Blogging, Vlogging, and Live Streaming. Why are they so important in gameplay?

Why is it fun to write an article about an experience you lived on SecondLife or another gameplay? Why is it interesting to make videos about something you’ve done in a game? Why do so many people find it interesting to follow players on Twitch streaming their virtual experiences?

Sharing the game seems to be a winning solution. The platforms that allow sharing of videos, images, or even just written text, are a widely used tool both for those who share their experiences and for those who want to learn to use a platform or explore new ways to have fun.

Whether you are playing or you are in a real-life simulator, what is winning is the sharing of your experiences. 

If you open YouTube and look for something related to SL, you will find many videos of players who share their life stories: shopping, exploring new locations, learning to take pictures, learning to make videos, and so on. There are videos recorded during live concerts; there are live-streams of people who participate in events and want to share their experiences with others, also revealing some little secrets, such as where gifts are inside a hunt. In short, the desire to share is widespread, and the same official SL channel uses all possible tools to share the main inworld attractions with its followers.

Those who watch videos on YouTube that interest a game, do so because they want to know different ways to play or some tricks that they are not aware of. As for Second Life, watching videos on YouTube is exciting both to explore new ways of experiencing the platform, and to observe the point of view, the perspective of another player in some way enriches you. Staying immersed only in one’s perspective risks being limiting, and in the long run, also dull. Seeing what others are doing, how others are playing the game, how they are having fun, the events they participate in and much more allow the observer to know different aspects of the same game. His way of seeing Second Life changes, and in some way, is enriched by the experiences of others.

On the other hand, those who share these experiences in SecondLife or any other game live them more intensely. For example, I am visiting an art gallery, and I do live to stream: I have to share my thoughts on the gallery and on the art exhibition that I am visiting. This routine forces me to be more present in the game. I am sharing my experience with other people, and at the same time, I am bringing out impressions, emotions, sensations, etc. that allow me to live that same experience in a more intense, more profound way.

Some people spend several hours watching other people play, and I think this trend cannot be ignored. The importance of videos is evident to all. By now, the videos are becoming more widespread and exciting for those looking for information than the written text.

As I said before, if you open YouTube and search for SecondLife, you will find many videos. Some of these have several views, and the related channels have an impressive number of followers. This aspect makes me understand that also for Second Life, as for many other games, the strategy of sharing content through videos is a trend. 

At the end of this article, I leave you some of the streamers that I consider most significant. Other users make videos, without necessarily doing live. I think among these, the most notable are those who share video tutorials since they are useful. Live streaming, on the other hand, is particularly popular and followed because it is curious to see what a person does in real-time and interact with them through Live Chat. Some streamers are very lovely, and therefore it is amusing to follow their live-stream.

Have you ever tried to do live streaming? In the next article, I will explain how to do it using software that I appreciate: Streamlabs OBS.

Meanwhile, I leave you the video of Strawberry Singh, which explains how to do live streaming with OBS (for free). The video is not recent, but it is still current. 

How to live-stream in Second Life with OBS

Meela Vanderbuilt’s Channel

NovataSecondLife Channel

Second Life Official Channel

Toxxic Rhiannyr Channel

Cassie Middles Channel

Premium members can now change their names

It’s finally active the possibility to change your SL name and/or surname. You can find it on your Dashboard, Account >> Change Name (before change password).

Change name menu
Change Name Menu on your Dashboard

Specifically, you can freely choose your name, but for the surname, you need to choose between a default list. This list is not exciting, in my opinion.

Also, the price is high: USD 39.99 + 8.80 VAT (I live in Italy, so I have to add the VAT).

I have waited for a long time to change my surname, and now that there is a chance, the default list doesn’t fit my needs and in any case, the price is too high for a name changing.

change name
The price for changing name
name and surname
The surnames default list

This time I’m going to jump.

Genus Project accused to violation of the DMCA

For a few hours, the Genus Project published on Facebook that someone has made a complaint against them for violation of the DMCA. It is in simple words of a breach of Copyright, so whoever filled this formal form is accusing Genus Project of copyright infringement. In other words, they would have copied.

Read carefully, please

This post has just an informative purpose about the fact. In no way, it wants to be an accuse against some specific mesh head’s brand, so I pray not to mention this post to stand up for the arguments in favor of some brand to the detriment of another.

What is perplexing is that Genus Project had to remove all its items, and its store is currently not available. All the practice must be brought to the attention of a judge, and only after the Court has ruled, if Genus Project will obtain a positive outcome of the dispute, it will be able to put its articles on SecondLife up for sale again.

For completeness of information, I leave below the Linden Lab page that talks about the possibility of sending them a DMCA complaint and the relative form that whoever accuses a Creator must fill in.

Another aspect that I find significant is that Genus Project has specified that the accuse coming from another creator. However, it says that it does not know the identity of this person.
Genus Project specifies that it has already come into contact with Linden Lab.

