Awesome Christmas Gifts – Our Gallery

Awesome Christmas Gifts – Our Gallery

This Gallery will be updated every day! Come back to take a look for new gifts.

Holiday Special 54 Designers: The showroom of users’ creativity

Lelutka, in collaboration with 54 designers, has started an event where the 54 stores offer free skins, shapes, and other items compatible with the new Lelutka heads also provided for free.

Sometimes, the store requires group membership: finding the group to join (always free) is simple. By clicking on the vendors, a message will appear in local telling which group you need to join to get the gift. By clicking on the name of the group that appears in local, it will be possible to have the profile of the group and join.

In this post, I would like to highlight the work of the community and the splendid images that show the different looks that users have created with these very welcome gifts.
I wanted to share more images, but sometimes, the permissions were limited to friends, and I couldn’t share them.

Let’s start with the Raven female head, Lelutka Evo X.

A N A S T A S Í A 

And now, let’s explore male creativity with the head Quinn – Lelutka EvoX.

Are You Gonna Be My Girl..
Anais Maelle
Time to celebrate

5 items that mix and match great!

If you are looking for some items that mix and match great, this post is for you!

I created this outfit, named Lolita, as a GIFT for my store inworld group, She.
It’s sexy and classy at the same time!
Group Fees: Free to Join.

I enjoyed mixing and matching it with some other awesome stuff:

  • MINA Hair – Senja
  • MAZE – Ribbons for Soft Arms
  • ^^Swallow^^ Gauged S Ears
  • Lilithe‘// Psykhe Tattoos (BOM Evo x Tattoo)

Ready for shopping?

Go, Go & Go

MINA hair





Hair and lipstick for 50L$ all: a tone of gothic

Today I was in the mood for a gothic look, but I didn’t want to spend too much.
For this FLF (Fifty Linden Fridays) Bonbon has put on sale for 50 L $ some hair that is love.
Find 3 packages, each costing L $ 50 : naturals , colors, and ombres.
I chose ombres to create this gothic style.

After Bonbon, I went to POUT! where I got this incredible group gift (joining the group is free): lipstick with a decidedly gothic look!

╰┈➤Teleport: Bonbon

╰┈➤Teleport: POUT!

crop 1
Bonbon Hair (50 L$ limited time) + POUT! lipstick group gift

Leggi in Italiano

Oggi avevo voglia di un look gothic, ma non avevo voglia di spendere troppo.
Per questo FLF (Fifty Linden Fridays) Bonbon ha messo in vendita per 50 L$ dei capelli che sono un amore.
Trovi 3 pacchetti, ciascuno costa 50 L$: naturals, colors and ombres.
Io ho scelto ombres per creare questo stile gotico.

Dopo Bonbon, sono andata da POUT! dove ho preso questo incredibile group gift (l’adesione al gruppo è gratis): un lipstick dal look decisamente gotico!

╰┈➤Teleport: Bonbon

╰┈➤Teleport: POUT!

Wanna dance? Don’t worry about the panther… it doesn’t bite. Special group GIFT!

Happy Tuesday dear reader; this morning, home on sick leave, I took some time to explore some of the wonderful gifts that Second Life creators kindly offer at events, group gifts, etc.
In this post, I would like to introduce you to The Makeover Room group gift, a very elegant ball gown or role play dress created especially by Entice.
I didn’t miss the chance to wear it and take some pictures at the Crystal Line Romantic ballroom. After trying out different windlights, I experimented with some variations at Anya OhMai‘s Depth Map EEP. In that elegant context of harmonious lighting, I found the effect interesting.
I leave you the credits of the outfit below. For the make-up I used the one provided by Lelutka, graduating its intensity.

What I am wearing

  • Sweet Art – Neck Flower @equal10
  • Sweet Art – Mouth Flower @equal10
  • Sweet Art – Face Flower @equal10
  • RAWR! Riley Earrings HUMAN EvoX
  • [Rezz Room] Panther Animesh (Companion) v1.0.0
  • Entice – Carmina Burana – BlackPink – Maitreya
  • Avada~ Ballerina Nude French Tips Nails – Maitreya
  • Kibitz – Tati’s necklace – fatpack
My Immortal

Teleport to The Makeover Room

Leggi in Italiano

Buon martedì caro lettore; stamattina, costretta a casa in malattia, ho impiegato un po’ di tempo a esplorare alcuni splendidi regali che i creataors di Second Life gentilmente offrono in occasione di eventi, group gifts etc.
In questo post desidero presentarti The Makeover Room group gift, un elegantissimo abito da ballo o da role play creato appositamente da Entice.
Non ho perso l’occasione per indossarlo e scattare qualche foto al Crystal Line Romantic ballroom. Dopo avere provato diversi windlight, ho sperimentato alcune varianti alla Depht Map EEP di Anya OhMai. In quel contesto elegante di luci armoniose, ho trovato l’effetto interessante.
Ti lascio in calce al post in lingua inglese. Per il make up ho usato quello in dotazione da Lelutka, graduandone l’intensità.
