That (Autumn) Missing Melody

It’s no mystery that Missing Melody is one of my favorite destinations in Second Life.
I had, in fact, already written a post and record a short video to remember over time the creative ability of Bambi (secondlife:///app/agent/c5ae19fb-fc35-4847-930d-ff5574e3b2d4/about).
Missing Melody (Old Version)

I’m back today, having peered at a few shots captured by community users. I learned that Missing Melody had renewed again in its autumn version, giving all its passionate visitors a beautiful gift.

The autumn version is, if possible, even better than the previous version. The choice of light settings is, perhaps, a little dark.
I preferred it so that the visitors of my blog could enter a mood of serenity and peace by watching the images and the video. For this reason, I chose the CaIWL setting, appropriately modifying the East Angle value in “Lighting” (World → Edit Sky Preset). For optimal viewing use Black Dragon Viewer.
I also removed the vision of all the lights attached to the avatar. The natural light is already optimal for beautiful shots.

  • ca7ac 1b17b autumn missing melody 002 001 pe min
  • ca0cc 19929 autumn missing melody 003 001 pe min
  • ac4ea 80598 autumn missing melody 004 001 pe min
  • 21456 5ea40 autumn missing melody 005 001 pe min
  • 7f0f9 65431 autumn missing melody 001 ps pe

For those who want to rez, they can join the group that allows the rez rights at the cost of L$ 250 → Join To Missing Melody Staff. A reasonable price, given the beauty of the place’s landscape.


Missing Melody (Autumn Version)

Why I have to go to the Nexus?

As you know, Sansar has recently introduced several new features.

Among them, the most significant are the Avatar 2.0, Nexus and the possibility to precisely adapt the outfits through a positioning system/sizing similar to that of Second Life (the system of 3 axes for positioning and small cubes for sizing).

Some of these new features, however, have created confusion among users of Sansar: among them, the obligatory passage to Nexus.

What is Nexus? We can try to define Nexus by saying that it is a vast “landing point” where Sansar users are invited/obliged to pass.
Of course, the obligation is not made clear by LL, but in fact, it is necessary to switch from Nexus for several reasons.
The first of these reasons is the exploration of worlds not yet visited. Sansar indeed introduced Codex, in the GO section, where we have immediate access to our “teleports history,” as well as to the worlds created by our friends (present in the friendliest).

However, it is also true that you need to passage to Nexus to get access still unexplored worlds and is expressly indicated in the Codex.
Moreover, when we log in, we are teleported to Nexus, unless we interrupt the teleport by clicking on the X next to the scroll bar of the teleport itself.

But why does LL want us to go through Nexus? The impression is that Sansar users are invited to socialize, to exchange information, as well as to communicate with Staff members (often present at Nexus).
The willingness to lead users to Nexus is also confirmed by the interesting quests there. I remember that the quests are challenges that the Sansarian has the opportunity to accept to win prizes. These “virtual loot” can be Sansar Dollars or gift items to enrich our inventory.

However, when talking to some Sansar user, I realized that they were missing the old “Atlas.” Through the Atlas, it was possible to have immediate access to all the worlds created in Sansar, sortable by popularity, date of publication or alphabetical order. In short, the GO section gave you a complete overview of Sansar’s worlds, where now you can see only those already visited, or those created by our contacts in friendliest.
And if you want to visit new worlds? You must go to Nexus. Sigh.

Honestly, I hope that LL will fix this aspect, allowing users to view all the worlds created by users directly from GO, as it was before.
On the other hand, even for new users, it’s easier to explore by searching under GO, instead of going to Nexus. Right?
An alternative is to explore from Sansar web site, where all destinations are.

Sansar’s Complete Destinations’ List

Explore the old Atlas on the Official Web Site

Bloggers, a call for you all to SLBN

It seems that LL is looking for quality content to enrich its community feeds as well as its social media.
So, if you are a blogger, you might find this initiative very interesting.
In summary, this is the news published yesterday on the Community page dedicated to featured news.
The call to bloggers is expressed to be attractive, especially for whose looking for traffic to bring to their site.

Useful Links

Are you a Second Life blogger that is looking to expand your reach to a wider audience? If so, then you’ll want to consider opting in to join the new Second Life Blogger Network (SLBN). 