I find relevant is that this accusation concerns all the objects created by the Genus Project and not only a part.

The announcement posted on Facebook sparked a general uproar, including outraged comments against competitors, and supporting comments.
The uproar has continued rather long to that other creators have expressed their support for the Genus Project and have openly declared that they are not the authors of this accusation; in particular, they have pronounced Catwa, Lelutka, and Akeruka.

The same Genus Project creator had to ask their customers education and not to accuse anyone. On the other hand, she is not aware of who is the author of this report. For this reason, as long as there are no certainties, it is important to remain polite and respectful towards other creators.

Genus Project specifies that all items that have the buyers will continue to be usable in their inventory. Of course, it will no longer be possible to purchase items from the Genus Project, nor will there be any new updates on the products already released.

I hope that this situation will be over soon. I believe that Genus is an original brand in Second Life, so I think that this unpleasant incident will be resolved with a positive outcome for them.

The SpeedLight Gold Plan for your Second Life Business

I have already talked about SpeedLight in this my previous video. You can find it also in the description of this video or click the infobox at the top-right.
My previous video about SpeedLight

As you know, SpeedLight is a web-browser and an app to log in to Second Life, realized by the same creator of Smartbot. Actually, unlike when I recorded my previous video, SpeedLight has developed a mobile app available for android and iOS also. It is responsive themed so that you can see it excellent as well as mobile and tablet. In brief, the tool has these main features: 

  • 100% browser-based, no downloads required
  • 100% mobile and tablet ready
  • Allows switching between devices without logging out
  • Allows keeping avatar online 24/7
  • IM history is always available (even offline)

I link all essential pages for more info in the description of this video. I like to focus on the Gold Plan, that it’s particularly adapt for business people. 

SpeedLight offers two plans: Free and Gold

If you need to log in to second life occasionally, the free plan is enough for sure. You can log in, stay logged for one hour continuously, and interact with your friends without problems. The app is stable so that you will appreciate this aspect if you are used like me to crash often using Lumiya.

If you need to stay logged in for more than one hour continuously, be available for your customers, move in a 3D world, send IMs to multiply people, you should choose a Gold Plan. 


The Gold Plan offers you more flexibility, and you will be able to do things that you could do just with a bot instead. For example, if you usually keep your bot online to receive customers’ messages, you will reply later, with SpeedLight you will be able to see the IM directly to your smartphone or other device and interact with the person immediately. I use it in this way, so people can easily find me online, and I don’t lose any message.

So, The Gold Plan is, in my opinion, particularly adapt to business people, since it offers:

  • Keeping the avatar online for an unlimited time;
  • Moving in the 3D view;
  • Sending IMs to many people simultaneously.

How much it costs?

You can make your avatar Gold for L$1990 per month

The alternative is supporting SpeedLight on Patron choosing at least the Gold Patron Plan, for 8 $ per month. You can make your avatar Gold clicking on the “get more time” option you find at the right-bottom of your SpeedLight dashboard.

Finally, you can earn suggesting SpeedLight for each person who chooses the Gold Plan.

You cand find all the useful links for more info at the end of this post.

I use and love SpeedLight; it gives me stability and the chance to be online all the time I need.

It’s all for now, guys, if you like my videos don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

See you at the next one!

Useful Links

The SpeedLight Docs:

For easy comparison between the free and the gold plan:…

How to protect yourself from STALKERS in Second Life

Whatever happens when a person bothers you in SecondLife? How can you defend yourself when the enemy is invisible? What can you do when someone is bothering you within your game every day? Let’s find out this and some other important questions together.

Stalking in SecondLife is diffuse, since like every Social Platform, people who hide behind a monitor, tend to be more aggressive in general. It’s demonstrated that also people who never be uneducated in a real situation, in a social platform can assume a different behavior. Moreover, who is usually hostile in a physical circumstance, in a social network, can become something similar to a “stalker.”

What do I mean for a SecondLife Stalker? A SecondLife Stalker is someone who uses the virtual environment to bother someone who becomes his target. The reason this happens can be different: one of the common causes is a broken relationship. An ex-partner starts to annoy her or his previous love in most cases to obtain he or she returns, especially if the ex now has a new partner.

In some cases, the person who wants to bother pays someone else to do the dirty job. The mandatory fill the PostePay of the executor to obtain his favors.
We are exploring the Second Life dark-side: in some cases, especially if the target is breakable, this deplorable behavior produces huge psychological damages.

So, are you a victim of a stalker? What can you do to protect yourself?

Let’s start to say that, if someone thief your account, you have to open a ticket to Linden Lab to obtain your account immediately back. See in the description of this video to find all the useful links to help you in this situation. No worries, each person who had his account thieves, obtained his avatar back. So, take a brief, open a ticket and wait for an answer trustful.

