The New (European) Linden Homes theme! The Demo area is open!

Today I was lucky enough to be online when in the Bellisserian Inworld Group (Bellisseria Citizens), people start talking about the final open of the new Linden Homes theme demo area.
I could teleport there and see with my eyes this new European style. I knew that some of the creators of this theme are German.

Linden Home Reveal - Theme 7 - Chalets - Edelweiss model
Image by Resa Nova

We can know more directly from Patch Linden, who explains:

“There will be 8-floor plans btw, the four represented here, and four more “open concept” floor plans. The inspiration was German, specifically prototyped after the village of Helen, GA in the northeast Georgia mountains”.

Patch Linden

This one should be the Bavarian theme, the 7th theme of Linden Homes.
I can tell that all people here are enthusiastic, even if a Bavarian girl said she doesn’t feel the Bavarian style.
In any case, people all agree: it’s beautiful to have a European Linden Homes style finally.
I suggest you visit the new demo area finally available at the American Cancer Society and also join the Bellisserian Flickr and inworld group to keep informed about this theme will be available to move in.

Patch Linden 001 pe pe min
Patch Linden
nuovo tema 001 pe min
The new Linden Homes Theme


Teleport to visit the new Linden Homes Theme

My Youtube Video

Tia Rungray STREAMING LIVE “秩序 -order-”

26 December 2020 – 5 AM SLT – 22:00 JST

YouTube Live Stream

Tia Rungrayがプロデュースするサウンドインスタレーション空間「STRUKTURO」は12月28日をもって改装移転のため閉鎖する。

STRUKTURO, the sound installation space produced by Tia Rungray, will close on 28 December for renovation and relocation.
This is the closing event. A special set list will be heard at this event.

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Tia Rungray

Electroacoustic music called “Noise Classical” project.

Tia Rungray’s career began in 2013 with the release of his self-produced album ‘Foresta’.

Tia has been performing in the virtual space “Second Life” since 2013 and in the Tokyo area since 2014.

In 2016, he and Kenji Agata (video director) participated in the screening of various films at Senju LAB #1 (organized by composer Akira Senju). In March 2019, the music video “Dancing Fly in My Head” (directed by Kenji Agata) was released with the help of Akira Senju’s office, Tokyo University of the Arts COI and YAMAHA.

Tia is influenced by the ideas of Eric Satie and John Cage, among others. He has developed a unique style that incorporates ambient, post-classical and noise music. He has been creating and releasing instrumental music based on it. The combination of sophisticated piano and violent, ferocious noise creates a spiritual world and social scene.
He has been actively collaborating with video directors for concerts. On that stage, silence and madness coexist. It will look wild and raw. It even gives the audience a sense of madness.

On April 29, 2018, the album “MindgEsso” was published from “Cat&Bonito”. Akira Senju (composer) said, “I’ve heard the air of the future.” about it.

Tia’s Web Event Page

PayPal and JP

Info Group in Second Life

Apple Music

Tia Rungray Facebook



P.R. Art Promotion by Violet Boa



Sundays at 5:00pm and Wednesdays at 5:00pm thought December

in Ballet Pixelle’s new Grand Theatre

Ballet Pixelle performs its version of the Nutcracker (“The Nut”) for the fourteenth year this holiday season. “The Nut” is Ballet Pixelle’s essence of The Nutcracker so you can see just the wonderful dances.

In Ballet Pixelle’s constant quest to blend and explore physical and virtual dance, several surprises await you!

Does Clara become the Princess to her Nutcracker as he becomes the Prince of her dreams? We see mysterious dances in the white castle. Arabian dancers fly in on magic carpets. A Russian cossack stamps out a dance. Matryoshka dolls roll and play. Chinese empresses and emperors move on delicate feet and Spanish señoras and señoritas prance flamboyantly. And even snowflakes dance!

Join us for an evening of classic, and yet new, holiday delights.

Ballet Pixelle The Nut Poster

Ballet Pixelle®

Is the first performing ballet company in the virtual global community Second Life®. Says the Company’s founder, Inarra Saarinen,

“As artistic director of the Company since its inception, I have enormous pride in Ballet Pixelle. Our goal is to investigate and explore the interaction and intersection of physical and virtual dance and blended realities. We perform in the virtual reality of Second Life as well as in the physical reality of First Life (Australia, England, Germany, Japan, USA for example). We are excited to celebrate the future of dance.

We are dancing into the digital future!”

Members of Ballet Pixelle come together from all over the world, including Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. Animations are created by Inarra Saarinen and put into dance phrases. There are no artificial synchronizing devices and the dancers truly perform dancing with each other and the music. Each performance is truly live and unique, and takes advantage of the characteristics of Second Life to extend the art of the ballet in new directions.

For More Information

For more information on Ballet Pixelle®, search for the group “Ballet Pixelle” in Second Life® and join the group to receive notices of all performances, auditions, newsletters, and other news and invitations.

There is also Subscribe Service in the theater which allows you to receive notices without joining the group.

Ballet Pixelle Webseite

Ballet Pixelle Facebook

Ballet Pixelle Wikipedia

Ballet Pixelle Winter Logo

Machinimas (videos) and information on previous ballets, information on auditions, current Company members’ bios and photos, newsletters, press and reviews, etc. are available on these sites.

