EEP – Environmental Enhancement Project

EEP is a way to say the Environmental Enhancement Project. It is an innovation in the way you manage the light, clouds, and water settings to the SL location’s environment. It was introduced on October 3, 2018, in its beta version (with the possibility of purchasing a limited number of lots in Aditi to test the features and report bugs found).
The main features of this exciting project are:

  • Shareable environmental objects that you can keep in your inventory.
  • Parcel level control of environments.
  • Up to four different sky layers that may be set independently.
  • More options for customization.
  • And much, much more

Great, but basically what is EEP?

EEP is an object in your inventory to which you can attribute custom environment values that you can apply either to a location that is not your property (in this case you only see the settings) or to a place of your property (in this case everyone sees the settings).

Which settings can be customized?

The customizable settings are:


The customizable settings, in this case, concern the appearance of the sky and some of its parameters, such as the direction of ambient light, the images used to display the sun and moon, and their position in the sky.


The customizable settings concern the linden water and some of its parameters, such as its color, its reflection, the shape and direction of the waves.

Day Cycles

This is the set of sky and water settings that apply throughout the day.

Okay, great. I want to create my own EEP. How do I do that?

The first thing to do is to download the viewer because no viewers are enabled to EEP Settings except this one. To download it, go here: EEP Official Linden Viewer.
Once you have downloaded the viewer, open the inventory, and go to the new “settings” folder. Warning: you can only see the folder if it is not empty.
To add an item to customize as EEP, you have two ways:

  • Go to the bottom right settings icon and click on “new item” → new settings and then on the type of settings you want to create. You will find the new EEP settings in the “settings” folder.
  • Go to the “settings” folder, right-click, and new settings. Proceed as described in the previous point.
e7f96 a4de9 eep new settings 1 new
fa7f9 f325d eep new settings 2 new

In New Settings, you can choose between:

  • New Sky
  • New Water
  • New Day Cycle

To change the settings, double click on the object or right-click and “open.” You will see an editing menu that allows you to customize the parameter you chose previously.

Okay, I created my EEP: how do I apply it to the place I’m visiting or to my land?

Simple. Double click on the object or right-click and choose between:

  • Apply only to myself
  • Apply to Parcel
  • Apply to Region
45893 5bb4a eep apply settings from inventory new

More Info? Sure, here you go

Video Interview to Rider Linden by Blogger and VLogger Network

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Soul Portrait Collection @Itakos Project

The Itakos Project Art Gallery, owned and artistically curated by Akim Alonzo, opened last night (Italian Time) the doors of the exhibition entitled “Soul Portrait” (Summer Black and White Edition).
As the title suggests, it is an exhibition of black and white portraits. The exhibiting artists are chosen by Akim by leafing through the evocative images of skilled photographers who exhibit their work on Flickr.

Exhibiting artists are:

  • Angelina Corral
  • Aver Osk
  • Aimee Cristole
  • Carolyn Diesel
  • Gabi Ka
  • Edie Horngold
  • Katia Lavecchia
  • -K- Lynag
  • Ktsyakumi
  • Isabela Navarathna
  • Saveria Rossini
  • Sunset Theas

Flickr is an excellent source for those looking for good photographers.
The names of many exhibiting artists were already known to me, in particular, I have long admired the creations of Aimee Cristole.
Visiting the current exhibition at the Itakos Art Gallery Project, I particularly appreciated the image called “1” by Edie Horngold: I believe that her pictures can be mistaken for real photographs.
Also -K- Lynagh deserves special attention, in my opinion. The technique of lighting the image of this photographer is interesting because it cleverly highlights the central part of the image that houses the face of the model.

Here are references to visit the exhibition.
At the end of the visit to this gallery, I invite you to look also at the other exhibition spaces that host exceptional artists.

