Trademark complaint from Linden Lab

Trademark complaint from Linden Lab


Strawberry Singh (Berry) published a post to communicate that she had to remove a video tutorial she recorded with the aim of educating people to use Second Life® and encouraging them to join the game.

The reason of this is that Linden Lab, in the person of Tia Linden, has contested the improper use of the Linden Lab Trademark.

Specifically, the Trademark appears on the Linden Lab website and in-world welcome area that Berry uses in her video to educate to the account registration and to the beginning of the game.

Berry, in her post, says she wants to share this experience to inform other Bloggers / Vloggers about the risks involved in the use of the LL (Linden Lab) Trademark.

Furthermore, following the request for clarification from the well-known fashion blogger, LL specifies that she had to remove the parts of videos containing the Second Life® Logo to not cause to the reader the expectancy that the video was created by an official member of the LL Staff.

What is the meaning of this request?

The rules on the Trademark and why they exist

The reason for the rules about Trademark is that LL wants to prevent a blogger from exploiting the official mark to mislead the visitor by believing it is an official statement to get a higher traffic (number of visits).

The reason for the Trademarks rules is always the one just mentioned, to avoid that the blogger misled reader/visitor and that there is an undue traffic because of this mistake.

The Linden Lab mistake

From a regulatory point of view, the Linden Lab falls into error, interpreting the rule in a debatable way and behaving with Berry accordingly.

In fact, the well-known blogger did not use the SL® logo to put it as a video logo (a behavior that would have been illegal and to be censored). Instead, she recorded a video of the official LL website, as well as the in-world welcome area.

This behavior cannot generate any misunderstanding, Berry is simply illustrating how to use a game.

Otherwise, we should say that the numerous video tutorials found on YouTube or Vimeo about how to use a software (for example, Photoshop) are illegal and have to be removed instantly because they resume (albeit for educational purposes) the Adobe logo.

On the other hand, how can you create a video tutorial, without showing how to register on the site and how to proceed in the welcome area that is, as is known, the first place a new account access within the game?

The apology of Linden Lab

Berry’s article has created confusion among the bloggers and indignation among the (numerous) fans of her.
Fortunately, the Linden Lab has distanced itself from a rigid and senseless interpretation of trademark legislation and has issued its apology to the blogger who has thus been able to re-upload the removed video.

Read here

Alojsio Congreio and his “Visions” in Second Life®

Alojsio Congreio and his “Visions” in Second Life®

The EyeArt Gallery in Second Life® (owned by Mona Byte) is hosting the art of Aloisio Congrejo.

Congrejo is an Italian artist already known for having organized several artistic performances in recent years and for having contributed in carrying out important projects, such as 2Lei – About violence against women.

Speaking of Congrejo’s art, I can say he realizes “3D pictures”: in fact, starting from an idea, he develops the image, giving it depth while maintaining the classical structure of a painting.

This aspect is interesting because it defines a particular style that, in Second Life, I have not seen frequently.

The particularity of Congrejo’s style is also due to the choice of geometric shapes and colors that give vivacity and thickness to the artistic work as a whole. Particularly in this last artistic exhibition, Congrejo uses photographs taken in SL®, geometric shapes, and colors.

Like for the colors, the artist gives prominence to them making seem “thrown on the canvas in a causal way” to achieve an artistic effect.

Having also visited other previous exhibitions of this artist, I think I have seen an evolution in his style: to be an artist above all geometric (therefore an abstractionist) to be an artist who is able to exploit different techniques mixing them together in a harmonic way.

The scenarios that the artist describes are certainly metaphorical; the feelings he transmits are never negative but have an evident positive value. The human figures are stylized, represented by mannequins, all the same. Congrejo seems to emphasize more shapes and colors than to humanity in general.

I must say that the overall impact of this art exhibition on “The Eye” is positive and I personally really like the artistic evolution that Congrejo is making, so I hope that he will proceed in this direction also for the future.

On the occasion of my visit, I shot a video, to a future memory of this art exhibition.



Where: Art Gallery, The Eye, owned by Mona Byte

Artist: Aloisio Congrejo

MetaPhore “Winner MachinimUWA VII Transcending Borders”

MetaPhore “Winner MachinimUWA VII Transcending Borders”

And the winner of the SciFi film festival «Screen my Short” You and I are in a world without boundaries and our spirits flow in it like ink blots on damp paper… Silent meetings, unlikely places, casual encounters. A woman is beguiled by a series of messages from a virtual stranger. Gradually this man sneaks into her clear defined virtual world, but also starts crossing borders of her real life. Therefore turning off the computer soon proofs to be not enough anymore for her peace of mind …

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