Art for Relief: Uniting the Creative Community to Aid Turkey’s Disaster Victims

An event is scheduled to take place in Second Life from the 13th of April 2023 to the 23rd of April 2023 in aid of AHBAP and those affected by the recent earthquake.

Attention all artists, whether you’re in meta-verse or outside of it:

We need your help!

A devastating disaster has struck Turkey on February 6th – 04:17 am, and the victims urgently need our support. Lives have been lost, families have been torn apart, and many are left without food, shelter, or basic necessities.

As artists, you have the power to make a difference. Let’s come together to use our creative abilities to help those in need. We’re calling on you to donate your artworks to a fund-raising event organized by SL content creators, with all proceeds going towards the Ahbap Foundation, which is providing aid to the disaster-stricken communities.

This is a chance to showcase your talent while making a tangible difference in the world. Your artwork can help to raise funds that will make a significant impact on the lives of those affected by the disaster.

We cannot do this without you. Time is of the essence, and every moment counts. Let us unite as artists to bring hope and support to those who need it the most.

Please, join us in this urgent and emotional call to action. Let’s show the world what we can accomplish when we come together for a greater cause.

Thank you for your compassionate heart and generosity.

help Turkey2



Help Turkey Team: Wanted Ohmai [ Founder & Head Moderator ]
Sammy Slex [ Land Sponsor ]

Dear Second Life Content Creators and Residents;

Life for millions across Turkey changed forever on January 6th, 2023 Monday at 04:19 am. and 1:24 pm, as two consecutive earthquakes sent shock waves across hundreds of miles. Two earthquakes of magnitude 7.7 and 7.6 occurred in Kahramanmaraş.

At the moment – Feb. 24, 2023 – On the 10th day of the search and rescue efforts, the loss of life increased to 43,556 and the number of injured is approximately 115,000.

As content developers and users in Second Life, we do not want to remain indifferent to this situation. The toll is getting heavier every day. It will take a long time for our homeless, propertyless, and displaced people to recover both physically and mentally, and for Turkey to ease this pain. We know that AHBAP, which we trust and closely monitor its activities, is active in carrying out long-term work. Therefore, we are organizing an event in Second Life between 13/04/2023 – 23/04/2023 to support AHBAP and earthquake victims.

If you also want to contribute, please read the participation information below and fill out the form AT THE END OF THE PAGE. The assistance collected will be transferred to AHBAP, one of the official and reliable aid organizations in Turkey, at certain intervals.

Transcripts of the donations will be shared with those who wish to see them.

You can view the activities of the AHBAP Association



For Turkish Language ► Wanted Ohmai
For English Language ► FlyKugin

  1. Fill out the form below completely.
  2. After filling out the form, send this notecard to the relevant moderator according to the following options;
  3. Your application will be processed when you send the form to the moderator you have chosen.
  4. Stand Fee L$500
  5. After sending the form, the moderators (Wanted Ohmai / Romeo Leitner) will contact you, direct you to the event area, and reserve your stand.
  6. The Creator Kit will be delivered to you after payment is made.
  7. The stand limit for each participant is 100 prims. Please contact your moderator if you need more prims. Your request will be evaluated.
  8. After reserving the stand with your moderator, you must complete your setup by 12/04/2023
  9. Companies that have confirmed their participation must send the product images you donated to the event to in jpg or png format with dimensions of 512 x 512 pixels by 11/04/2023


  1. Participating Company Logo [512 x 512 pixels / JPEG or PNG] Full Permission
    [Must be sent to Wanted Ohmai & Romeo Leitner.]
  2. A short biography of your company or content information about your products.
    [Must be sent as a notecard to Wanted Ohmai & Romeo Leitner.]


♦ All firms must have completed their stand installations by 12/04/2023 date.
♦ Talented and respected Second Life musicians [Names….] will perform live at the grand opening to be held on 13/04/2023 date, and these events will continue until the end date of HELP TURKEY activities.

HELP TURKEY EVENT advertisements, lists of participating companies, product images, and announcements of concerts organized on behalf of HELP TURKEY will be constantly posted on the Facebook page and some other social media platforms.

All lines have to be filled.

♦ SL Account Name:

♦ Company Name:

♦ How do you describe your content?
(Ex…Clothing, Architecture, Artwork, House, Yatch, Games, Make-up, Tattoo… etc…)


♦ Marketplace Link:

♦ Store Landmark (if any):

♦ Communication Language: [ ] TURKISH – [ ] ENGLISH (Please put “X” to your choice).

“Remember, every product you buy will be a hope for earthquake victims”
Thank you for your contribution and participation of HELP TURKEY.

Best Regards,
Help Turkey Team in SL


Art Promotion

Second Life Goes Mobile: Experience the Virtual World Anywhere, Anytime!

Second Life is an online virtual world that was launched in 2003 by the American company Linden Lab. Although it is no longer as popular as it once was, this pioneering attempt at a “metaverse” still functions and has a loyal group of PC users. Soon, it will also be available on smartphones, with a beta version set to be released by the end of the year.