For Ballet Pixelle work done under the name Second Life Ballet you can search YouTube for Second Life Ballet or see the website.

Or write

Art Promotion

360 GRADI Magazine November-December Issue set to be released at 30 November

The first issue of the magazine 360 GRADI was published on September 30. It is a project that I have wanted to realize for years but, partly for lack of collaborators, partly for lack of time, I have never been able to complete. The wait was however useful, as it allowed me to “study” the characteristics that my magazine should have had.
In fifteen days the second issue of this bimonthly magazine rich in content will be published. Let’s see together 360 GRADI and the preview of the issue that will be out soon.

360 GRADI is an informative magazine. My main purpose as a publisher is to create value, making the reader feel a little more informed, a little richer invaluable content.
To achieve this goal, I have chosen a trusted collaborators, each of whom is an expert in his or her specific field of expertise in the magazine.
Let’s browse the magazine together to get to know them better.

The first collaborator I would like to talk about is Violet Boa: a social media marketing expert is, for a few months, also an art blogger on VIRTUALITY. She is a valuable woman, she thinks positively, she focuses on the quality of her work, and she never rests (I always find her busy in something when I call her!). Violet has promoted 360 GRADES since the beginning of its release and is the PR and Social Media Marketing Manager.

Ladmilla Medier is responsible for the Art sector of 360 GRADES. I like how she introduces her column with Paul Lee’s phrase, “Art does not reproduce what is visible, but makes visible what is not always visible.” Ladmilla’s column seems to be a path, a journey towards creating that expresses itself within that virtual world: Second Life. Ladmilla proposes her point of view to the reader, guiding him by hand through his images and writing. Ladmilla has a strong passion for art in Second Life, so much so that she is the owner of the art gallery THE EDGE, together with her partner Eli Medier.

Van Loopen has been passionate about music, probably since he was in diapers. In Second Life, he has occasionally been a DJ (DJ in the strict sense of the word, the one who mixes the songs to give life to new sounds). Van is also a passionate builder, but in this context, we focus on his musical passion. Moving around crowded venues, he knows the musical artists who populate the virtual. Of these, he chooses some, the best, to bring them to the knowledge of readers of 360 GRADES.

Misoindite Romano is the head of the Fashion sector. No one could take better care of this column than her, as Miso spent her Second Life modeling and focusing only on this. As a model, Miso is an expert in stores and shares her experience with us to better understand a perhaps little known sector.

Jarla Capalini is the head of photography and is also the photographer of the magazine. Jarla’s photos speak for themselves: she is excellent in avatar and landscape photography, and it is a pleasure to see her work every time. She writes for the first time in this November-December issue, as in the previous issue she didn’t have the time to write as she joined the group when the magazine was close to release.

In this November-December issue, he joined 360 GRADI Degoya Galthie as the head of the “brain, mind and virtual reality” sector. Degoya’s entry gives the magazine a scientific edge. Degoya, in fact, is a psychiatrist in real life. Degoya sees the virtual as an opportunity for the human mind, an unparalleled help in solving problems related to the human mind. He explores the complex relationship between the mind and the virtual world, highlighting, of course, also the “shadow zones,” i.e., those consequences that exposure to the virtual world can produce, shedding light on a bond of not simple understanding.

I have completed the presentation of the collaborators of 360 GRADI, now a small preview of the new issue, whose exit is programmed for November 30. Here is the cover!
I wait for you on November 30th for the release of 360 GRADI Magazine!



  • 360 GRADI on Facebook
  • 360 GRADI Flickr Group (post your photo if you would like to be chosen between photographers highlighted by the magazine)
  • Read the Magazine on Yumpu



How Can Virtual Worlds Affect People’s Real Life?

The survey is part of a study on participants in the Second Life virtual world and aims to analyze the relationship between personality factors, experiences in the virtual world and any changes in real life resulting from experiences in the virtual world.

The basic assumption is that the strength of users’ relationship with the virtual environment, identification and similarity with their avatars affect changes in real life and that these three factors mediate the effects of personality traits on reality.

To proceed with the compilation of the survey and the relative scoring of the profile it is necessary:

  1. login to the website,
  2. after registering.

Survey in English


Control your results after anwering to the poll.

Sondaggio in Italiano

Il questionario è all’interno di uno studio sui partecipanti al mondo virtuale Second Life e vuole analizzare la relazione tra i fattori di personalità, le esperienze nel mondo virtuale e gli eventuali cambiamenti nella vita reale risultanti dalle esperienze nel mondo virtuale.

L’ipotesi di base è che la forza della relazione degli utenti con l’ambiente virtuale, l’identificazione e la somiglianza con i loro avatar influiscono sui cambiamenti nella vita reale e che questi tre fattori mediano gli effetti dei tratti della personalità sul reale.

Per procedere alla compilazione del questionario e alla relativa stesura del profilo è necessario:

  1. fare il login al sito web,
  2. dopo avere effettuato la registrazione.

Questionario in lingua italiana


Controlla i tuoi risultati dopo avere risposto al sondaggio.

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