This new community initiative aims to promote high-quality, independent blog content to the Second Life community via high-visibility channels including the Second Life Community pages, social media channels and eventually the Official Second Life Viewer login page. Examples of the type of content we wish to promote include how-to tutorials, fashion makeovers and/or looks, community and event news and destination walk-throughs.

The Second Life Blogger Network aims to drive traffic directly to your own blog via summaries of and links to curated posts selected from participating bloggers including the use of a brief text intro using the opening sentences of your post and usually one related image from the post. Readers will be directed to click through a link that directs them to your site to read the entire article or blog post.

Linden Lab, From Featured News

How do you join and be included LL’s Feed reading by a Staff member every day?
Simple, fill out the submission form and send it.

Once this you’ve done, don’t expect any response from LL, because whoever fills out the form will be part of the Feeds checked every day by LL.
And if I join, but my content is not promoted on the Second Life Community?
If you want to read your post on the SL Community, make sure, before publishing, that the text and images comply with the Guidelines provided by LL.

When you submit the form to LL, you accept the Terms and Conditions imposed by LL, and you transfer the rights to publish your content, even if modified, to LL.

How often does LL promote content from independent bloggers?

Linden Lab staffers will frequently review posts from participating bloggers. While not all of your new posts will be selected each day, we do aim to promote several entries during the week from the pool of participating bloggers.

Linden Lab, From Featured News

It is important to remember that joining the initiative does not represent a partnership between LL and the incoming bloggers. Therefore bloggers are invited to continue their independent promotional activity on separate channels, such as BVN (Blogger and VLogger Network), for example.

How did the idea of a Network for Bloggers come about?
Gathering information from other bloggers, I learned that some bloggers participated in developing this project together with LL. Among them, first of all, Inara Pey.

If you join, you could be interested to grab the badge and learn about guidelines for placement here.

What do I think? I think it’s a great idea, which will allow several bloggers to get traffic to their site.
However, I admit that I believe that the purpose that should animate should not be the traffic. Instead should be the genuine willingness to enrich the Community with good content, regardless of whether this content generates more or less traffic.
We know that quality content does not always generate high traffic; much depends on the subject matter. To give an example, quality content on the subject of Fashion certainly brings more traffic than quality content on the topic of Art. However, in my opinion, both of them deserve to be valued.
Only as the project evolves will there be answers about the content that will be promoted. LL has already declared the topics of their primary interest.

Examples of the type of content we wish to promote include how-to tutorials, fashion makeovers and/or looks, community and event news and destination walk-throughs.

Linden Lab, From Featured News

To conclude, join and good luck!

Astral Dreams Opens its Doors to a New Location

Tonight, starting at 22:30 (1:30 PM SLT), Astral Dreams will open the doors of its new location.

 This afternoon I have taken some time to visit the new location of the Astral Dreams headquarters.


 The spaces are undoubtedly smaller than the homestead of the previous location. However, I must say that Jack and Mina (Jack Davies and Mina Arcana) have managed to create a place similar to the installation made at LEA8. All with the invaluable help of the Astral Staff.

 The location extends vertically, making the most of the spaces in the sky. The landing point is at the beach, where the inscription Astral Dreams embellished with objects in Steampunk style, welcomes the visitor.

 Here you will find a teleport from which you can access the various land spots. 

 An excellent meeting point is the games room and the space in the sky dedicated to music and live events.

 The cable car that takes you from one side to the other of the meeting areas located in the sky is splendid.

 I remember that Astral Dreams was born on June 15, 2008, and represents an essential point of reference for the Italian community.

 As always, at the end of the article, I leave useful references related to the activities of Astral Dreams.

Astral Dreams Apre le Porte alla sua Nuova Location

Questa sera, a partire dalle ore 22:30 (1:30 PM SLT), Astral Dreams aprirà le porte delle sua nuova location.

 Oggi pomeriggio mi sono concessa del tempo per visitare la nuova sistemazione della sede di Astral Dreams.

 Gli spazi sono indubbiamente più contenuti rispetto alla homestead della sede precedente. Tuttavia devo dire che Jack e Mina (Jack Davies e Mina Arcana) sono riusciti a realizzare, con il prezioso aiuto dello Staff di Astral, una località simile all’allestimento realizzato a LEA8. 