In a video posted on the Second Life community forum, Linden Lab revealed some details about the mobile app that is currently being developed on the Unity platform, one of the most famous game engines for video games. This will make it easier to distribute the app on both iOS and Android. The video also shows some gameplay scenes featuring 3D characters and environments that will be made as similar as possible to the desktop version.

Although development is still a “work in progress,” Linden Lab has stated that it plans to transfer all existing player data and information to the mobile version. Essentially, it will be possible to do “virtually anything you can do with the desktop version of Second Life without necessarily being on a PC.”

A second life for Second Life. This is undoubtedly the most fitting wordplay for this gaming platform that, despite having its ambitions significantly scaled back, has managed to create 73 million accounts to date. During the pandemic, the number of monthly active users reached 900,000.

New Mesh Bodies in Second Life: A Vicious Cycle for Designers and Users Alike

The introduction of new mesh bodies in Second Life has posed several challenges not only for designers but also for users.

Designers have had to face the difficulty of choosing which bodies to make refits and rig clothes for. It’s a significant challenge considering the multiple operations they have to carry out before reaching the finished product. Adding new bodies to adapt and rig their creations is particularly demanding for designers.

However, the situation is not any better on the customer’s side. The difficulty designers face in adding new bodies for refit and rigging their items means that customers hardly find compatible clothes with their newly acquired mesh bodies. It’s a bit of a vicious cycle.

I belong to the group of people who have taken a step back, returning to old choices concerning mesh bodies and abandoning new ones precisely because of the lack of compatible clothes and objects with the newly purchased body.

This situation seems to be the case for many other people I’ve talked to. The difficulty in finding clothes, jewelry, or any other item to enhance and personalize one’s avatar leads customers to go back to their old choices to have a more significant number of compatible items to choose from.

One question that arises is whether designers can rig for as many bodies as possible to encourage customers to use the newly released mesh bodies in the market.

On Discord, we’ve started a survey on customers’ difficulties in finding compatible items with their latest generation mesh bodies. If you’d like to join the survey and share your opinion, I’ll leave the link to our Discord server.

>> Join us on Discord <<

Introduction of PBR Materials in Second Life: A Live Stream Event by Linden Lab

Yesterday, Linden Lab held a live stream event to introduce the exciting new addition of PBR (Physically Based Rendering) materials to Second Life. This introduction brings a new level of realism and creativity to the platform, offering users new possibilities for creating immersive and believable virtual environments.

One of the critical benefits of PBR materials is the ability to create mirrors in Second Life, which opens up new possibilities for users who want to create reflective surfaces, such as mirrors, windows, or water. In addition, using PBR materials in mirrors can result in much more realistic reflections, making virtual environments feel even more lifelike.

In addition to introducing mirrors, PBR materials can enhance the look of many other objects in Second Life. For example, metal objects can now have a more convincing metallic sheen, and cloth objects can have a more realistic look and feel. These improvements can help users create a broader range of objects and environments and enhance the overall user experience.

For creators who want to take advantage of PBR materials in Second Life, Substance Painter is the most compatible program to use. This program offers a wide range of tools and features for creating high-quality PBR materials, making it an ideal choice for creators who want to bring their virtual environments to life.

In conclusion, the introduction of PBR materials in Second Life is a game-changer, offering users new creative possibilities and a higher level of realism. Whether you’re a seasoned virtual world builder or just starting out, PBR materials will bring new life to your creations and make your Second Life experience more immersive and enjoyable. With the recent live stream event by Linden Lab, creators now have all the information they need to get started with PBR materials in Second Life and that they can test In the Beta Grid.

Linden Lab Live Stream Event about PBR materials

Understanding the Controversial Phenomenon of Bonnie Bots in Second Life


Bonnie Bots in Second Life is a phenomenon that has raised many eyebrows in the virtual world. Second Life has an online marketplace where users can buy and sell virtual goods, creating a virtual economy. Bonnie Bots are programmed bots that gather information about Second Life and its merchants, publishing this information for everyone to see. Many consider the information Bonnie Bots collect controversial, particularly the section on top merchants.

The Use of Bonnie Bots in Second Life:

Bonnie Bots gather information in Second Life and publish it for everyone to access. This information includes details about the virtual economy, the top-earning merchants, and the sales and earnings of each brand in the marketplace. The news that Bonnie Bots published is meant to provide transparency and accountability in the virtual economy. However, some view this information as intrusive and controversial.
Bonnie Bots has many useful sections on its website, including “Happening Now,” which shows regions with the highest presence of people at a given time, making it valuable for those looking to join in on active events. Another important section is “Attachments,” which highlights the most popular attachments, allowing users to stay informed on popular fashion trends in Second Life. “Abandoned Land” and “Auction” sections offer great opportunities for those seeking to invest in virtual land. The “Linden Homes” section is also a valuable resource for those searching for a specific home style in a particular region, helping users make informed decisions before committing to a purchase.

>> Participate in our polls about the Bonnie Bots on Discord <<

Controversial Information: Top Merchants:

The top merchants’ section of Bonnie Bots in Second Life highlights the stores that earn the most money in the marketplace. In addition, this section includes the brand name, sales, and earnings of each store for the past 14 days. This information is considered controversial by many, as it can impact the reputation and success of virtual merchants. As explained in the FAQ section, a user can opt his avatar out: this means that he will be removed by the “avatar search” section, and the name of his store and store URL will be hidden from showing on the Top Merchants page.

