Facebook, the storm on data theft and the collapse on the stock exchange: a turning point for the Social Netwok?

Facebook, the storm on data theft and the collapse on the stock exchange: a turning point for the Social Netwok?

The scandal that has overwhelmed Facebook in recent days is known to all: the colossus of Mark Zuckerberg is accused of having kept the users in the dark about what happened. Information on over 50 million people gathered through an app from company research – Global Science Research (Gsr) – and sold to controversial Cambridge Analytica, a company that worked for Donald Trump’s campaign. Not only that, that information would also be used to influence the Brexit vote.
Mark Zuckerberg admits his faults and defends himself by saying that Facebook is a new and unprecedented creation, so understanding accurately all the implications that a Social Network with such a diffusion (2 billion people are registered) may have is not so immediate.
While Zuckerberg’s considerations are right, on the other some elements make one think of a lack of attention to the security of personal data on the Social platform. First place, Global Science Research (GSR) has denied that the purposes of data collection were for research and to have ever told Facebook such a thing.
Thus, this statement would presume that Facebook knew what was happening and that the transfer of personal data may have been intentional.

The consequences

Regardless of whether the transfer of personal data was intentional or not by Facebook, it is sure that the storm has unleashed on the most famous Social Network in the world to the point of causing a collapse on the stock exchange and the resignation of the security officer, Alex Stamos.

Also, many are asking for the cancellation of their profile, and among the ordinary users, there are also names of giants from Elon Musk, who had deleted the account of Tesla and Space X.


Honestly, I’m struggling to understand the amazement that surrounds Facebook in recent days due to data theft.
First of all, because a Social Network is vulnerable and we see it every day if we follow the news events carefully. Secondly, because it is difficult to see in Mark Zuckerberg a philanthropist disinterested in money and profit.
The transfer of personal data is a scourge with which our society has to deal: even when we buy a telephone sim we must be careful that browsing, accidentally, click on some aggressive advertising that does not allow us to go out or, even worse, active some paid service. Moreover, we often receive phone calls from unknown people who offer us some service or purchase in general. Who gave them our number? And in exchange for what?
These are distinct questions to which, perhaps for the haste and the daily affairs, we pay little attention.
Facebook is interested in our personal data, and this is a fact. One of the primary rules of the community is that the profile must be of a real person, the name must be that of our identity card or, at least, indicate the nickname with which we are usually called every day in our environment.
In fact, if we want to create a profile for an invented character, we must refer to the creation of the Pages, but our profile that manages the page must have a real name and surname. This is a problem that players in virtual environments know well, such as Second Life®, Imvu®, Sine Space®, High Fidelity® and many others.


Why is it difficult to unsubscribe from Facebook even if we know the risks we run?

The first reason is that we believe that if we delete ourselves from Facebook, we will lose the friends with whom we are used to staying in touch through this Social Network.
In reality, there are many ways to keep in touch, including Whatsapp and the old but always current way: see yourself in person.
Another reason that makes it difficult to leave the most potent Social Network in the world is that we fear that we will no longer be contacted by the man or woman we like. Even this is not a real reason, anyone with a genuine interest in us will certainly not stop at our absence on the web.
Another reason that makes it difficult to leave Facebook is that, through the Social Network, you receive many compliments by posting our best photos, your sentences to effect and so on. In reality, character and personality are “jewels” that show themselves in real life and, above all, in everyday life.
Finally, we will no longer be able to share our moments of the day with friends, and we could lose contact with people who are far from us. In reality, we will always be able to tell our day to the people who are close to us in everyday life and, if we lose distant contacts, maybe it is because … they are to be forgotten.

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The dependence on Facebook and the loss of our life

Facebook is addictive even if, not being as immediate as in drugs, often goes unnoticed. In reality, women spend an average of 81 minutes a day on Facebook while men are 64.
Facebook feeds narcissism, social envy and is a danger to privacy.
Even at best, our images and our contents are at the complete disposal of marketing companies who are willing to pay large amounts to acquire this information. This fact should, at least, make us uncomfortable.


I believe that these recent events that affect Facebook can help us to make that decision that we know is the best for our lives, especially if we have a tendency to “fall” into the trap of one of the behaviors described above.
Personally, I use Facebook for the promotion of the blog, I would not think to put real photos or go looking for compliments in the virtual to feel better.

So, let’s consider Facebook for what it is: an instrument. If we can use it to our advantage, it can not hurt, but if it is Facebook that manages our lives, then we should consider the idea of closing the account.

“Faces” by Clarissa Congrejo @Nitroglobus Roof Art Gallery

“Faces” by Clarissa Congrejo @Nitroglobus Roof Art Gallery

The Nitroglobus Roof Art Gallery is hosting in these days the images of Clarissa Congrejo, a photographer known in Second Life® for years.
The images of Clarissa have a significant following on Flickr and are commented on and added to favorites by hundreds of users.
Clarissa, born as a photographer, has subsequently developed the passion for creating poses, useful for photographers themselves.


Speaking of Clarissa’s photographic style, she loves (male and female) close-ups. In the shot, Clary investigates “the intimacy” of the avatar, his mood, his overall mood.
Giving life to a close-up in which, the real person behind the avatar can find himself, is a non-trivial enterprise.
Those with a little experience of virtual worlds know well how there is a mysterious connection between the avatar and the person behind the avatar itself.
The moods, emotions, and feelings are transmitted to the avatar, influencing in some way his appearance.
In a “virtual photo shoot,” even the emotions of a person can be transmitted and shared.


