Glam♥It: Rowne

What identifies a fashion brand?
Certainly, the colors, style, design, and even the character of its customer-type.
Is that all? Absolutely not. A clothing brand is an emotion, energy, vitality, seduction, aesthetics. It has its own flavor, like food, and its own unique style like art.
The link between fashion and art is now indissoluble.
One of the first collaborations between fashion and art was between Elsa Schiaparelli and Salvador Dali.

Art and fashion, intrinsically linked and more so than ever. From clothing design to catwalk show art direction, major labels to boutique houses, the word of fashion is falling over itself to involve important names from a diverse range of the visual arts. It’s hardy surprising — after all what is fashion if not wearable art — and these collaborations between the disciplines are certainly mutually beneficial. Fashion, often unfairly judged as one of the more frivolous applied arts, gains serious cachet by association, while the artist reaches a wider, more populist audience.


Rowne and Mistero

I think there is an interesting link between the fashion brand Rowne and the art of Mistero Hifeng. I would define this link as “elegant contrast“.
Rowne’s style is classy, the designer expresses fantasy in dressing an elegant woman who loves to dare.
The art of Mistero is refined, it expresses the disintegration of being, of his identity, of his feelings, and of his life in general.
I wanted to explore this link by creating these images.


Credits and details

Second Life is moving on the Cloud: Some Info and news

Many of us already know that Second Life has started an important migration to Amazon Web Service.

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What exactly is it?

Simply put, it involves moving Second Life’s regions, websites, and related services to Amazon’s cloud servers.

Why is this migration important and what are the benefits?

The move to cloud servers is wanted by Linden because it should give a faster, smoother user experience and certain stability.

Has the migration already started?

Yes, the move is in progress and of course, it is not painless. As reported by Oz Linden in a post-dated October 16, 2020, Linden Lab has found several problems, some of which have already been solved, while others are being investigated to get to a solution as soon as possible.

What are the main anomalies that this migration is causing?

The most significant anomalies are the blocking of group chat and an increase in teleportation failures. In both cases, the problem does not seem to be solved, although there are some novelties. As for the group chat block, some changes are already implemented in the beta grid that could solve the problem or provide useful information on how to solve it. Very soon these changes will also be implemented in the official grid. As for the increase in teleportation failures, it should be noted that this is not a significant increase. However, it is unacceptable for Linden and they are working on it in order to solve the problem.
With regard to the fluidity in the transition from one region to another (an issue of great interest to those who love navigation), it seems to be resolved. The other problems reported do not seem to have a direct correlation with migration to the cloud. I invite you to read the original Oz Linden post for more details.

When should the migration process end?

This migration process should be completed by the end of this year (2020).

How can I know if my region has already passed to the cloud, or in general if a region I am in has passed to the cloud?

It’s very simple: just take from the marketplace this halo that will signal you when you are in a region that has already migrated to the cloud. More details on how to use it in the description of the object that can be taken from the Marketplace.

Related Articles

More details about this migration

You can find more information directly on Amazon’s website, which published Second Life’s transition to their cloud as a case study.

Customer References industry Software Internet.435007e092286e4b52ca216645452c42985c4ed9
Technology concept. 3D render

We can really ramp up our development speeds using Amazon EC2 Container Service, cutting our build and deployment times by 50% or more. With Amazon ECS, we have a very stable platform that allows us to dramatically scale our products.”

Landon McDowell
Vice President of Operations, Linden Lab

The Benefits

  • Amazon ECS eliminates the need to install software and operate servers; this reduces overall management needs for running containers at scale and helps speed time to market.
  • Faster speed and efficiency in moving to containers, averaging one to two minutes for builds and one to three minutes for deployments—about 60 percent faster than previous build/deployment tools.
  • Service is more stable and production-ready.
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More on Amazon Web Site

Tutorial per nuovi utenti in ITALIANO

Ieri ho ricevuto un commento interessante sul mio video “Profondità di campo in Black Dragon Viewer” riguardo la mancanza di tutorial per nuovi utenti di Second Life.

Ecco il testo:

Ottimo video! Non so se hai tempo e voglia, ma di questi tempi ci sarebbe molto bisogno di tutorial per Newbie. So che molti mollano Second Life perchè non sanno come rezzare oggetti, trovare corpi mesh, o adirittura non tutti sanno cosa sia una mesh. o per lo più molti mollano perchè usano il Viewer di second life, o hanno dificoltà con Firestorm. Quindi chiedo a te che hai già le mani da youtuber e fai bene i video, di creare dei tutorial, che credimi, c’è ne sarebbe bisogno per chi ha approccio zero sul mondo life simulator, ovviamente non è un obbligo 😀 però sapere che esistono tutorial, anche in italiano , evito di passare le giornate a spiegare cose alla gente e passo i link dei video. Scusa per il papirone , ma non riesco a non essere prolissa.

Misako Maimus

Per colmare in parte a questa lacuna, ho creato una playlist dove ho inserito i video per nuovi utenti realizzati da Strawberry Linden e tradotti in italiano. Si tratta di video realizzati in modo chiaro e sintetico, quindi li suggerisco a chiunque si approcci a Second Life per la prima volta.

Ecco la playlist per tutti coloro che sono interessati.

Second Life Tutorial per Nuovi Utenti


Silk & Honey ♥13

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Stealthic – Vigil (Unrigged)
[Enchante‘] – Everleigh Boots – Maitreya
LaGyo_Anastas Short Clock Necklace – Gold
LaGyo_Anastas Clock Earrings – Gold
KIWY – Chloe Top (Maitreya)
ROULY :: Kim Track Pants – Fullpack – Maitreya

Silk & Honey ♥12

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Wasabi // Ani Mesh Hair
[Enchante‘] – Everleigh Boots –
Addams // Irina Suit Jacket //
Addams // Leda Hoodie Sleeveless //
Addams // Adele Short Sleeves //
LaGyo_Anastas Short Clock Necklace – Gold
RKKN. Tay’s Jeans Light Stonewash/
LaGyo_Anastas Clock Earring – Gold

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