The Official Mobile App For Second Life will be available within a couple of months. Focus on chat.

???? Important Update 20/08/2021: Currently, the official Second Life app has not yet been implemented for Android. For iOS, the official Second Life app has been approved. You can find the latest information on this topic at this link, which I recommend you visit to stay informed about the latest news:

On the occasion of the interview with Ebbe Altberg (Ebbe Linden), the CEO of Second Life spoke about the introduction of an app created by Linden Lab that will allow you to enter the virtual world also from mobile. You can listen to the entire interview by watching the video below.

Seeing the whole interview could be tiring, so if you want to know the topics that Ebbe Altberg addressed during his meeting with Saffia Widdershins, my advice is to read the following post by Inara Pey, which describes in detail the main points of interest discussed.

Subsequently, on Twitter, Ebbe was more precise on the timing, saying that the App in question will be released within a couple of months. This App that focuses attention on chat will not have, at least initially, the 3D vision that Lumiya users (including me) are so used.

Ebbe Altberg’s announcement about the introduction of the App to enter Second Life from mobile (an app that currently exists in beta) comes concurrently with Speedlight’s report, which released the beta version for iOS.


As known, Speedlight is the App created by the same creators of Smartbot to enter Second Life from mobile. The version on the Play Store was for Android, but on Discord, there has been talking of a release for iOS for some time. Now comes the news that Apple has approved the App; unfortunately, the App is only available for Patreon users; that is, those who have economically supported Speedlight through Patreon. To help SpeedLight and thus access the downloadable version for iOS, you can go to the following link: Speedlight on Patreon.

To conclude, we will have the opportunity to choose what to use to always be reachable in Second Life: the official Second Life app that prefers chat, or Speedlight that offers a 3D version and some more features to Gold users (those who benefit from the monthly paid plan of 1990 L $ / month).


In occasione dell’intervista a Ebbe Altberg (Ebbe Linden), il CEO di Second Life ha parlato della introduzione di una app realizzata da Linden Lab che permetterà di entrare nel mondo virtuale anche da mobile. Puoi ascoltare l’intera intervista vedendo il video qui di seguito.

Vedere l’intera intervista potrebbe essere stancante, quindi se desideri conoscere gli argomenti che Ebbe Altberg ha affrontato durante il suo incontro con Saffia Widdershins, il mio consiglio è di leggere il seguente post di Inara Pey, che descrive in dettaglio i principali punti di interesse affrontati.

Successivamente, su Twitter, Ebbe è stato più preciso sui tempi, dicendo che la app in questione verrà rilasciata entro un paio di mesi. Si tratta di una app che punta l’attenzione sulla chat, e non avrà, almeno all’inizio, la visione 3D a cui gli utenti di Lumiya (me compresa) sono tanto abituati.

L’annuncio di Ebbe Altberg sulla introduzione della App per entrare in Second Life da mobile (app che attualmente esiste in fase beta) arriva in concomitanza con l’annuncio di Speeedlight che ha rilasciato la versione beta per iOS.

L’annuncio del rilascio della versione iOS su Discord

Come noto, Speedlight è la app realizzata dagli stessi creatori di Smartbot per entrare in Second Life da mobile. La versione su Play Store era per Android, ma su discord si parlava da tempo di una versione per iOS. Ora arriva la notizia che la app è stata approvata da Apple; purtroppo però la app è disponibile solo per gli utenti Patreon, ovvero per coloro che hanno supportato economicamente Speedlight tramite Patreon. Per supportare SpeedLight e accedere così alla versione scaricabile per iOS, si può andare al link seguente: Speedlight on Patreon.

Per concludere, avremo la possibilità di scegliere cosa utilizzare per essere sempre raggiungibili in Second Life: se la app ufficiale di Second Life che, però, predilige la chat, oppure Speedlight che offre una versione 3D e alcune funzionalità in più agli utenti Gold (coloro che usufruiscono del piano a pagamento mensile di 1990 L$/mese).

Useful Links


SL17B is now open to the public, and I recorded this video to introduce you to this awesome event.

Teleport to the Welcome Area.

You can find more info reading this my previous post.

You can refer to this page for all the shopping LMs @Shop&Hop.


SL17B is going to start. It will open the door to the public tomorrow, June 19th, 2020, at 9 am SLT. The big event will be available for all Second Life users until July 12th, 2020.

Second Life launched to the public on June 23rd, 2003 and this year we are celebrating SL’s 17th birthday! In Second Life, you can explore the (virtual) world from the safety and comfort of your own home, and that’s why we’ve selected “vacations and road trips” as this year’s SL17B theme.

linden lab

Important Date

Lets’ see together some important date and LMs you you might be interested in.

  • SL17B Open to the Public: 9am SLT June 19th – July 12th, 2020
  • SL17B Shop & Hop Event: June 19th – July 12th, 2020
  • SL17B Music Fest: June 19th – June 20th, 2020
  • Meet the Lindens: June 22nd – June 26th, 2020 – 2pm SLT each day

Important Links

Explore the most important links about SL17B, to be informed about the upcoming important event.


