SL users offer their skills on Fiverr: why don’t you?

If you sell services and not items, you could find it interesting to know that several Second Life users are selling their skills on Fiverr. And the good news is that you can do the same.

If you don’t know Fiverr, I think you should. Fiverr is one of the most used platforms (app) to sell your skills to anyone interested in your specific service. Talking about Second Life, you can find people who create the custom mesh for your fashion store, people who rig your model, people who sell their ability to create shapes (they don’t sell shapes, just they create custom shapes for you), as much as people who help you inworld in exchange of money.

Second Life is always much more present in every social network, but not only that. You can start finding SL users on apps usually used by RL users (by RL profiles, I mean).

Let’s explore for a while what people are doing on Fiverr 😉

Lijuchalaart makes 3D models also for Second Life designers. I think his models are attractive, even if you must try them first to have a precise idea about the quality.

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This girl, thinker_jet, instead, offers her model shapes skill for a starter price of 5 €:

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Slrigs offers rigging services: This package can be attractive if you are a fashion designer but don’t know how to rig.

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So now you just have to explore by yourself what Fiverr has to offer you related to Second Life!

Explore more on Fiverr

“Looking back, the retrospective” by Harbor Galaxy at DiXmiX Gallery Lounge

July 2nd – 1 PM SLT

“Harbor was born as a lark, a way to while away a winter afternoon. That lark has proven to be if not life-changing at least life-expanding. Through Harbor and the creative possibilities of SL, I have been able to explore my own creative impulses and give form to the pictures that have been swirling around in my head for years now.”

Harbor Galaxy: “Looking back, the retrospective”.

Exclusively at the “Dixmix Gallery Lounge” from July 2nd to September 23rd,

in 4 thematic exhibitions “Graphic, Painting, Surreal and Sensual” changing the display every 3 weeks.

Curator: Dixmix Source 

PR: Violet Boa

DiXmiX Gallery Lounge

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Harbor Galaxy Flickr FacebookInterview with Harbor Galaxy

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