A week ago, I wrote a post saying that VIRTUALITY stopped the publication due to the problematic situation that Italy is experiencing right now.

Today I can say that the situation has not improved; in fact, there are still numerous deaths significant daily, innumerable hospitalizations, and various conditions of intensive care undoubtedly necessary. In the majority of cases, however, it must be said that deaths affect 0.8% of completely healthy people. It means that mortality mainly affects people of a certain age, especially if they have pathology or even more previous pathologies. Unfortunately, in Italy, the average age is particularly high, and cases of previous pathologies have been numerous in subjects who contracted the virus. Surely it has also been cases of healthy young people who have experienced a nightmare after the infection.

Some people contract the virus and have no symptoms. These are the most dangerous because they spread the virus without knowing it, even believing that they are perfectly healthy.

Right now, I am at home, I do my work from my computer, and I can’t get out because there is a quarantine requirement. For those who leave without a real reason, the Italian law introduced severe penalties, up to 12 years in prison. The offense being disputed is pandemic. During this period of spread virus in Italy, the State introduced new criminal and administrative regulations.

Second Life is an excellent opportunity to stay in touch with people with whom a real meeting is not possible. I decided to continue writing on the blog because it is also a way to get distracted. Everyday life is difficult, because the media put a dramatic situation in front of us, which we would never have imagined until a couple months ago. Italy has overtaken China in terms of deaths; every day, the bulletin is worrying about the death numbers media offer us. More experts cannot say when the virus will peak and therefore, cannot make realistic predictions on when this situation will end.

At the moment the schools are closed, all the activities are suspended, and the only shops that remain open are the food ones. The roads are empty, a few cars with some special needs are enough, but along the way, it is easy to run into the police and the army. I think I have seen such a situation only in apocalyptic films, and today it is, unfortunately, a sad reality. Even among my acquaintances, some people have become infected, just as there are people who are dead.

Unfortunately, I see that other states that have not yet known the severity and danger of this virus are waiting to underestimate its extent. In reality, it is a difficult situation.

At this moment, Second Life can be a great help. The possibility of staying in contact with people, having fun watching a live concert, going to dance with friends, visiting an art exhibition or playing together, is a great help much more than you can imagine.

What I would like to say to all those who still do not experience this problem seriously is not to underestimate it. All those like me live it every day know that the problem exists and is dramatic. However, if it were not so, the states would not take the measures they are implementing, and the World Health Organization would not make the statements that we all know.

See you, guys, and take care.



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