Dixmix at “La Mezzanine”

14. April 2021 – 1 PM SLT

Chilling out with Dixmix at “La Mezzanine”

Dixmix is vaccinated, and we would love to share this special moment of

“Breathing out” in “chillaxing” with all our friends!

Little tip for the dress – code: Nurses and Doctors, or all in white.

“La Mezzanine” Teleport


Dixmix Source – Curator of Dixmix Gallery

Website – Facebook – Flickriver

Art Promotion

Majilis Al-Jinn, the Sands of Time still enchanted visitors

Second Life Destination: Majilis Al-Jinn

Region Description: You have found yourself on the magnificent Island Kingdom built by Master builder Calein Flux.
Although the sim is currently open to the public, and we encourage others to enjoy the beauty of Sands of Time, please be aware it is privately owned and may be closed from time to time for private events or when the large-scale building is in progress.
If you enjoy your stay, then please come again soon as more will be added soon. Be sure to pass any requests, comments, or inquires in the form of a notecard to the Estate Manager OEMA resident, she will be happy to help.

Owner: Atossa (herminetic)

Teleport: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sands%20of%20Time/154/65/55

Majilis al Jinn
Image by Stella Stern
Sands of Time - Majilis al Jinn 2
Image by Kat Feldragonne
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Image by Nasu Kei
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Image by Rob McRae
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Image by Rob McRae
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Image by Jamisson Burnstein

CATWA HDPro Queen: the creativity of SL users!

The new CATWA releases HD Pro Queen is a success for sure. The SL Marketplace went down because of too many SL users’ requests for buying for just 1 L$ this beautiful head. Honestly, I bought this head since just 1 L$ was an occasion to not miss.

In this post, I am going to show the huge creativity of SL users in customizing this latest release from CATWA. Maybe you can find your inspiration!

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Spajkie Hanks
Sunday morning 210328

In the meantime the new CATWA HD Pro Queen is on the marketplace again, but for 5.910 L$.

Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CATWA-HDPRO-Queen/21590584

Black Dragon Update 3.9.10 addresses the blurry scaling issue when “Constrain Proportions” is ticked while taking snapshots higher than your window resolution

Black Dragon viewer updated to version 3.9.10 and fixes the blurry resizing issue when “Constrain Proportions” is checked while taking snapshots higher than the window resolution.
We’ll go over what this is all about in a moment.
I’ll add some of the important new features in this release and that was posted by Niran on the Black Dragon Viewer blog.

The new status bar buttons have had a few fixes, all camera buttons should now work and in addition to that, there is no a Camera Roll button whenever your camera is not leveled, finally a way to reset the camera roll with a simple click.

As per suggestion Windlights can now be put into the favorites bar (but don’t complain at me for it opening the editor, the favorites bar executes whatever is the default behavior of the item you put into it), a new option to turn off impostor generation has been added (it’s only a debug option so far because unless I make it immediately derender impostors I didn’t feel like its worth a setting in preferences, yet), the taskbar flashing when you receive an IM can now be toggled off (wow that was annoying… especially with autohiding taskbar), the Item Properties tab in inventory now finally uses SLURL’s for creator and owner making it easier to get ahold of them and the option to upload disk snapshots directly to inventory as well while saving them.

Also, a bunch of reported bugs has been squashed, including wearable body parts not replacing when double-clicking them, issues with getting disconnected towards the “precaching” phase on login due to extended unresponsive times, snapshots to inventory not being cropped anymore (its an option now), BOM allowing local textures to be used, Animesh showing empty complexity information and the onscreen controls not scaling with zoom factors like the keyboard and mouse controls do.

Other noteworthy changes are the snapshot window now scaling with the snapshot aspect ratio (without having to change the window aspect ratio), the ability to save 1024×1024 inventory textures directly, and a new feature to flip poses in the Poser. Bear in mind that the snapshot window has been ripped entirely apart and duct-taped back together because it was a huge scattered mess that made working with it hard and unnecessarily complicated (or outright impossible without workarounds), to fix this I had to essentially rip it into pieces and stitch it back together removing all the bridges, duplicate code, hacks, and workarounds, it MIGHT be that something is not entirely working as before but overall the snapshot window seemed to work fine if you find any weird behavior though report it as usual.

NIran, from the Black Dragon Viewer’s blog

Ok, now we need to update. Keep in mind that you don’t need a clean install every time you update to a new release.

  • First, find the folder where Black Dragon is: usually you can find at the following path:
  • Cancel the folder.
  • Download the new Black Dragon version that you can find here.
  • Install the new version 3.9.10.

Ok, now you’ve installed the new version, let’s see where the issue was.

image 1

This option “Constrain Proportions” when was checked got a blurry resizing issue while taking snapshots higher than the window resolution.


Black Dragon Blog
Download the new 3.9.10 release

Feline Party with Dixmix @Drune Diesel City

2 April 2021 – 1 PM SLT

Dear friends,

we extend a cheerful welcome to

Feline party with Dixmix at Club “Black Pussy” in the Drune Diesel City

(Diesel-punk/ Deco punk genres -Movies of the genre: Blade Runner/Gotham is all 1940s Noire)

Dress Code: Diesel-punk. Retro-military uniforms, long raincoats or curly mustaches.