Meme about the Bonnie Bots phenomenon

Impact of Bonnie Bots on Second Life’s Virtual Economy:

The impact of Bonnie Bots on Second Life’s virtual economy is a topic of debate. On the one hand, Bonnie Bots provide transparency and accountability in the virtual economy, which can have a positive effect. However, on the other hand, the information that Bonnie Bots gather and publish can be intrusive and damaging to the reputation and success of virtual merchants, which can have a negative effect.
The “Top Merchants” section on Bonnie Bots can potentially harm designers in some ways. By publicly displaying the financial performance of individual brands, the section can lead to increased competition and decreased profits for those not appearing at the top of the list. Additionally, it could lead to price wars as other merchants try to match or beat the prices of the top-performing brands. The section may also foster an environment of comparison and judgment, which can harm the self-esteem and motivation of designers who do not see their brands on the list. Furthermore, publicly displaying sensitive financial information may also put the merchants’ and their businesses’ privacy and security at risk.
On the other hand, the “Top Merchants” section on Bonnie Bots can benefit designers in several ways. It can provide valuable insights into the virtual economy and consumer trends, allowing designers to make informed decisions about the products and services they offer. The section can also help designers identify their competitors and keep track of their performance, which can help them adjust their own strategies and improve their sales. Additionally, it can provide a sense of recognition and validation for designers whose brands are listed as top merchants, which can boost their motivation and morale. The section allows designers to network with other top merchants and collaborate on new projects or ventures. Overall, while the “Top Merchants” section on Bonnie Bots can be controversial, it can also offer a wealth of information and opportunities that can be helpful to designers in the virtual world.


In conclusion, Bonnie Bots in Second Life is a controversial phenomenon that raises questions about the ethics of gathering and publishing information in a virtual world. While Bonnie Bots provide transparency and accountability in the virtual economy, their impact can also be harmful and intrusive. Therefore, it is essential to consider the implications of using Bonnie Bots and to strike a balance between the benefits and drawbacks of this technology in virtual worlds.

Stay Informed about Upcoming Second Life Events with Event Board

I. Introduction

The super useful tool for Second Life event management is the perfect solution for any Second Life user who wants to stay informed about upcoming events in the virtual world. Whether you’re an event organizer, attendee, or simply someone who wants to stay up-to-date, this tool is for you. It helps keep track of and sort any event with a date, displays the closest 10 events and how many days are left until the event, automatically sorts by soonest, removes completed events, and has an access list so others can edit your board. All of your notecards can be safely stored in your inventory if needed.

II. Features

  1. Closest 10 Events: The tool displays the closest 10 events, so you always have a clear view of which events are coming up soonest.
  2. Event Sorting by Soonest: The tool automatically sorts events by soonest, so you never have to manually sort through the events yourself.
  3. Removing Completed Events: Once an event has passed, the tool will automatically remove it from the list, ensuring that your view of upcoming events is always up-to-date.
  4. Access List for Editing the Board: You can grant access to others to edit your board, so you can work together to keep track of events.
  5. Notecard Configuration for Safekeeping: All of your notecards can be safely stored in your inventory if needed, so you never have to worry about losing your information.

III. Configuring the Event Board

  • Adding access for managers etc.
    1. Click on the board as the owner. You can add, remove, or get your current list from here.
    2. To add a manager, click on the add button, and copy and paste the managers UUID into the text box.
    3. You can remove managers by doing the same, or get the list of current managers as well.
  • Creating notecard
    1. Create a new notecard in your inventory, and name it whatever you like. Open the notecard, and on a new line ([ENTER]), enter each event details, like this:
      [eventname],[day/month/year]You do not have to put them in order, or any other details. the board will sort them for you.
    ** You can have as many events in the notecard as you like, as the board will automatically hide completed events, and only show the closest 10.
  • setting up the board
    1. If you are the owner, simply drag the notecard you have created into the board.
    2. If you are a manager, simply click on the board, and drag a notecard inside within the time span.

IV. Using the Tool

  1. Viewing the Closest 10 Events: To view the closest 10 events, simply rez the board, and it will display the 10 events that are coming up soonest.
  2. Sorting Events by Soonest: The tool automatically sorts events by soonest, so you always have a clear view of which events are coming up first.
  3. Removing Completed Events: Once an event has passed, the tool will automatically remove it from the list, so you always have an up-to-date view of the events that are coming up next.

V. Conclusion

In conclusion, the super useful tool for Second Life event management is a must-have for any Second Life user who wants to stay informed about upcoming events in the virtual world. With features such as the closest 10 events, event sorting, date tracking, access list, and notecard configuration, this tool makes event management in Second Life a breeze. So, why wait? Get your hands on this tool today and never miss another event again. Stay informed and on top of your events in Second Life with this fantastic tool.

VI. How to Buy

You can purchase this tool at the Clover Mainstore.

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