Silk & Honey 5 ♥

Silk & Honey 5 ♥
metro 1 2


MIWAS / Kiki Leather pants #FATPACK – Mait
Wasabi // Ani Mesh Hair
elise – Annamaria – MAITREYA BENTO Rings
Mimikri – Fur Shrug / Jade black_Maitreya
= DAE = fly away glasses [BLACK]
Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.1
Ysoral .:Luxe Necklace Halloween :.
MIWAS / Kiki Thigh high boots #FATPACK – Mait
MIWAS / Kiki Leather tube top #FATPACK – Mait

Backdrop: .PALETO.Backdrop:. LMP-78 (MATERIAL)(PHYSICS)(LIGHT)

Ghosts of Jericho, between fear, fascination, and mystery

Can you fall in love with a destination? If it is possible, I think I have fallen in love. It was love at first sight, of those who take you suddenly and to which you can’t give a logical explanation. Maybe, I say maybe, Ghosts of Jericho touches some of the strings of the soul. Who knows.

Ghosts of Jericho is the installation created by Elizabeth Jewell for the stage part and Electric Monday for the sound.
The Sim Quarterly hosts the installation: homestead made available by the same Electric Monday for artists who desire to expose their creativity.
The installations change every three months to give space to a good number of artists to express themselves and, at the same time, to allow visitors to have the necessary time to appreciate the works hosted.


At the landing point, a notecard greets the visitor: it introduces the artistic project of The Sim Quarterly and clarifies the rules of the location.


One aspect that bloggers and photographers will find very interesting is that joining the group makes it possible to have rez rights: keep in mind an auto-return every 30 minutes.
Moreover, photographers and bloggers are invited to share their images on the dedicated Flickr group.
The narration that season the installation with charm and mystery is available on The Sim Quarterly website.
I recall here some passages to give the reader a complete view.

The Sim Quarterly is proud to welcome Ghosts of Jericho, a scenic installation designed, curated, and posed by Elizabeth Jewell, with an original soundscape concept and experience by Electric Monday.

The Jericho Ferry leaves The Sim Quarterly dock soon and heads to Jericho. The ferry master will give you all the tips you need as she guides you into your ferryboat before your trip (TP) to Jericho.

Explore this curiously eerie and desolate but beautiful island with your sounds on. Listen carefully as you wander—you may “meet” some of the Ghosts of Jericho… Wander around on foot to discover the various Ghosts of Jericho.

They are also known to communicate through common methods, as you may discover in the boathouse. No one is around now, but Jericho was once a thriving lighthouse island, even written up in many travel magazines as a secluded weekend getaway for fishers, hikers, and spelunkers. Oh, do you have your spelunking gear—you’ll most likely find that it comes in hand here, so pack accordingly!

TAKEN FROM The Sim Quarterly Official Site


My Youtube Video

Silk & Honey ♥4

Autumn, along with spring, is my favorite season. Its colors, the temperature that relieves the summer heat are among the aspects that I appreciate the most.
I was inspired by a mix of autumn and Halloween for this style, creating something allusive, but not macabre.
I leave as always the credits and anticipate that the beautiful location photographed in this image will be the next post’s subject.


Ysoral .:Luxe Necklace Halloween :.
elise – Annamaria – MAITREYA BENTO Rings (L)
erratic / lara – panty / FATPACK (maitreya)
DOUX – Noah Hairstyle [M]
Ysoral .:Luxe Bracelet Halloween :. (Left)
=Zenith=Avery Zipper Dress (ALL)Maitreya
elise – Annamaria – MAITREYA BENTO Rings (R)
barberyumyumHalloweencandy(gift) hand

Why the Second Life Community is not a Social Network? It would be a boom!

Why the Second Life Community is not a Social Network? It would be a boom!

Today I found myself quickly reading the latest news published on the Second Life Community. For those who do not know, and I can assure you that there are many, Second Life Community is the official website dedicated and all the latest news related to our beloved virtual world. Not only that, as the name suggests, the site is also a “community”; therefore, it favors interaction between people through forums suitably divided by topic.

More: Second Life Community shares posts from Second Life bloggers who have joined the SLNB (Second Life Blogger Network). So if you are a blogger and would like to see your shared content directly on the Community page, join the network here.

After reading the news, I feel like sharing them, but the information does not always flow into a specific post: sometimes, I want to discuss it with others. So how do you do it? You have to see if there is a particular section for that topic and be careful not to repeat the questions. 

It is therefore natural to ask: but is there a way to speak in greater freedom? Of course, it exists! It is the Social Network.

Second Life Community

When writing, the best Social Network we know for Second Life is AvatarBook, the only SN created specifically for SL avatars.

Another alternative is to go to Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, or others and share the news there, thus hearing others’ opinions. Ok, all clear, but… why not create an official Second Life Social Network within the Community?

You will reply that the SN already exists on our Dashboard, but we know well that it is not convenient, it does not allow the images uploading and is for the friends we have inworld. A Social Network that does not consider users’ needs, who love to share pictures, videos, have even more than 800 friends on the SN, but maybe only five inworld to not be disturbed (with aggressive teleports, spam, and more). 

If it existed, it would be, in my opinion, a success. I would always be there because it is convenient to have a single point of reference for everything, inform me, chat freely, share news, and know friends’ opinions. With an added messaging service, that would be the best! (I’m not saying what it would be if there were also the possibility of creating thematic groups, no, I won’t tell it… but, why not! Yes, I say it: it would be a boom in visits and acquaintances!).

