“Emotional Landscapes” with Dixmix at “NUMB”

3 September 2021 – 1 PM SLT

Join us
for a musical journey into “Emotional Landscapes” with Dixmix at “NUMB”!

Allow yourself a relaxing magical moment, that you can share with your loved one and friends.
Dixmix has strongly oriented his music set on Lex Machine´s installation to support artist and his unique project and help us all to a resolution and liberation from unwanted influences.

“There’s a pill for everything these days… none of them actually cure what’s wrong.”

ᄂᄐҲ ϺΔ대Ιᄁᄐ (archetype11.nova) – Creator of “NUMB”

Please, dear friends show your support for the beauty of art and music!

Teleport to “NUMB”

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“Numb”, gorgeous art installation in Second Life by Video by Oema:

On my question, what moved and inspired him to do such powerful Installation,

Lex Machine told me:

A brief bit…

the installation was created as I was dealing with the suicide of yet another one of my brothers in arms. I was a soldier for the last 16 years of war. It was the anniversary of me finding a body of my best friends in the woods when another friend of mine decided to take his own life.
The theme of the sim is very much the plea of that little kid that believes enough to put his life on the line for that which he loves, only to come out of the fray mentally broken and spiritually wounded in places deep enough that whales won’t go there. The standard response of the government is to hand us opiates as though they were candy, to numb us until we either die off or become zombies.

They will literally throw pills at you. I myself have turned down the drugs only to find them mailed to me at my home when I deliberately denied them at the facility. They have a pill for everything…..but nothing to cure what is really wrong.

I believe the world today, in it’s current state is exactly like us…war torn, mentally broken….and so busy being sedated by the quick fixes of life that the world itself has a pill for everything but nothing for what’s really wrong.

Lex MachineFlickrFlickr Group ONLY Shutter Thugs Sim Photography

“Art is restoration: the idea is to repair the damages that are inflicted in life, to make something that is fragmented – which is what fear and anxiety do to a person – into something whole.

 Louise Bourgeois

Everyone is welcome!

Art Promotion

Facebook tries to create a ‘Ready Player One’ style metaverse: is there a risk of Second Life falling into oblivion? Luca’s video.

It seems that Zuckerberg’s announcement of his intention to create a metaverse has worried some Second Life users, including Luca, known mainly for his YouTube channel.
Before leaving you with his video, let’s go over the events that led to the current situation so that you can better understand Luca’s concern.
As many people know by now, one of Zuckerberg’s main challenges is creating a metaverse which, according to his description of it, would be very similar to Second Life. A real virtual world, with its own expendable currency within the metaverse, where people can do the same things they do in real life: from taking a walk together to meeting up for work. This ambitious project is called Horizon.
Below I leave the presentation video.

As you can see, it is more like a cartoon than an actual project that will excite you. I think those who are used to the increasing realism of Second Life will find it hard to adapt to the graphics of Horizon: it would be a bit like reverting to something rudimentary.

So why is there this concern? Beyond personal opinions, which remain such, since we are talking about Facebook, a colossus that can promote itself in a winning way. In short, what we don’t want is for a technically superior product to be supplanted by a marketing product.

In his video, Luca addresses creators, in particular, inviting them to promote Second Life: in practice, let’s make it known as much as possible to counteract Facebook’s promotion of Horizon.
I’m afraid that the intervention of Second Life’s creators cannot compete with Facebook’s colossus. On the other hand, if Linden Lab can’t compete, it’s difficult for Second Life’s creators to compete. However, I believe that Horizon cannot arouse the interest of Second Life users (at least at the moment). I can’t imagine, as mentioned above, a Second Life user who is used to a certain realism leaving Linden Lab’s platform to switch to Horizon. Even less I can imagine a Sansar user preferring Horizon precisely because of the very high-quality graphics they are accustomed to.
In short, beyond any marketing campaign, you need a genuinely competitive product to compete with others. And Horizon, at least for the moment, is not.

Luca’s Video

Skedr.io: the tool that allows you to share to several Flickr groups automatically by precisely selecting thematic groups

Regular Flickr users know how tedious it is to post to various groups, especially if the number of groups you want to add an image to is high. So I think one of the most interesting new features this year is Skedr.io, which allows you to post to groups automatically.

I have been using Skedr.io for a few months now, and I am really enjoying it. Posting to different groups had become unbearable for me because I am always in a hurry, and I preferred to use my time in other ways. In the end, I had given up sharing images in the groups with a significant detriment, however, to my views. Not being a fashion blogger was marginal, but whether we are fashion bloggers or not, I think any photographer would love to see their Flickr account grow.

Skedr.io is not a free tool; however, at the time of writing, its cost is minimal: €18 per year.
May 2023 Update:


In addition, there is a free version that allows you to share to a maximum of 10 groups: for Second Life users, it is useless, of course, given a large number of groups to which a blogger typically wants to add his images.

Skedr.io does not automatically share to the various groups without our input: we have to tag the different groups within the Skedr.io account. Once we have made the payment, our account will show us all the Flickr groups. We have to take care to tag them according to the rules of each group. Let’s take an example to make it easier to understand. If a group allows the indiscriminate addition of all pictures related to Second Life, we can tag the group “secondlife.” If, however, a group only allows the addition of black and white images, we will tag it “blackandwhite.” In this way, we will be able to manage many Flickr groups while respecting the rules of that group. In fact, if I create a color image related to Second Life, I will tag it “secondlife” on Flickr. In this way, Skedr.io will share my photo on all the groups that I have labeled “secondlife” within Skedr.io. If I take a black and white picture, I will tag it on Flickr as either “secondlife” or “blackandwhite.” The important thing is to respect the rules of each group, which is achieved by spending a little time in the beginning on Skedr.io tagging groups correctly. If you want to look at tag groups on Skedr.io, refer to this page: Skedr.io group tagging.


Skedr.io Home Page
Skedr.io: terms and conditions
Skedr.io Faq
Skedr.io Pricing

VIRTUALITY blog mini-forum

VIRTUALITY blog now has its own mini forum that you can use to post questions, requests for information, or simply to talk.
If you have locations to suggest to Oema and Violet, using the forum is a great idea. This way, you can be sure that they will read your message. Inworld messages often don’t arrive, and using different social networks is destabilizing because something can slip through.
Also, before sending an email, please consider writing in the forum. Your question could be helpful to others, and Oema and Violet wouldn’t have to repeat the same answer several times.
Thank you for your cooperation!




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