
In the virtual world of Second Life, there exists a hidden gem known as Sonder. Owned and created by the visionary duo of Emm Evergarden and Teagan Lefevre, Sonder is a thriving rural community nestled in the breathtaking landscapes of Heterocera’s Lake District. Inspired by their profound love for the SL Mainland and its limitless possibilities, the creators have fashioned Sonder into a harmonious and welcoming abode for wanderers seeking tranquility and adventure.

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A Journey to Sonder

The Visionaries Behind Sonder

Emm Evergarden and Teagan Lefevre, driven by their passion for Second Life and the desire to build a vibrant community, embarked on a quest to bring their dreams to life. Their vision was to create a place where residents could embrace the beauty of nature, engage in recreational activities, and forge lasting friendships.

Embracing Mainland Origins

Sonder remains deeply rooted in the spirit of the SL Mainland. The creators have thoughtfully preserved the essence of its origins while adding their unique touch, resulting in a seamless integration of past and present.

Exploring Sonder

The Village Square – A Charming Hub

The heart of Sonder lies in its picturesque village square. The cobblestone streets and rustic architecture exude an old-world charm that captivates visitors from the moment they arrive. Here, residents and guests can come together, share stories, and revel in the warm sense of community.

Residential Gathering Areas

Sonder offers an array of residential options, including lofts and cottages for rent. These cozy dwellings are designed to foster a sense of belonging among the residents. Additionally, outdoor gathering areas provide spaces for socializing and enjoying leisure activities.

DFS Fishing at Sonder Lake

For those who find solace in the art of fishing, Sonder Lake is a tranquil spot to cast a line and unwind. The Digital Farming System (DFS) fishing experience offers a serene escape for anglers of all skill levels.

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A Culinary Delight at MyStory Restaurant

Food enthusiasts will be delighted to explore MyStory restaurant, where delectable dishes are crafted with care and passion. Barista Babes Coffee To-go, the brewery, and the pub with games ensure that there is never a dull moment.

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Embrace Creativity at the Craft Shop

Sonder’s craft shop is a haven for artists and enthusiasts alike. From a flower market to a bookstore, this creative space fosters an environment of imagination and inspiration. Painting on the patio is a popular activity, allowing individuals to express themselves through art.

Outdoor Activities Galore

Sonder embraces the great outdoors with open arms. The outdoor residential gathering area is adorned with games and recreational facilities, encouraging residents to bond over shared interests. Bike rezzers and the Teegle horse rezzer provide opportunities for exploration and adventure.

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Available Rentals at Sonder

Sonder Lofts in the Village Square

The heart of the village square houses the charming Sonder Lofts, where residents can experience the vibrancy of community living at its finest.

Quaint Cottages in the Rural Residential Area

For those seeking a more serene and rural atmosphere, Sonder offers two cottages available for rent in the scenic rural residential area. More options are planned for the future, promising even more choices for prospective residents.


Sonder in Second Life is a testament to the creative potential of the virtual world. With the passionate efforts of Emm Evergarden and Teagan Lefevre, this burgeoning rural community has blossomed into a harmonious haven for wanderers seeking both serenity and camaraderie. From its enchanting village square to the scenic landscapes and vibrant social spaces, Sonder has something to offer every explorer.


  1. Is Sonder open to everyone in Second Life? Yes, Sonder warmly welcomes all wanderers from Second Life to explore its beauty and tranquility.
  2. How can I rent a loft or cottage at Sonder? To rent a loft in the village square or a cottage in the rural residential area, visit the Sonder rental office and select your preferred space.
  3. Can I host events at Sonder’s outdoor gathering area? Absolutely! Residents are encouraged to host events and activities at the outdoor gathering area to foster a sense of community.
  4. Will there be more rental options at Sonder in the future? Yes, the creators are continuously working on expanding the rental options to accommodate more residents in the future.


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