So I wonder, and I ask you: why is the Second Life Community not also a Social Network?



The Noir’wen City Festival is a gigantic annual event that the visitor can explore in the two-three months of late summer and host by Noir’Wen city. The owners and creators are Belice Benoir and -Ñïéü ™ – (nieuwenhove).

Violet Boa, who works as a blogger on VIRTUALITY, suggested to me this region, and thanks to her, I had the chance to explore it.

The Noir’City Festival is an event, so it hosts many shops with exciting brands. Some of these brands were unknown to me, having never seen them at other events.
Every year the Noir’Wen city festival hosts selected artists, and I was able to appreciate more than 15 exhibition galleries in all, also in this case knowing artists who were unknown to me.

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This year, the Noir’Wen City festival values ​​in a particular way Milena Carbone. At first glance, hearing the name, I thought it was Italian: instead, it is a French artist. Milena Carbone’s images are throughout the region, and it is impossible not to see them. However, there are also individual exhibition spaces structured as a classic art gallery where Carbone’s creations are traditionally exhibited to the visitor.
The artist’s technique is exciting, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen images made similarly. Color is a point of the picture that is enhanced on a chromatic predominance of black and white. The background looks like paper, suitably positioned in the artistic composition to give this natural effect.

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Noirwen 006 PS min

Carbone’s art and the message are not just this. Violet explains to me that the artist was interested in giving a robust notice, in striking the visitor. The art center exhibits children’s images used for the war differently: letters were written by the same children accompany the photos. Carbone does address not only this issue but also that of homophobia and gender violence.

To be sure to explore every part of the region where the artist’s images are allocated, I recommend moving around using the teleports that are available in the main exhibition points of the area. Furthermore, by clicking on the small cubes above some advertising panels, it is possible to read the whole poem.

milena carbone 001 min

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Noirwen 010 PS min
Noirwen 011 PS min

Milena Carbone is not only an artist of images but also an engaging storyteller. Her space on Medium is a demonstration of this, and I invite the reader to explore it.
In the last post, Milena talks about her artistic exhibition at Noir’Wen City, entitled Plead Guilty (specifically, collecting the images that the visitor can admire while wandering around Noir’Wen City).

I invite the reader to learn more about Carbone’s message and visit her blog on Medium and explore this gigantic art and shopping event. It was not easy to create an event that highlighted shops and art without smudging, but I must say that Noir’Wen City has succeeded in this aim flawlessly.

Noir’Wen City Festival Teleport


Why you have to pay attention to how you use social networks: the risk of becoming “ego-monsters.”

The way of using social networks is a topic that has interested me ever since I entered this world a few years ago. I use social networks only for promotional purposes, so as a tool to make known one of my latest published posts or some event that I particularly care about. The vast majority of people do not use them for marketing purposes but share their life moments with others. This aspect is especially true if you think of real profiles and not profiles linked to a video game or a virtual world.

The first times of exploration and knowledge of social networks were the most interesting, in my opinion. People shared for the pleasure of showing something they understood could be useful to others as well, so they made a particular selection of content. A place, a club, a musical event in which they had participated, and thought could also interest other people.

Over time, social networks and their “stage charm” took over, transforming people who enjoyed being of help to people who shared any selfie, any moment of their life for the sole (and clear) purpose of having likes and comments. In the era of “glebe selfies“, as the Italian philosopher Diego Fusaro masterfully calls them, it becomes imperative to show oneself to satisfy one’s selfish sense of approval. The interesting aspect is that showing up is not just about the positives, but is a larger stage, including malaise, physical problems, surgery, and even the change of sex is served along with coffee and the morning paper.

You will tell me, but what’s the harm. Nothing, absolutely nothing. Nothing if the purpose is not to obtain the approval of others. Nothing if sharing does not alienate life, it does not lead people to disconnect from reality. But it is also true that if the purpose is not the reaction of the people who read, why share?

My generation’s beauty is that you are “vintage” enough to remind you of what life was like before Social Networks. When you were at school and went on a trip, you spent time with your classmates; you lived in the present and to the end, those moments of joy whose memories give, as adults, precious moments of nostalgia. In the age of the iGen, the generation of always connected and always online, when kids go on a trip, spend time with their heads on smartphones and do not interact with each other (or interact via their smartphone). No attention to the present moment, no participation, just walking around because you have to when the mind is elsewhere.

How do you get out of this vortex of self-centeredness and alienation?
I don’t think the best way is to cut ties and shut down all the social networks we have. We live in a society where everyone uses them, and they can also be beneficial. Instead, I think that everything passes through the understanding that the Social Network is the tool to do something, not the end. Facebook is useful for finding information, so why not use it for this purpose? (Always paying attention, because even Facebook conveys information where it suits you). This awareness also makes us feel that we are in control of our lives and are masters of our emotions. Having many likes can also give us pleasure (in the moment), but over time more and more are sought, and emotional dependence is born. It is very different from those who enter a social network for a reason, absolve it and leave—much more self-control, much more self-centering.

Of course, it is not easy, in an era where everyone, even those who should be an example of self-control for their role, lets themselves go to a selfish use of the social network.
However, I believe it is worth trying to educate today’s young people, who are our future, because people with their heads in their smartphones are distracted and, therefore, manipulable. A doubt arises: is it not that they want us just like that?

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