 La location si estende in verticale, sfruttando mirabilmente gli spazi in cielo. Il punto di arrivo è alla spiaggia, dove la scritta Astral Dreams abbellita da oggetti in stile Steampunk, dà il benvenuto al visitatore.

 Qui si trova un teleport da cui è possibile accedere ai vari spots della land. 

 Un ottimo punto di ritrovo è la sala giochi e lo spazio in cielo dedicato alla musica e agli eventi live.

 Splendida è la funivia che conduce da una parte all’altra delle zone di ritrovo ubicate in cielo.

 Ricordo che Astral Dreams è nata il 15 giugno 2008 e rappresenta un punto di riferimento importante per la comunità italiana.

 Come sempre, in fondo all’articolo, lascio i riferimenti utili relativi alle attività di Astral Dreams.

Astral Dreams

Dove i Sogni Diventano Realtà


Astral Dreams (new location inworld)

Astral Dreams on the Web

Astral Dreams on Facebook

“Livello Alto”, Italian Brand in Sansar

I can’t hide that I’m delighted to write this post, because today we talk about Italian success!
Alfredo Varlese, of Neapolitan origin and who now lives in Germany, is the co-partner of the creator of Livello Alto who is Cosimo Merolla. Livello Alto is the Italian brand that, from this night, opens its doors on Sansar.


Watch Mexi Lane’s Video

In Sansar Alfredo is Alfy, whom I already talked about in my post on Mainstreet, that is one of his first creations. I met Alfy occasionally on Sansar, and he introduced me to his world on Sansar, but not only.

Alfy is excited about his experience in Sansar and the potential that this platform offers. He is an Ebbe Altberg‘s friend (Linden Lab CEO) and has a lot of famous friends both in Italy and off-Italy. They support him in his virtual and non-virtual projects. I won’t list the celebrities who support him, because I don’t think this is the most significant aspect of his (much appreciated) work on Sansar.


As I said before, Alfredo Varlese is the co-owner of Livello Alto, a brand that sells clothing with its recognizable style. It’s a young male style, as Alfy himself would like to point out to me. In Sansar, through the use of Marvelous Designer, he is proposing his real creations. It is exciting to compare the page of the official website with the store in Sansar: the productions are the same!
I like the way Alfy set up the shop in Sansar: he has taken up the style of the site, and in Sansar, it seems to see a 3D version of the online shop on the web.
I wish Alfy and his brand Livello Alto will always have the same enthusiasm as now: we will be at their side in this virtual experience.

Livello Alto
Livello Alto Store

Livello Alto, Brand Italiano in Sansar

Non nascondo che sono molto contenta nello scrivere questo post, perché oggi si parla di successo italiano!

Alfredo Varlese, di origini napoletane e che oggi vive in Germania, è il co-partner del creatore di Livello Alto che si chiama Cosimo Merolla. Livello Alto è il brand italiano che, da questa sera, apre le sue porte su Sansar.

In Sansar Alfredo è Alfy, di cui avevo già parlato nel mio post su Mainstreet, che è una delle sue prime creazioni. Ho conosciuto Alfy occasionalmente in una serata su Sansar e mi ha introdotto al suo mondo su Sansar, ma non solo.


Alfy è entusiasta della sua esperienza su Sansar e delle potenzialità che questa piattaforma offre. E’ amico di Ebbe Altberg (Linden Lab CEO) e ha moltissime conoscenze celebri sia in Italia che all’estero che lo supportano nei suoi progetti virtuali e non. Non farò l’elenco delle celebrità che lo appoggiano, perché non ritengo sia questo l’aspetto più significativo del suo (apprezzatissimo) lavoro su Sansar.

Come ho anticipato, Alfredo Varlese è il co-titolare di Livello Alto, brand che vende indumenti dal proprio stile riconoscibile. Si tratta di uno stile giovane e maschile, come il medesimo Alfy tiene a precisarmi. In Sansar, attraverso l’uso di Marvelous Designer, egli sta proponendo le sue creazioni reali. In effetti è molto interessante confrontare la pagina del sito ufficiale con il negozio in Sansar: le creazioni sono effettivamente le stesse!

Mi piace molto il modo in cui Alfy ha allestito il negozio in Sansar: egli infatti ha ripreso lo stile del sito e in Sansar sembra di vedere una versione 3D del negozio on-line sul web.