Teleport to → Itakos Art Gallery Project

“Masquerade” @DiXmiX Art Gallery

I was invited by DiXmiX Source, the owner and artistic curator of the DiXmiX art gallery, to visit “Masquerade,” the last exhibition currently on display and open since June, 20th.
Masquerade is a problematic term to render in Italian, perhaps the expression that comes closest to the real meaning is “mascherata, ballo in maschera”.
The theme, as the name suggests, is the “mask,” understood in a broad sense. Not only the traditional mask but every form of concealment of the face, then makeup, helmets, hoods and various objects typical of games for adults.
The artistic exhibition hosts the following photographers:

  • Algezares (III)
  • Aniki Seetan
  • ByrneDarkly Cazalet
  • Calypso Applewhyte
  • Catherine Nikolaidis
  • Edie horngold
  • Ember Adored
  • Gaus
  • Génesis Rodriguez
  • Guen Gothly
  • Izabela Navarathna
  • JⒶGgŸ ღ
  • Kimmy Littleboots
  • Kimmy Ridley
  • Kriʐze Sparrowhawk
  • Laura Mrs S
  • Lou ShAdoW
  • Maloe Vansant
  • Megan Prumier
  • mila maesar
  • Ornella Batriani
  • Pam
  • Purple Leonis
  • Ryleigh Theas
  • Shocoon
  • Sinon Valle
  • sσηιc
  • Tania Tebaldi
  • Tiya Aura
  • Tralala Loordes
  • Valenska Voljeti
  • Vallys
  • Wicca Merlin
  • and Dixmix Source

It is well known that photography is a flourishing activity in Second Life. I’m not referring only to fashion bloggers (who post mostly only photographs, not adding text, if not credits). I’m referring to people who are passionate about photography and who, for the pure pleasure of exhibition and image processing, realize creative and eclectic works.
Masquerade is a lively and “cheerful” exhibition, if I may say so.
Usually, the idea of a mask is associated with negative thoughts and feelings: lies, deception, falsehood in general.
Visiting the DiXmiX art gallery, you don’t get this impression, on the contrary. The colors are often bright, and even the black and white images transmit fun and pleasure.
I really liked the idea of a themed exhibition, I hope that DixmiX will realize further exhibitions with this thematic style.

Teleport to Masquerade @DiXmiX Art Gallery


Tilia: news and complaints (too many)

Monday, July 1 Linden Lab announced everywhere for the official pages the changes that introduce Tilia.

What is Tilia?

Tilia is a wholly owned subsidiary of LL. It efficiently manages the ever-increasing and complex needs of operations within Second Life.
The opportunity to use Tilia stems from the need to comply with U.S. laws and regulations and to be in tune with them regarding financial transactions.

Wha’ts new?

Beginning on August 1, 2019, Tilia will take over certain aspects of the Second Life service. Tilia enables Linden Lab to continue the Second Life service in its current form through enhanced regulatory compliance protocols.  To achieve this, Tilia will assume responsibility for managing your USD denominated account, which will be referred to as your “Tilia Account.”  After August 1, Tilia will handle process credit requests and payments made from your Tilia Account. 

Effective August 1, in order to continue using Second Life you will have to agree to Tilia’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.  A Tilia Account associated with your Second Life Account will automatically be created for you and you will not need a separate username or password to access your Tilia Account.  

To stay in compliance with regulatory requirements, if you wish to process a credit, we will need certain personal information to verify your identity, including your name, address, date of birth, and social security number (or government-issued identification if you are not a U.S. Citizen).  You may be required to provide additional information to complete the transaction. Tilia will securely store this information so that you should only need to offer it once.

Additionally, please note that customers under 18 years of age will not be able to process credit after August 1, 2019, until they reach the age of 18. 

As always, Second Life remains free to access and enjoy!  However, if your Tilia Account is inactive for 12 months, we will charge your Tilia Account a fee to the extent permitted by applicable law.  If you have questions about the inactivity fee, please see Tilia’s Terms of Service.

In other words? I have to pay more?

No, it’s all like usual. The only aspect different is that if you leave your account inactive for 12 months, you have to pay a fee. Let’s try to clarify this point that gets in a panic many people.

