The list of my favorite items at Equal10 in this awesome October round.

My Youtube Video


Fifty Linden Friday

Every Friday, a group of designers will place an item in the front of their mainstore marked down for 50L.

The item might be something from the store marked down, or maybe an exclusive, special item. Each week the designers and items will rotate.

The items will be available from 12am SLT on Friday until 11:59pm SLT on Friday.

Join this inworld group and see the last notice to get the notecard will all teleport: secondlife:///app/group/4736f8f4-8b07-85c3-6952-ceafd0673096/about

My Youtube Video

Equal10 August Review

Equal10 August Review

Hi everyone, and welcome to the Equal10 August round!

In this video, I have the pleasure of showing you some beautiful items that you can find at Equal10 this month.

We are going to see awesome backdrops, incredible women outfits with all the colors customizing possibilities, shoes, hair, makeup, and tattoos.

→ Equal10

My Youtube Video


Equal10 Gallery

60 L$ Friday – 8th/9th august

Happy Weekend is Mainstore sales event organized and brought to you by ACCESS Team.Every weekend our Designers will setup high-quality item/pack/mini-pack of their choice for a special discounted price – 60 L$ in their In-world Mainstores.• Join ???????????????????????? Updates group to receive the Full Shopping list with participating stores, Previews, and Landmarks.

➤ Follow ACCESS Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Access.SecondLife/
➤ Follow ACCESS on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/weloveslfashion/
➤ ACCESS is on IG: @successiveness

Notecard Shopping List is sending out every Saturday at 10 AM SLT.

• Group key: secondlife:///app/group/b3aace36-3811-aa8b-59dc-87ca4e63c1c6/about

Fifty Linden Friday

Every Friday, a group of designers will place an item in the front of their mainstore marked down for 50L. The item might be something from the store marked down, or maybe an exclusive, special item. Each week the designers and items will rotate. The items will be available from 12am SLT on Friday until 11:59pm SLT on Friday. You can get the items by following the LMs in this note.

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/groups/fiftylindenfridays

Inworld Group: secondlife:///app/group/4736f8f4-8b07-85c3-6952-ceafd0673096/about
