Artsy Lens, the Flickr group for promoting your SL images… outside SL.

In this period, there is much talk of the Metaverse. The (very welcome) return of Philip Rosendale is spurring Second Life users to create promotional content that helps Second Life be known and appreciated by the widest possible number of people.

VIRTUALITY blog is no exception and has started a project on Flickr called Artsy Lens, which aims to make known the beautiful images created by Second Life users outside of Second Life.
What do you mean by “ outside “? First of all, numerous communities are interested in Virtual Reality, Virtual Worlds, and Game Plays.

VIRTUALITY Blog will promote 10 photographs chosen from those published by users on the Flickr Artsy Lens group every month. The publication of the 10 photographs that will be announced will take place on the 5th of each month; the subsequent publication will therefore be on February 5th. In addition, VIRTUALITY Blog will dedicate a unique article to this promotion.

Artsy Lens Flickr Group

Artsy Lens Flickr Group

???????? Artsy Lens, il gruppo Flickr per promuovere le tue immagini di SL… fuori da SL.

In questo periodo si parla tanto di Metaverso. Il ritorno (graditissimo) di Philip Rosendale sta spronando gli utenti di Second Life a creare contenuti promozionali che aiutino Second Life a essere conosciuta e apprezzata dal più vasto numero di persone possibile.

VIRTUALITY blog non è da meno e ha avviato un progetto su Flickr chiamato Artsy Lens che ha lo scopo di far conoscere le splendide immagini realizzate dagli utenti di Second Life al di fuori di Second Life.
Cosa si intente per “al di fuori“? Innanzitutto le numerose comunità che si interessano di Realtà Virtuale, di Mondi Virtuali e Game Plays.

VIRTUALITY Blog promuoverà ogni mese 10 fotografie scelte tra quelle pubblicate dagli utenti sul gruppo Flickr Artsy Lens. La pubblicazione delle 10 fotografie che saranno promosse avverrà il 5 di ogni mese; la prossima pubblicazione sarà quindi il 5 febbraio. VIRTUALITY Blog dedicherà un articolo apposito per questa promozione.

Artsy Lens Flickr Group

“Ghostly Kisses” by Muse Dance Co. at DiXmiX Gallery

January, 23th – 9 AM SLT

Dear Friends,

We are very delighted to introduce you a new fantastic choreography,

perfect synchronization and graceful elegance by Anu Papp and her Muse Dance Co

who will presenting us a breathtaking Modern Dance Show “Ghostly Kisses” at the Dixmix Gallery.

Dixmix Gallery Teleport

270357859 1189900061542075 3120079846362393302 n
Dixmix Gallery Teleport

Anu Papp´s “Ghostly Kisses” – Official Trailer

Anu Papp – Flickr – Muse Dance Co – Facebook – YouTube

Dixmix Gallery Curator: Dixmix Source – Flickriver

Art Promotion

Philip Rosendale invests in Second Life and returns to the origins of the metaverse

The news pleases (almost) everyone: Philip Rosendale returns to the origins of the metaverse and decides to invest in Second Life (of which he is the founder).

In 2006, Rosendale said about Second Life:

“We don’t see this as a game. We see it as a platform that is, in many ways, better than the real world” (Google TechTalks, March 2006).

Philip Rosendale

Rosendale’s role in Second Life will be as a strategic advisor, with a strong collaboration between High Fidelity (of Rosendale’s own creation) and Second Life. In fact, High Fidelity employees will also work for Second Life, giving a concrete contribution to the development and innovation of this metaverse active since 2003.

In reading several articles published on this topic and enthusiastic comments about Philip Rosendale’s return, I came across an article that expresses some concerns. In particular, the author of the article “LET’S GRADE LINDEN LAB’S NEW PRESS RELEASE” analyzes Rosendale’s words commenting on the investment just made.

“No one has come close to building a virtual world like Second Life. Big Tech giving away VR headsets and building a metaverse on their ad-driven, behavior-modification platforms isn’t going to create a magical, single digital utopia for everyone. Second Life has managed to create both a positive, enriching experience for its residents — with room for millions more to join — and built a thriving subscription-based business at the same time. Virtual worlds don’t need to be dystopias.”

Philip Rosendale

To summarize, the article evaluates Rosendale’s reference to a competitor as “not very appropriate,” as if to be defensive. However, the company Rosendale is talking about seems to be Facebook. Zuckerberg is investing in a metaverse, changing the name of Facebook to Meta (from metaverse, in fact).

The New York Times states:

In March, The New York Times, working with The Observer of London and The Guardian, obtained a cache of documents from inside Cambridge Analytica, the data firm principally owned by the right-wing donor Robert Mercer. The documents proved that the firm, where the former Trump aide Stephen K. Bannon was a board member, used data improperly obtained from Facebook to build voter profiles. The news put Cambridge under investigation and thrust Facebook into its biggest crisis ever.

New York Times, Nicholas Confessore

Personally, I think that the reference to Facebook can be “forgiven” to Philip because I believe it is human that the founder of the first metaverse born in 2003 is “annoyed” that someone else wants to pass himself off as the forerunner, the pioneer in the creation of a virtual world with its own currency and commercial activity.

I welcome with enthusiasm the return of Rosendale to Second Life, convinced that there will be exciting news consequent to its creative genius.


Philip Rosendale guest at Lab Gab / August, 7th 2020

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