About the inactive account (accounts that don’t do a transaction for 12 consecutive months, from the Terms Of Services we can read:

If you have funds in your Stored Value Balance and have not made any transfers to or from or otherwise accessed your Stored Value Balance for a period of twelve (12) months, your Stored Value Balance will be deemed an “Inactive Account.”  Other forms of access besides a transfer include, for example, a balance inquiry or accessing your Account.  Unless prohibited by applicable law, we reserve the right to deduct from any Stored Value Balance that is an Inactive Account a fee in the amount of the lower of (i) the amount set forth in our Fee Schedule or (ii) the balance of funds in the Inactive Account (the “Inactivity Fee”). The Inactivity Fee will be charged each successive month for as long as the Stored Value Balance is an Inactive Account.

We will provide you notice, in the form of an email to the email address you have registered with us at least three (3) days before any Inactivity Fee is deducted from your Inactive Account.

We will deduct an Inactivity Fee from your Stored Value Balance each month until one of the following events occurs:

  1. you make a transfer of funds into or out of, or otherwise access, your Stored Value Balance, such that it is no longer an Inactive Account; or
  2. the balance of your Inactive Account reaches zero; or
  3. you process a credit from your Stored Value Balance to a permitted account as described in Section 3.3.3 above.

For the avoidance of doubt, you may process credit or make payments to the relevant Provider out of your Stored Value Balance at any time, even if your Stored Value Balance is an Inactive Account.

Panic, why?

I am not sure why people got in panic hearing about these news. I suppose for the inactive accounts fee. About this, let’s clarify that:

  • You will be informed at least 3 days before your account will be inactive in a few days.
  • You may process credit or make payments to the relevant Provider out of your Stored Value Balance at any time, even if your Stored Value Balance is an Inactive Account.

I’ve just read a nice post in the Second Life Community about the generally panic on this thread: Too Many Compliants!

How can I process my credits?

You may go to Your Dashboard → Credit Process. At the end of the page, you see a button named Request Process Credit.

f91de b8cf7 tilia
77c50 4aa88 tilia confirm

More Info? Yes, here you go

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“Look Realistic” Series #1: Genus Classic Face and Deetalez Skin Appliers

One of the most exciting aspects in Second Life is the chance to give realism to our avatar. It’s not so hard if you know where to go and how to search.

I am introducing a new look category on my blog: “Look Realistic.” Like the name suggests, I’m going to bring some ideas to look more realistic as possible with the best resource I’ve found in SL.

The first look I am going to cover is realized with the Genus Classic Bento Mesh Head and the Deetalez Skin Applier.

You can also find my shape that fits all the items above with Maitreya Lara Body Shape. I don’t have any other body at the moment, so I can’t create forms that fit right with other trademarks. Sorry.

Genus Classic Bento Mesh Head

The Classic Bento Mesh Head is the first one created with the original beta project. I got the chance to have this one and the Baby Face at the discounted price of 3600 L$. And I am happy about this.

  • Version: number (1.6) (at this moment)
  • Price: 5500 L$
  • Demo: The Demo versions are available and usable just at the mainstore. So, if you go elsewhere, after wearing the demo, all will vanish very soon.
  • Head parts: rigged eyes, teeth, tongue, and neck fix.
  • HUD: you can find two HUDs in the package, big and small size for your needs. I’ve published the graphics instruction to give you, guys, the opportunity to know fast how to do what you like to. See the image “Genus Classic Bento Mesh Head Instructions.” In summary, you can find:
    • Genetics Tab: you can customize hairbase, brows, eyelashes, beauty marks, teeth, tongue, eyes, sclera, and lacrimal.
    • Cosmetics Tab: you can customize your makeup choosing from lots of types. Specifically, you have eyeliners, eyeshadows, tattoos, blush, and lipstick.
    • Settings Tab: you can customize neck, teeth, eyes, lashes, and ears. You also have teeth and tongue add-ons.
  • Layers Control Slide Tab: you can tint and remove layers, while hairbase, eyelashes, eyeshadow, tattoo, blush, lipstick, eyes sclera, lacrimal, neck, and skin.
  • Freeze Body Slide Tab: this is crucial for photographers: here, you can freeze your body, eyes, and lips in a quiet position.
  • Basic Animation HUD: the HUD includes 22 mocap animations and 6 faces static expressions.
  • Skin Appliers: the head comes with 3 skin tones, Honey, Toffee, and Brownie. Note: in the mainstore you can find excellent quality new skins. You need the Skinnery Body Appliers to match the skin the head comes with and any other Genus Project Skin.
d8f87 0eaa8 genus hud

