the article.

FOURTH WALL: Quick Credits HUD

Once unpacked and worn, if we want the HUD to tell us in local the credits of the worn items, we need to click on attachments. We will have all the attached things in the local chat. We’ll need a copy and paste on our blog post (removing the things we don’t want to promote).

CREDITS FOR WORN OBJECTS: Click on Attachments

If instead, we want the credits of objects (for example something with all its furniture), we will click on Rez Cube. The premise to use this HUD is to have rez rights. If we are bloggers, we usually rez on a platform on which we have rez rights, so this should not be a problem.

Once we click on Rez Cube, we will have a green cube. The cube delimits the area within which the objects we want the credits are. So, all we need to do is move and enlarge or narrow the cube to delimit the area of our interest.
Once we have surrounded the interesting objects, using the green cube, press start. A green orbit will scanner all the objects in the area and give us their credits in local chat.
Too easy? Yeah, too easy.

???? A tip: the FOURTH WALL sells, on the occasion of Fifty Linden Friday, a HUD that is precious for all photographers and videomakers. It allows you to make automatic and cinematic frame changes. It is also useful for role-players because it will enable you to observe the scene as if you were watching it from a camera—an exciting experience for those who want to experiment with their SL in an immersive way.

green cube
After clicked RezCube, you get a green cube around you.
green cube and orb
Resize the cube all around the objects you want to cover: once finished click on START.
credits in local
When the green orb finish, you get the credits in your local chat. The HUD doesn’t tell you duplicate results (if you rezzed more times an object).

My Youtube Video ????????

Teleport to the FOURTH WALL store

I had a dream (and you were there) – Fiona Fei’s Art

I visisted the Fiona Fey’s art installation titled “I had a dream, and you were there“.

The art installations is currently at HEA (Hannington Endowment for the Art).

It’s so touching and emotional that I wrote a brief text that I read on my Youtube video. The version is in the Italian language, but you can activate English subtitles (the are realized manually, not automated). In any case, the text is also published in this post.

The exhibition will end October 31, 2020.

Teleport to the Fiona Fey’s art installation → Fiona Fey


This is an installation about losing someone and missing them. It is a creative manifestation of thinking about someone and wishing that they wee here. It dwells on a moment in our dreams and wanderings when we feel like someone we lost is with us again.
The artwork is not about any specific person, nor is there a person in a physical form depicted in the installation. Instead, personal items are left to be discovered around the exhibit, such as a book or a piece of clothing. After all, we do not always have to see someone to feel them.

Fiona fei
I had a dream 002

My impressions

We all lost someone.
And if we are so lucky that we haven’t lost anyone yet, we know that it will happen sooner or later.
We don’t need to have lost someone to “feel inside” Fiona’s installation.
Nor do we need to think of anyone in particular. But yes, I think of someone in particular.
Until it happens, to lose someone I mean, think of your little problems as insurmountable pain.
You persuade yourself to be heroic to be still alive, still want to do, experiment, and embrace life.
You know that there will come a time when someone important will leave.
But until it happens, it’s just an eventuality. It is a distant perspective, like a gust of wind. It comes, it makes you a little sad, and it goes away. The next morning is another morning, another day with prospects and expectations. But when it happens, to lose someone, in that radical and senseless way like death, it is then that you look back and realize … that you have never really suffered.
They were hallucinations; perhaps, I don’t know. The only sure thing is that it wasn’t pain.
Pain is this. It’s that dark inside the heart, that emptiness, that nothingness. It’s that no longer understand everything’s meaning, yet we seemed to hold it in our hands a moment earlier.
Time alleviates trauma, but not pain. The pain stays there, it accompanies you to work, while you meet friends, when you go to the theater or the cinema. You don’t always feel it, but even a small detail, meaningless for everyone, triggers a cascade of memories and emotions in you.
Here, the details are, in Fiona’s installation, the objects in red. You can easily distinguish them in the washed-out context of black and white. Usually, they are the memories that touch you, here you will have to do something: click on it. And then it happens that you have a dream: it all seems so real, so authentic. The person you lost is there with you, as before. You talk to her, embrace her, and not feel pain because you know that there is no separation.
Only then you wake up. The memory of that dream remains to give you hope.
And dream after dream, even some certainty.
[Fancy text made by me.]