The avatar’s theft is the most common and not so problematic way of stalking. The only problematic case when someone steals an account is when the thief deletes your items from your inventory. This one is the single case when it’s impossible to retrieve your objects. Instead, if the thief returns all your items in your place, you can ask and obtain from Linden Lab a roll-back. In this way, you can return to a specific moment when all in your location was okay.

Another way to bother someone is to type him every single moment he logs in. It’s challenging, so it rarely happens, but if someone starts to annoy in this way, you have to mute him. How? Open his profile and click on “mute.” In this way, if the person writes to you, you don’t read what he wrote to you, but he receives a message that you muted him. So he can create a new account to type you, and you won’t like this. The best solution is to disable the self-response that notify to the typer you muted him. How can you do it? Easy, open the preferences tab, so CTRL+P, and open the privacy settings. Now go to auto-responses and uncheck the option “disable the autoresponse for muted avatars.” In this way, the person who writes you doesn’t receive any message you muted him, and he thinks you are ignoring his words. This one is the key: he thinks you are ignoring his words. Why? Because he doesn’t receive an answer even though you received the message. So, uncheck the auto-response for muted avatars, remember, it’s imperative.

Another way to bother someone is by creating a false profile with the display name of the target and fill the profile with false and offensive information about him. In some cases, the stalker starts to create groups to offend the target and invites people who are friends or known by the victim. You can open a ticket to Linden Lab, but in most cases, it will ignore you. Linden Lab receives many tickets and needs to select what it can respond to and solve and what it can’t. I suppose this one is the reason, in any case, it usually ignores them. So, how to solve it? Do you have to contact every single person to inform about what’s happening? Ask all your groups to send a notice to inform all members, when the stalker joins your group to offend you? Absolutely, NO.
The first thing to do is hiding your groups from your profile. Nobody knows you are in the group if you don’t show the groups list, so protect them. How can you do it? Open every single group and uncheck the options shown on your profile, in this way (watch the video). The better practice is to keep always hidden your groups, so nobody knows where you joined.
The second thing to do is taking a huge breath and don’t fall in the temptation to inform anyone in SL about what’s happing to you. Open a ticket if you like, and stop.
If some of your contacts ask you about something strange received from you, talk to him about what’s happing with calm. Your contacts will admire you a lot!

That’s all! Have you ever bother in this way? What do you think? Let me know in a comment, and if you think my videos are useful, subscribe to my Youtube Channel.

→ Start a chat with a Linden Lab’s operator or send a ticket

Start a chat now

The Stay at Home Club and other great deals you won’t miss

Good evening guys, today I want to talk to you about some discounts that are available for everyone during this foreclosure period. 

There are some exciting initiatives involving the various designers who are called to give some of their objects freely, without the imposition to join a specific group. In other cases, however, we are talking about sales that some shops are doing to help those forced to stay at home during this challenging period.

The first initiative I want to tell you about is the Stay At Home Club, which was created by the Hilter Designer. It is a charity initiative, which is in no way a profit-making point. I was contacted by the same creator who kindly, having seen my video on YouTube, where I talked about the Second Life utility during the quarantine period, invited me to see the gifts that their Club made available to everyone. I decided to deepen this exciting initiative, making the essential links available to readers to access the gifts that will be updated continuously easily. Reading on the presentation note card of this exciting event, you can find these words:

We want to welcome you to The Stay at Home Club! We are gathering a collection of creators wishing to provide gifts for everyone to enjoy during these more difficult times in real life. We already have many creators joining us to make SL a little brighter for everyone, and we would love you to join us too.

We ask that you provide a gift at your main store that we can list on our website and social media. There is no start or end date to this, as sadly, we do not know how long the real-life issues will last.

If you are interested in joining us, you can find more information and the sign-up form here:

You can visit our website to view our current gift collection:

The first two links I want to offer you are: the link to the inworld location and the link to their main website. Here it is straightforward to access the gifts available to everyone, as I said without obligation to join any specific group.

All designers are called to participate, as it is an important initiative, since the dramatic period that we are all experiencing. 

You can find The Stay at Home Club also on discord; I leave you at the bottom of this article all the useful references to easily access the information that interests you.

Another exciting initiative I want to talk to you about is the discount that Lelutka has decided to make on all its mesh heads, which will cost 3990 L$ until further notice, instead of the usual 5000.

As I said to some, who asked me the question, I use the Lelutka Evolution head because I like it very much and I find it very realistic. It fits well with any skin; in particular, I use Glam Affair because I believe that the combination of Glam Affair and Lelutka Evolution is excellent.

Also, at this moment, erratic is selling 60% of all its clothes, including the Fat Packs. Even in this case, I leave you all the useful references to be able to access the shop and take advantage of these incredible sales easily.

Useful links

The Stay at Home website

The Stay at Home Designers Form

The Stay at Home on Discord

The Stay at Home Inworld Location

Lelutka Mainstore

Erratic Mainstore

My Youtube Video

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