Genus Project Main Links

Look Realistc 1 001 pe 1

“Rafaela” by Deetalez Skins Applier (worn on Genus Classic Head)

I choosed “Rafaela” for this first look since it’s realistic, in my opinion. Deetalez Skin Appliers are costly respect other skin appliers main store. The quality is excellent, in my opinion.

Deetalez Skins Applier Main Links

Important ethical concerns

This post is not promotional. I don’t write about these stores because I receive items or money from them, just because I like them.

“Look Realistic Series” #1: My Shape

You can find my shape for 10 L$ about this look on Marketplace following this link: VIRTUALITY Shape look Realistic #1

It can be a good start point to customize your look.

If you have ideas, suggestions, or just you like to tell me something, don’t hesitate to comment this post.

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If you like to be informed about the next “Look Realistic Series” Post, simply subscribe my Feeds and/or my newsletter.

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If you like to be informed about my latest video about art and destinations, simply subscribe to my YouTube Channel.

Xiola and Berry Linden LIVE @SL16 B Auditorium

Yesterday, June 27, 2019, Xiola and Strawberry Linden met with the public with Saffia Widdershins and Patch Linden.
Saffia and Patch asked several questions to the two Linden experts in Social Media and Content Marketing.
Among the various topics covered, the importance of videos emerged.

The importance of video

The video is immediate, captures attention, and allows a quick understanding of what you are saying. This aspect is especially true for tutorials.
The conversation lasted just over an hour, and the topics covered were different.
The differences between the way of organizing live events compared to last year, the importance of bloggers and vloggers, the dissemination of content in Social (the importance of Plurk which is the social most considered by users of Second Life) and tips especially for those who open a blogger.
I admit that being Italian, during the evening, I struggled a lot to understand the conversation. I completely understood only today, thanks to the help of YouTube subtitles.

Advice For New Bloggers/Vloggers

Returning to the subject of advice for new bloggers and vloggers, one aspect that has emerged is to stay in touch with the community. So knowing what the community is interested in, what the community is facing every day, what the needs, expectations, and so on are is the first step to blogging. It means meeting a people’s request, being useful and confronting others.
Blogging in this way is stimulating because it allows you to feel useful in a specific context and at the same time gives satisfaction in terms of traffic.
I have always thought that the best marketing techniques are not SEO or other strategies such as paying sponsorship of Facebook Pages.
The best strategy is the simplest: to give an answer to the community’s question. And go having to do so, gradually on every topic.
Strawberry Linden (better known as Strawberry Singh) surprised me last night by saying that she didn’t understand why she was successful in blogging. I always thought, instead, that she had a targeted strategy, carried out with caution over the years.
That’s because the strategy, conscious or unaware that it was, was there.
Each of her posts satisfies a need. Even today, if I have to choose a mesh head and there’s a video of Berry, first of all, I find out about her blog. I save time and make more informed purchases.
So, having an informative blog should be the goal of every blogger/vlogger.
I see a lot of content on Second Life, some made with great professionalism. However, many videos fall into one of these two categories:

  • self-celebrating post/videos
  • post/video advertising

The real way to help the platform is to help its community. Doing this will give you a lot of satisfaction in terms of traffic.
Surely some nuances have escaped me because of the language, I ask forgiveness.

The LIVE Video Interview

Useful Links to Stay in Touch With The Community

Second Life Community Forums

Second Life Discord Servers to Join

How to use Discord (For SL users)

What I say before? Here is a nice tutorial by Strawberry Singh.

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