Ad Alfy e Cosimo, co-titolari di Livello Alto auguro di andare avanti con lo stesso entusiasmo di ora: noi saremo al loro fianco in questa esperienza virtuale.

Livello Alto2
Livello Alto Store


Livello Alto Sansar Store

Livello Alto Official Web Site

Livello Alto Facebook FanPage

Livello Alto Instagram

Video by Mexi Lane (Marina Bellini)

Sansar Avatar 2.0 is coming (September 2019)

The launch of the super-new in Sansar programmed for September is imminent. For those who don’t know, Sansar is about to release a new modeling system for its avatar, called Avatar 2.0.



This one is a piece of great news since it will change the way you customize your avatar. Also, many of the items already purchased from the Sansar Store will be unusable. This one is the main reason why Linden Lab has thought well about the opportunity to introduce such an innovative system. However, Sansar is still in beta version, so those who buy are aware that, in the future, the items purchased may no longer be usable.

LL has made the skeletons of the new Avatar 2.0 available to creators a month in advance of its release. I think it’s plausible to assume that sellers will update their creations to the new skeletons as soon as possible.

The fact remains that objects incompatible with Avatars 2.0 will disappear from our inventory (as they are no longer usable). Already now, browsing through the pages of the Sansar store, you can see the warnings put by the creators on the various items related to the non-usability of the product on sale after the release of Avatars 2.0.

Eh, yeah. Everything to throw away. However, the novelty is such that I think it is an acceptable sacrifice.

But let’s see in detail what we will lose and what will remain in our inventory.

Which items will no longer be compatible with Avatar 2.0 (they will be deleted from our inventory)

In short, any resource with the following types of items (avatars, rigged hair, rigged clothing) created using the avatar 1.0 skeleton will no longer be usable in the new avatar 2.0 system

Why? You may be wondering.

The reason for this data loss is that the Avatar 2.0 project required an update of the avatar skeleton. This update means that all objects loaded before the change can no longer be used.

Which objects will still be compatible after the update (they will remain in our inventory)

Clothes, accessories, and emotes created with Marvelous Designer will always be fit (they will not be lost). This one is why the objects created with MD can be adapted to any avatar and can be adjusted simply by dragging with the left mouse button.

As mentioned above, clothes and hair strapped and complete avatars will be lost.

Will resources incompatible with Avatar 2.0 be upgradable?

Yes, LL offers creators the possibility to update their cards with Avatar 2.0 compatible content in advance.

Also, LL has released the new skeletons on which you can re-strap content created with a program other than MD.

Main novelties of the Avatar 2.0 Project

The Avatar 2.0 Project brings with it many new features in terms of customization of the avatar. We are not talking “only” about the possibility of modeling the avatar giving free expression to your creativity, without the current limitations and also without the constraints of SL.

We also talk about the possibility of using HD textures made with PS, and that can be imported and applied on new avatar models. In the same way, as in SL, the shapes and skins can be sold in the store. 

In short, the novelties will be:

  • A brand new system for customization, supporting everything from bone deformation tools to sliders with blendmorphing capabilities.
  • A complete overhaul of our base avatars – all to give you a more refined skeleton structure to play with.
  • Support for all the same facial expressions, and more lifelike mouth movement.
  • All-new style and skin textures to give your avatars a completely different feel.
  • The ability to play with and save face presets by utilizing the bone deformation and blendmorphing capabilities. This paves the way for selling face presets later.

Avatar 2.0: When will it be released?

Tuesday, 3 September 2019.


There is a lot of enthusiasm among Sansar users for this release. We are all very curious to see what will happen next Tuesday.

Sansar Avatar 2.0 in arrivo (Settembre 2019)

Il lancio della super-novità di settembre in Sansar è imminente. Per chi non lo sapesse, Sansar sta per rilasciare un nuovo sistema di modellazione del proprio avatar, chiamato appunto Avatar 2.0.

Si tratta di una grande novità, perché stravolgerà il modo di personalizzare il proprio avatar e renderà inutilizzabili molti degli oggetti già acquistati dal Sansar Store. E’ questo il principale motivo per cui Linden Lab ha riflettuto bene sull’opportunità di introdurre un sistema così innovativo. Tuttavia, Sansar è ancora in versione beta, quindi chi acquista è consapevole del fatto che, un domani, gli oggetti acquistati potrebbero non essere più utilizzabili.

