“Graffiti: Photos by Mojave Shepherd and Kerry Streeter”

Official opening: 18 February 2021 – 7,30 PM SLT – 9,30 PM SLT

Music set by DJ Calli (Callipygian Christensen)

Second Looks Gallery Teleport


“The exhibition consists of over 50 RL photos of graffiti, roughly half by each photographer, taken over the past ten years in cities across the U.S. and several other countries. We are well aware that the true artists here are the mostly anonymous street artists who have so utterly transformed urban life. The Banksy’s and Shepherd Fairey’s are well known, but street art is an utterly democratic medium—and also an ephemeral one. Our aim is to document it before it disappears, and to celebrate its anger, wit, irony, social and political energy, and utter subversiveness.

Kerry Streeter & Mojave Shepherd

We have long enjoyed each other’s approach to photography. Several years ago, we exhibited simultaneously at an earlier iteration of the Second Looks Gallery on Kelly Yap’s Art Walk. At that time, we discovered we both enjoy seeking out and recording graffiti.

Equis by Mojave Shepherd

Mojave has been walking around with a camera of some sort or another most of his life. He uses his camera as a tool for “seeing” as much as for making photographs. Seeing is about a state of awareness; an increased capacity to notice and to appreciate the taken-for-granted. The view finder becomes the catalyst for finding new views. Street art and graffiti are favorite subjects of Mojave’s photographic attention. They sometimes shock, sometimes delight but almost always invite the viewer to stop to consider. Like all true art, they are created to both express and evoke. The images in this collection are offered in praise and gratitude to the nameless artists who caught his eye. Mojave hopes they do the same for you.

All that Glitters by Kerry Streeter

Kerry finds the graffiti she photographs during long exploratory walks through neighborhoods in the city where she lives or while traveling. She admits the real artists here are the anonymous figures who create these exuberant, scathing, bitter, and celebratory images as they signify on institutional and corporate space. Her photos document these fugitive public statements before they are painted over or otherwise destroyed.

For further information, contact Kerry Streeter.


Second Looks Gallery

Welcome for the beauty of Graffiti!

Art Promotion

Valmoor’s Valentine Love Hurts

11 February 2021 – 1 PM SLT

“Esteemed Valmoorians, 

That awful Valentine date is near! We will do whatever we can to make sure you’ll get in that terrible fuzzy, lovey-dovey Valentine mood, so it will be over quickly. Bring your lover, or come find one. We’ll provide music, venue, and many cozy corners to tie your new lover up. 


Dress Code: Loveable Pink, Brutal Black, Innocent White. 

Leave your knives at the door.”

Megan Prumier & Mako Vitti

Teleport to Valmoor

Pic by little love bug Megan Prumier

Art Promotion

Winter Slavic Rebirth 2021 presents, Sergey Islar

5 February 2021 – 10,30 AM SLT

Winter Slavic Rebirth, SLEA project, region 1
presents a concert where a famous Russian bard will sing for you

Author’s music, or bard music, is a song genre that arose in the middle of the 20th century in different countries. Its distinctive features are the combination in one person of the author of the music, the text and the performer, the guitar accompaniment, the priority of the importance of the text over the music.

Sergey Islar sings lyric songs, using the poems of his friends for them. His repertoire also includes many songs of famous Russian bards, such as Yuri Vizbor, Vladimir Turiyansky, Bulat Okudzhava.

His special voice, full of strong charm, is recognizable from the first notes. It combines all the love for long hikes, high mountains, unity with nature and freedom. Strong lyrics from the heart are expressed in sincere singing and reach the depths of the soul of every listener.


Winter Slavic Rebirth 2021 SLEA Region 1 Teleport


Зимнее Славянское Возрождение, проект СЛЕА, регион 1
представляет концерт, где для вас будет петь известный русский бард

Авторская музыка, или бардовская музыка — это песенный жанр, возникший в середине XX века в разных странах. Его отличительными особенностями являются совмещение в одном лице автора музыки, текста и исполнителя, гитарное сопровождение, приоритет значимости текста перед музыкой.

Сергей Ислар поет лирические песни, используя для них стихи своих друзей. В его репертуаре так же много песен известных российских бардов, таких как Юрий Визбор, Владимир Туриянский, Булат Окуджава.
Его особенный голос, полный сильного очарования, узнается с первых нот. В нем соединилась вся любовь к далеким походам, высоким горам, единению с природой и свободе. Сильная лирика из самого сердца выражается в искреннем пении и доходит до глубин души каждого слушателя.


Art Promotion

Campbell Coast opens Artists Village

14 February 2021 – 12 PM SLT

12 PM SLT – Sucan Juel Live

01 PM SLT – DJ Doc Rast

Bar at Cambell Coast Artist Village Teleport

CC Art

The Campbell Coast Artists Village

is home for the galleries of many amazing Artists Work.
Plan a bit of time and come wander you will feed your mind and soul.

Thank you Bjoyful, Doc Rast and Kitty for making such a warm welcoming place!

Artists include Anouk Lefavre, Audie Whimsy, Blues Rocker, BÓÒ, Caly Applewhyte, Ceakay Ballyhoo, Charles Hera, CybeleMoon, David Silence, Dhyezl, Dįmį Ļųdwįɠ, EtaMae, Gidgy Adagio, Giovanna Cerise, GoSpeed Rasere, Inara Pey, Jaz, Jed Luckless, John & Tempest Huntsman, Kat Heartsong, Kitty Mills, Larree Quixote, Lena Kiopak, Lexus Melodie, Michiel Bechir, Nym, Owl, Radagast Malaprop, Rey Charles, Shakti Adored, Skip Staheli, Suzen Juel, Thomaz Blackburn, Trixie Bumbo, Uli Jansma, Whimsical Aristocrat.

Full list and landmarks to individual galleries look here!

Mainland has never looked this good.

Rural Scottish coastal themed community living – sprawling into 9 Regions of breathtaking natural landscaping on the southern coast of the lovely Corsica Mainland Continent.” – Owl (owl.dragonash)

Artists Village feature space for 42 Artists to have their own Galleries. Campbell coast is part of the beatification of mainland. We are located on the continent of Corsica. Artists Village s part of 9 regions of landscaped beauty Owned by BeJoyful Resident & Doc Rastercan Landscaped by Kitty Mills.

Artists Village is curated by Owl Dragonash.

“Owl, Faun, Elf, Woman in Sl since 2007,
Unapologetic. Live Music fanatic, impressed by Art.
Believes Coffee and brains can save the world!”

More info on Owl´s Webseite

Art Promotion

How to create Clothes for Second Life: MARVELOUS DESIGNER (part 1)

After years of SL (I better not think about how many!) I finally found the time to study how to create outfits in SL.
Of course, I mean mesh outfits, created for the developer kits of Maitreya, Slink, Legacy, and the brand new Kupra.
So I start a new series in which I show how to create your own clothes using the software that many people already know: Marvelous Designer.

I hope to succeed in providing accessible material for beginners, clear enough for anyone to create their own clothes and successfully import them into SL.

In this video we create a simple dress, in the next one, we’ll rig it using Blender and Avastar, make UV maps and import it into SL.

My Youtube Video


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