In the introductory notecard to herself, Clary writes:

Let me introduce myself to you: I was born and raised in Greece, I am married and currently living in Germany.
I initially studied Accountancy, however, designing has always been a fascination. So, I dropped Accountancy and started working for a newspaper and a magazine.

I joined Second Life in May 2007. At that time I had no idea what SL was and it took me some time to realize what was going on.
During these 10 years in SL, I made a lot of friends, I was a builder, a landscaper, a rental manager but what captured me most was exploring places, as well as personalities, AND of course photography.

In 2010 I left SL for a period of 4 years and returned after my RL move to Germany. One of the reasons for my return to SL was me missing the expression of design and creativity.
Since my return to SL, I’m making close ups. I love to turn my camera in all directions when I do a shooting, usually, I make over 50 snaps, even though in the end I will be happy with just the first one. I am a perfectionist and my challenge is to put feelings and emotions into an SL face.

I do not have a specific style when I edit a photo.
Let me explain my ‘working method’: I open a photo in Photoshop and just click click click, go back delete, click until my eyes are satisfied with the result. If you ask me how I did this… my answer will be I have no idea, because I never remember the way I edited.

Over the last 7 months, I started making poses as well. My brand is called CKEY Poses.


Speaking more specifically about the photo gallery hosted at Nitroglobus, Clary says:

Faces….there are many, but only one represents us.
It is an amazing thing how a face can put so many emotions in your head. I personally believe that making close ups is one of the most difficult arts in photography, both in Real and Second Life, because you have to combine a strong image with the right feelings and emotions it will evoke to the viewers of this image.

Somewhere on the Internet I found the following quote, which I wanna share with you:

‘Japanese say that we have 3 faces.
The First face, you show to the world
The Second face you show to your close friends and family
The Third face you will never show to anyone. It is the most true reflection of who you really are’

I would like to thank all the persons who’s photos are shown here on the walls of Nitroglobus for their patience when posing for me.
Love you all girls and guys.

To the visitors: I hope you will enjoy this exhibition.


Here are all the useful references to explore the photography of this excellent Greek artist.


Nitroglobus Roof Art Gallery

Clarissa Congrejo Flickr

CK Pose

Skip Staheli @Paris Metro Art Gallery in Second Life®

Skip Staheli @Paris Metro Art Gallery in Second Life®

Skip Staheli is a legend in the world of photography in Second Life®.
Like many photographers of the Linden Lab® virtual environment, it begins for fun, taking advantage of his graphic skills to explore the possibilities that virtual photography has to offer.
From the very beginning, he is in high demand, at first from friends and friends of friends, then from designers for advertising purposes. The result is a real career as a virtual photographer that makes him every day very busy in image processing.


The Paris Metro Art Gallery is hosting a series of various images of the artist, and in particular, those placed on the ground floor, are relevant to the winter season.
Skip likes to talk about himself, narrate his beginnings and how even today it seems incredible the success achieved with the art of virtual photography.
Personally, I follow this artist for some time, because his way of transmitting passion and love affects me.

In fact, most of his photos are portraits of women and scenarios of couple’s passion.


He, in the introductory notecard of the exhibition, describes himself using these words:

I am Skip, from the Netherlands.. love to make pictures in Second Life…and started in august 2008 my photostudio in SL.. Photo Studio PURPLE COWS…., never thought it would be THIS busy! Wow.. Im still surprised about the succes and the fact that SL people really seem to love to have their pictures done in SL. And that they sometimes pick ME to do that.. did u looked around and saw all this huge talents here on SL and flickr.. its amazing!

First I started for fun making pics for friends and myself, but soon I got asked to make pics for friends of friends..and their friends etc 😉
So I deceided to begin my own studio. I was really crazy busy, right from the beginning… And it simply never stopped.. I Create also a lot for designers in SL, and also covers for magazines etc… Its all so fun to do!

a bit about the technics.. I mostly always shoot on green screen in my studio, cause I like to create the enviroment and theme etc in PS… I love to blend rl and sl textures…mixing all the time… I (still) dont see myself as a pro at all or a superb artist…. Im still and always learning and am always playing and trying stuff..It’s never good enough, always room for improvement…Most of the time I really do not know how I made a piece at the end lol… I just mess around. So dont ask me to make the same piece again.. I simply cant, seriously!

For my SL work I use now PS CS6 and plugins like FilterForge and Alien Skin, Nik Collection, Painter also adobe lightroom … I would be nowhere without my Wacom drawing tablet.. a lot of my work I draw by hand. In RL I follow since 5 years art classes, and I draw with pencils and charcoal.. If I wouldnt have found out, through SL, how much fun and heart drawing is for me, I probably would also never learned about this creative side of me…

The images of Skip Staheli are highlighted in a structure explicitly created for artistic performances and created by Ayiki Takakura. The fabric is even more interesting because it is not mesh although full of details.


Just a few days to visit the exhibition.


Paris Metro Art Gallery

“Cammino e Vivo capovolto”… Mistero Hifeng and his art in Second Life®

Tonight we talk about Mistero Hifeng, and as I publish my posts also in the forum of ArtByte dedicated to the artists of the virtual world, it is appropriate that I introduce him.
Mistero Hifeng has been decorating the Second Life® sims for years with his sweet and exciting art.

He is defined by many as a romantic Italian artist, capable of transforming pixels into emotions.

In this post, I would like to share my experience on his renewed sim compared to the last time I visited it.
I shot a video letting me inspire it by his statues and the atmosphere that the sim suggested to me at the time.

Mistero has given me some of the beautiful artworks that I used to decorate Santa Maria dell’Isola di Tropea (I publicly thank him for this).

For more info about him, my ECLIPSE Magazine’s article here:

Good vision!




Vivo e cammino capovolto

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