My Youtube Video

The Last Name updated: now you can choose between the new ten ones

Last week, Linden Lab announced the withdrawal of 10 surnames and announced the release of 10 new names shortly.

The new 10 surnames have arrived and are now available for purchase. They are:

Wayfarer (added in honor of Second Life’s 17th Birthday theme)
Rover (added in honor of Second Life’s 17th Birthday theme)
Wanderer (added in honor of Second Life’s 17th Birthday theme)
Those who bought the withdrawn surnames will remain owners of those surnames, but it will no longer be possible to choose one of the withdrawn surnames.

The surnames withdrawn and no longer available since 25 June are:


Remember that to change your last name, you need to go to the Second Life Dashboard, then to Account and finally to Change Name. The name change is possible for premium users. To change your name, just follow the steps indicated. Currently, the available names are as shown in the image:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-1.png

It is always possible to change the name as well as the surname.

Last Names June 25.png.0d3dc986ff4cbde53580e72ecf69d7ee
Courtesy Linden Lab


La settimana scorsa Linden Lab aveva annunciato il ritiro di 10 cognomi e preannuciava contemporaneamente il rilascio di altri nuovi 10 cognomi in tempi brevi.

I nuovi 10 cognomi sono arrivati e sono ora disponibili per l’acquisto. Essi sono:

  • Vortex
  • Fluffpaw
  • Sassypants
  • Amethyst
  • Bloodrose
  • Aurelia
  • Starlight
  • Wayfarer (aggiunto in onore di Second Life’s 17th Birthday theme)
  • Rover (aggiunto in onore di Second Life’s 17th Birthday theme)
  • Wanderer (aggiunto in onore di Second Life’s 17th Birthday theme)

Coloro che hanno acquistato i cognomi ritirati resteranno proprietari di quei cognomi, ma non sarà più possibile scegliere uno dei cognomi ritirati.

I cognomi ritirati e non più disponibili dal 25 giungo sono:


Ricordo che per cambiare cognome, è necessario andare sulla Dashboard di Second Life, poi su Account e infine su Cambia Nome. Il cambio del nome è possibile sono per gli utenti premium. Per cambiare nome basterà seguire i passaggi indicati. Attualmente i nomi disponibili sono i seguenti indicati nell’immagine:

image 1

E’ sempre possibile cambiare anche il nome, oltre al cognome.

Little Santorini in Second Life ???????? ????????

Today I felt like the sea, the scent of summer. I wanted to hear the sound of the waves, the sound of seagulls, and the joy of the people on the steps of Santorini.

Little Santorini is the brand new location that appeared in Second Life Destinations in the “real life” section. It is a sim inspired by the famous Greek island Santorini.

It offers visitors a breathtaking landscape that immerses them in the climate of the beautiful Greek island. Today I did not spare myself, and I walked all the paths and climbs of Little Santorini, exploring every ravine, every little detail.

And while I rest my tired legs, I think it would be like living in Santorini.


Oggi avevo voglia di mare, di profumo d’estate. Avevo voglia di sentire il suono delle onde, il verso dei gabbiani e l’allegria delle gente sulle scale di Santorini.

Little Santorini è la nuovissima location apparsa in Second Life Destinations nella sezione “real life”. E’ una sim ispirata alla celebre isola Greca Santorini.

Offre ai visitatori un paesaggio mozzafiato che li fa immergere nel clima della splendida isola greca. Oggi non mi sono risparmiata e ho percorso tutti i viottoli e le salite di Little Santorini, esplorandone ogni anfratto, ogni piccolo particolare.

E mentre mi riposo le gambe affaticate, penso come sarebbe vivere a Santorini.

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