In realtà, dato che LL ha messo a disposizione dei creatori gli scheletri dei nuovi Avatar 2.0 con un mese di anticipo rispetto al rilascio, credo che sia plausibile ritenere che i venditori aggiorneranno quanto prima le loro creazioni ai nuovi scheletri.

Resta il fatto che gli oggetti incompatibili con gli Avatar 2.0 scompariranno dal nostro inventario (in quanto non più utilizzabili). Già adesso, sfogliando le pagine dello store di Sansar, si vedono gli avvisi messi dai creatori sui vari items relativi alla non utilizzabilità del prodotto in vendita dopo il rilascio degli Avatar 2.0.

Eh, già. Tutto da buttare. Tuttavia la novità è tale per cui credo che sia un sacrificio accettabile.

Vediamo però in dettaglio cosa perderemo e cosa resterà nel nostro inventario.

Quali oggetti non saranno più compatibili con Avatar 2.0 (verranno cancellati dal nostro inventario)

In breve, qualsiasi risorsa con i seguenti tipi di oggetti (avatar, capelli riggati, vestiti riggati) creati usando lo scheletro avatar 1.0 non saranno più utilizzabili nel nuovo sistema avatar 2.0.

Perché, ti starai chiedendo.

La ragione di questa perdita di dati è che il progetto Avatar 2.0 ha richiesto un aggiornamento dello scheletro dell’avatar. Questo aggiornamento comporta che tutti gli oggetti caricati prima della modifica non potranno più essere utilizzati.

Quali oggetti saranno ancora compatibili dopo l’aggiornamento (resteranno nel nostro inventario)

Saranno ancora compatibili (non andranno persi) gli abiti, gli accessori e le emotes creati con Marvelous Designer. Questo perché gli oggetti creati con MD si possono adattare a qualunque tipo di avatar e possono essere aggiustati semplicemente trascinando con il tasto sinistro del mouse.

Come detto, gli abiti e i capelli riggati e gli avatars completi invece andranno persi.

Le risorse incompatibili con Avatar 2.0 saranno aggiornabili?

Sì. Ai creatori LL offre in anticipo la possibilità di aggiornare le proprie schede con contenuti compatibili con Avatar 2.0.

Inoltre LL ha rilasciato i nuovi scheletri su cui si possono nuovamente riggare i contenuti creati con programma diverso da MD.

Principali novità del Progetto Avatar 2.0

Il Progetto Avatar 2.0 porta con sé moltissime novità in tema di personalizzazione dell’avatar. Non stiamo parlando “solo” della possibilità di modellazione dell’avatar dando libera espressione alla propria creatività, senza le attuali limitazioni e anche senza le limitazioni di SL.

Parliamo anche della possibilità di utilizzare texture in HD realizzate in PS e che potranno essere importate e applicare sui nuovi modelli di avatar. Allo stesso modo di quanto accade in SL, le shapes e le skin potranno essere vendute nello store.

In sintesi, le novità saranno:

  • Un nuovissimo sistema per la personalizzazione, che supporta qualsiasi cosa, dagli strumenti di deformazione ossea ai cursori con capacità di miscelazione.
  • Una revisione completa degli avatar di base – tutto per offrire una struttura-scheletro più raffinata con cui giocare.
  • Supporto per tutte le espressioni facciali e movimento della bocca più realistico.
  • Texture e skin completamente nuovi per dare agli avatar un aspetto completamente diverso.
  • La capacità di giocare e salvare i preset del viso utilizzando le capacità di deformazione ossea e fusione. Questo apre la strada alla vendita di preset del viso.

Avatar 2.0: quando sarà rilasciato?

Martedì, 3 settembre 2019.


C’è molto entusiasmo tra gli utenti di Sansar per questo rilascio. Siamo tutti molto curiosi di vedere cosa accadrà martedì prossimo.


New Avatars. New Possibilities.

Avatar 2.0 FAQ

Avatar Reference Files

Next Started: Avatar 2.0 Creators Program

Welcome to the Nexus

Video project transmitted during the Avatar 2.0 Sneak Peek

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