Ladies with cigarette holders, catsuits or the Coco Chanel-look.

Drune Diesel City Teleport

Join us for one extraordinary event at one wonderful Diesel-punk designed area!

Welcome to Drune Diesel City

This sim explores the Dieselpunk/ Deco punk genres
What is written here and the sim itself are just my personal interpretations
What is Dieselpunk ?
It is what happens next when Steampunk ends in the early 1900s.
Its time period is roughly 1920s through to early 1940s
You will see here many of the locations that have appeared in other Drune sims.
This because they belong here.
In a way I have always been building this sim, just adding cyberpunk elements to it.
The most iconic movie of the genre, Blade Runner, owes a lot of what makes it special to the 1940s Noire look and feel and to an Art Deco aesthetics.
This era is also the starting point for many of the most well know superheroes.
Gotham is all 1940s Noire.
It has been a great pleasure and challenge to put this together.
if at times a bit of a struggle, as this period is not easy to buy for,
so I have been forced into blender far more than I like.
I have always had an interest in this time period as I was born not so far from it, when older people still talked about the war all the time.
But adding the “punk” kink to the period gives great scope for fantasy instead of getting stuck in being over accurate and heavy with it all.
So I get to add a period correct, but slightly off beam, Peaky Blinders Pub and brewery,
And I could not help adding a Bat mobile, that strangely looks very at home on the dark 1930s streets
There are also references to Raiders of the lost ark and King King. floating around.
Why call it Drune ?
Well anyone following the story so far will see straight away that this is the same layout that the first original; 5 or so Drunes followed.
In fact there was a Drune 1920s a year or so back from which this sim draws a lot of elements.
When I did that sim though I was pretty much oblivious to Dieselpunk, and even less DecoPunk, but I knew it was not Steampunk.
Discovering this a short while back inspired me to have another go at it, but this time with a full sim and endless prims.
This sim took just over a month of many hours a day to put together.
It has many details most will probably never see.
Regardless of what others may think of what I do, I am always aware of myself when I create something special,
I had this feeling with Venesha,
I get that feeling with this, it is for me unique.
I hope you enjoy it.

Social Structure
The sim is based on a very simple tier system
Top Level is where the ruling party’s offices are, Planning and Council rooms etc.
Next level is the commercial level, run by the usual Gangster and Triad types
Bottom Level is the industrial and dock level run by the Union
which bares a striking resemblance to a certain Birmingham gang.


There is no dress code, but those who get into the theme are much appreciated.
Just Google Dieselpunk Fashion or Decopunk Fashion and you will get the picture.

EEP/ Windlight

This sim is set to an EEP shared environment.
To get it go to, World Menu, Environment, Use shared Environment.
If you do not have EEP then something like “TOR night dark came over” might work.
Straight Night settings might be a bit to dark for it as I use the light given by the fog on the EEP setting I am using to give a base light.
But in the end, anything but daylight, which will look pretty bad I imagine.

I am very grateful for any donations you can make
They all go back into the sim and future builds in some way.
Thank you!


As usual the rules are dead simple

As military uniforms are very much a part of the Dieselpunk genre I feel I should just
make clear that no real world offensive symbolism should be worn I.e Swastikas or any other RL fascist symbolism.
You can imply as much as you like.

No vehicles of any kind to be rezzed or even worn in the sim!

Build is off.
If you wish to rez things for photos etc contact me and I will add you to the group

No Kids
No child avatars, this is an adult sim

No nudty
Stark nakedness is not so fitting for this period as it was for Cyberpunk,
However, feel free to show as much flesh as you like creeping out of your uniform

This is my home, not a corporate run entertainment venue
so please act as you would when visiting anyone’s home
Be respectful to the sim the owners, admins and others around you, then all will be fine.

Ask First!
If you want to do anything other than hang out or take screenshots then ASK FIRST!

Big Thanks
Thanks to AℳAƝƊA (AmandaBennet1967) for some amazing Dieselpunk Posters.
And thanks to my long-suffering best friend Valeria without whom all this would most likely not even be here.

Any big problems or ideas for events etc please contact: Hera, zee9

Please Enjoy!

Art Promotion


The VIRTUALITY team grows with the arrival of Spartan, an experienced photographer in the fashion world.
I am pleased with his arrival; I believe that VIRTUALITY needs to be enriched by giving fresh content in the fashion industry.
Spartan is enterprising: I met him because he wrote to me inworld after seeing one of my videos on Youtube.
I had the chance to talk to him for a long time, and I appreciated his willingness to work and get involved.
Spartan will be working on both the VIRTUALITY blog and 360 GRADI Magazine, so we’ll have a chance to explore the fashion world with him.
Welcome, Spartan!

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Spartan and I @360 GRADI Magazine Editorial Staff

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