If you post something related to SL17B, you can use the following Hashtags:

Importants Landmarks

Welcome Area


Mainstage – Auditorium – Pod (Tour Area)

SL17B Exhibitor Showcase

SL17B Official Shopping Event

  • SL17B Shop & Hop Event, Gilded (100, 128, 52) – Moderate
  • SL17B Shop & Hop Event, Jubilant (101, 127, 52) – Moderate
  • SL17B Shop & Hop Event, Frosted (100, 127, 52) – Moderate
  • SL17B Shop & Hop Event, Sugarplum (101, 127, 52) – Moderate
  • SL17B Shop & Hop Event, Aurelian (100, 127, 52) – Moderate
  • SL17B Shop & Hop Event, Halcyon (99, 127, 52) – Moderate
  • SL17B Shop & Hop Event, Snowflake (97, 127, 52) – Moderate
  • SL17B Shop & Hop Event, Gleaming (100, 128, 52) – Moderate
  • SL17B Shop & Hop Event, Golden (100, 127, 52) – Moderate
  • SL17B Shop & Hop Event, Tinseled (98, 128, 52) – Moderate

SL17B Music Fest Calender

The new Firestorm Viewer Release – Top News for an Easy Second Life ???????? ????????

The latest Firestorm Viewer release ( introduces several useful tools for helping our Second Life to be easy. Let’s explore together in this video tutorial. Suggestions and questions are very welcome.

Content Index

  • 1:17 Firestorm update to EEP, but still not introduces EEP items;
  • 2:29 You don’t need a clean install, just a settings backup;
  • 6:03 The Firestorm AO;
  • 9:41 Sitting Problems with Firestorm AO solved;
  • 12:46 Notice Group and Notifications at the bottom on the right;
  • 20:11 You can find your objects in a location;
  • 24:14 You can locally stop a sound in sound explorer;
  • 26:19 You can Search a word in a conversation;
My video on Youtube

Paris For Ara – Second Life Destinations

A few days ago, I had the opportunity to explore a location that, recently, Second Life Destinations is promoting: Paris for Ara. In Second Life Destinations, you can find it under the name “Vive La Paris.”

It’s a sim for photographic purposes, so it’s designed especially for photographers who love the French style. However, like Paris, after all, Paris for Ara offers romance and opportunities for sweet moments with your partner.

You can find information about booking a romantic dinner at the landing point, including the full service. Someone will smile thinking of a virtual dinner, but remember that any event can become interactive and engaging with the introduction of experiences. I haven’t tried this experience, so I can’t tell you more, but I think that, if you are looking for a moment of relaxation and romance, this could be an excellent opportunity.

In the description of the location you can read:

There is such beauty and depth found in the richness of its history and culture. It’s withstood so much yet it endures, still breathtaking and strong. You remind me of Paris.

From About Land

The location is divided into two settings: the first, accessible from the landing point, shops, and streets full of florists and flowers on display. These bars display delicacies too realistic that tease (at least my) gluttony. The second is a large square with the Eiffel Tower in the center. Both settings arouse joy and the desire to share emotions and experiences.

During my visit, I met several photographers intent on immortalizing themselves in the various poses more in tune with the setting of Paris.

I recommend a visit, especially for lovers of the French style. During my stay, I shot a video that I propose.

In the end, I couldn’t resist, and I let myself be tempted: Van pointed out to me that I should stop with all these sweets. My expression is worth a thousand words.

oema gelato 001


Qualche giorno fa ho avuto occasione di esplorare una location che, di recente, Second Life Destinations sta promuovendo: Paris for Ara. In Second Life Destinations lo potete trovare con il nome “Vive La Paris“.

Diciamo subito che si tratta di una sim a scopo fotografico, quindi è pensata soprattutto per fotografi che amano lo stile francese. Tuttavia, come Parigi del resto, Paris for Ara offre romanticismo e occasioni per dolci momenti insieme al vostro partner. Al landing point è possibile trovare informazioni relative alla prenotazione di una cena romantica comprensiva del servizio completo. Qualcuno sorriderà pensando a una cena virtuale, ma bisogna ricordare che, con l’introduzione delle esperienze, qualsiasi evento può diventare interattivo e coinvolgente. Non ho provato questa esperienza, quindi non so dirvi di più, però credo che, se siete alla ricerca di un momento di relax e romanticismo, questa possa essere una buona occasione.

Nella descrizione della location si legge:

C’è tanta bellezza e profondità nella ricchezza della sua storia e della sua cultura. Ha resistito così tanto eppure resiste ancora, è ancora mozzafiato e forte. Lei mi ricorda Parigi.

Da “Paris for Ara” in about land.

La location si suddivide in due ambientazioni: la prima, accessibile dal landing point, fatta di negozi e strade ricche di fioristi e fiori esposti, bar che espongono prelibatezze fin troppo realistiche che stuzzicano (almeno la mia) golosità. La seconda è una ampia piazza con al centro la Tour Eiffel. Entrambe le ambientazioni suscitano allegria e voglia di condividere emozioni ed esperienze insieme.

Durante la mia visita, ho incontrato diversi fotografi intenti a immortalarsi nelle varie pose più in sintonia con l’ambientazione di Parigi.

Una visita che consiglio, soprattutto agli amanti dello stile francese. Durante la mia permanenza, ho girato un video che vi propongo.

Alla fine non ho resistito e mi sono lasciata tentare: Van mi ha fatto notare che dovrei smetterla con tutti questi dolci. La mia espressione vale più di mille parole.

oema gelato 001
della serie: “fatti i fatti tuoi”

Useful Links/Links Utili

My Youtube Video

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