Anniversary Opening Party at Dixmix Gallery

18 September 2021 – 1 PM SLT

Dear friends,
after the summer break “the place to be” celebrates the first year since we opened the new Dixmix Gallery and we are very happy to welcome you dear art lover, to this special occasion!

For this special exhibition we present the works of:
Catherine Nikolaidis, Lori Bailey and Calypso Applewhyte.

For the music on this special evening we have invited DJ Nadja Neville, who always inspires us with her sets!

Please, feel welcome for the beauty of art and music!

Dixmix Gallery Teleport

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Dixmix SourceDixmix Gallery Curator – FlickrFlickriverFacebook

Art Promotion

“Pray for your sins” at the Cathedral with Dixmix

12 September 2021 – 1 PM SLT

Please feel hearty welcome to join us at one iconic beauty of light and sound,

and unique and powerful installation!

“Pray for your sins” at the Cathedral with music set by Dixmix oriented on the beautiful ambience

that needs to be experienced and appreciated!

Come and check it out, describing this beauty is impossible you need to see it!

The Cathedral Teleport

The Cathedral is one collaborative “build” by Patch Thibauld, Djehuti-Anpu (thoth.jantzen) and DB Bailey.

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Enable parcel media to autorun and allow scripts to play media when visiting.

Midnight is the best sub setting for viewing.

Art Promotion

Second Life has been down, and AWS also: coincidence?

Second Life was not accessible yesterday. Logins were impossible for most users, and those who were online had difficulties in using inventory, transactions, and normal use of the virtual environment.
On my discord server, Second Life (Unofficial), it is being discussed that the Amazon servers were also down just yesterday.
Given that Second Life has now migrated to Amazon’s cloud, is it possible that yesterday’s problems resulted from Amazon’s servers failing?
A plausible hypothesis, certainly. We will see if there are any more similar coincidences in the future.

Second Life Grid Status

“Bolero” by Muse Dance Co at Dixmix Gallery

5 September 2021 – 9 AM SLT

Dear Friends,

We are very delighted to introduce you a Anu Papp´s Modern Dance interpretation of “Bolero” in Second Life!

Boléro epitomizes Ravel’s preoccupation with restyling and reinventing dance movements and is a one-movement orchestral piece and most famous musical compositions by the French composer Maurice Ravel.

With fantastic choreography, perfect synchronization and graceful elegance,

Anu and her Muse Dance Group present us a breathtaking interpretation of “Bolero” at the Dixmix Gallery.

Join us for one magical moments and the beauty of Muse Dance Co!

Dixmix Gallery Teleport


Anu Papp´s “Bolero” – Official Trailer

Anu Papp FlickrMuse Dance CoFacebookYouTube

Dixmix Gallery Curator: Dixmix SourceFlickriver

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