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Moki Yuitza

Moki Yuitza joined Second Life on 16 Mai 2008.

Moki is characterized by a strong desire to create something beautiful,

to experience the new emotions and to bring them to life with her art.

Inspired and hungry for new experiences as well as always interested in

learning and trying out new things, she always gives her maximum.

Often stimulated by the art of other artists, she transports her visions and feelings

in a creative process and creates “breathtaking” moments for the viewer.

Moki Yuitza is the artist we love, who always manages to put a big smile on our faces, an artist who always inspires and surprises us, and we are very excited and in joyful anticipation to see Moki’s future artistic installations.

Moki Youitza´s latest Installation “Cells” – Video by Serendipity Dyrssen



Your life without art would be …

Moki: Life is art and art is everywhere… you just have to see it.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

Moki: I could say, everything … everything I see, I hear … are all inspirations that remain preserved, reworked and remixed … completely unconsciously, mostly.

What is your work about?

Moki: In my installations, or even in the photos … in everything I do, I try to give life to my concept of space, as well as the sensations and images I have in my head, using basic prims, in Italian there is a term that I like it because it represents me a bit “spacca prims” (prims breaker).
To create something beautiful for me, and that can communicate emotions, and sensations … and I do what I do with the two things that I immediately loved in SL : prims and avatar.

How is the artistic process like there? Do you see an object / person / landscape first and then the idea comes up? Or is it upside down?

Moki: In reality there is no real sequence, I have inside me a cauldron of ideas and inspirations without a precise form (therefore also things that come from what I see) … at a certain point a spark causes it to be born the idea and then take shape and substance.

B Mode 001
B-Mode by Moki Yuitza

Your mantra?

Moki: I have two of them:
1 – there is always something to learn
2 – if you have to do it, do it well and to the maximum
the mantras of a good craftsman!

Currently, the best place for you in SL?

Moki: All SL is my happy place, but if you want to know a specific place in SL, over the year I had a lot of favorites, a place where I went repeatedly… but at least, I always went back to my home, so…. My home.

A question that moves you right now …

Moki: Too many things, it’s hard to choose one.

Just Me
Just Me by Moki Yuitza

Is there a work of art in your life that particularly impressed you?

Moki: Without doubt, the bronze “hermes in riposo” by Lisippo. It is located at the national Museum of Naples, in Italy.

What is art for you – now completely independent of the usual definitions?

Moki: Everything made by a human being that can cause me an emotion… this is the art for me.

Fading by Moki Yuitza

Was there a key experience or has the artist profession always been your dearest wish?

Moki: I’ve always created things for myself, and I probably would have continued like that. Then something clicked, and I felt the need to share my emotions, but if I had to tell you exactly what happened, I wouldn’t be able to give you an answer.

What drives you?

Moki: The desire to learn and experience new emotions.

Do you feel understood with your art?

Moki: Art? Which art?

My Ghost
My Ghost by Moki Yuitza

Do you think that you can make a difference with your art?

Moki: No, my only wish is to share my visions and my emotions.

Do you think that everyone is an artist?

Moki: Potentially yes, as long as his “art” is shared.

Do you have any role models? If yes, which?

Moki: Not just one, but all can be potentially a role model… everyone’s art is always an inspiration.

Lack by Moki Yuitza

What does the term art mean to you?

Moki: Feelings and emotions that are shared.

Are there any topics that you are particularly interested in implementing?

Moki: Too many!
At this moment photography (my first love in SL).

What is your strength?

Moki: I am stubborn and anxious.

What was the best advice you have ever received in SL?

Moki: Someone one day told me:

You can create whatever you want, and put in it your deepest feelings… just you will know that they are there.

Your next projects, exhibitions. Where your art can be seen?

Moki: Next one is secret for now.
I don’t have a personal gallery at the moment, but my latest work is actually visible at The Sim Quarterly

Video by Second life Destinations

Moki Yuitza Bio

“I was born in SL on 16 May 2008,
and I was immediately fascinated by the endless possibilities offered by this metaverse.
Shortly after birth, I began to try to understand how to create something of my own, how to achieve what I had in my mind. To do this, I initially attended building classes, which led me to master the first bases, and over time I continued to experiment and deepen the possibilities offered by SL, such as physics, lighting or projections.

From the beginning I found myself more comfortable working with SL basic prims.

With simple, basic shapes, and some manipulation possibilities, I can create almost everything.
Although I appreciate the possibilities offered by the meshes, I continue to create exclusively using prim base.
In RL I am an architect and in this metaverse I found the possibility to realize my idea of ​​space and my architectural fantasy, as well as to share it with other people.”

“Sono nata in SL il 05/16/2008,
e sono stata immediatamente affascinata dalle infinite possibilità offerte da questo metaverso.
Poco dopo la nascita, ho iniziato a cercare di capire come poter creare qualcosa di mio, come realizzare quello che avevo nella testa. Per fare ciò, ho inizialmente frequentato corsi di building, che mi hanno portato a padroneggiare le prime basi, e nel tempo ho continuato a sperimentare ed approfondire le possibilità offerte da SL, come la fisica, le luci o le proiezioni.
Sin dall’inizio mi sono trovata più a mio agio a lavorare con i prim base che offre SL.
Con forme semplici, di base, e qualche possibilità di manipolazione, è possibile creare praticamente tutto.
Nonostante io apprezzi le possibilità offerte dalle mesh, io continuo a creare quasi esclusivamente usando prim base.
In RL sono un architetto e in questo metaverso ho trovato la possibilità di concretizzare la mia idea di spazio e la mia fantasia architettonica, oltre che a condividerla con gli altri.”


@SOLOARTE – collective
@LEA19 – HYPERCUBE. Into the labyrinth of mind
@LEA4 / 2Lei – Collective

@MUSEUM ISLAND / Basilica Cisterna – Echoes
@DiXmiX Gallery – Into the Net
@LEA4 – Prims in Music. Tribute to W. Kandinsky (with Aloisio Congrejo)
@SLB16 – Freedom
@Art Free – Atoms
@La Maison d’Aneli “La Serre” – Ascension
@MUSEUM ISLAND / 2Lei – Collective
@Club LA and Gallery – Rainbow Flakes

@DiXmiX Gallery – Hyper Virtual. An insane space
@DiXmiX Gallery – Pas de Deux (photography)
@SLB17 – G.O.D. Moki Yuitza for Museum Island
@Akimitsu – SYNAPSES
@DiXmiX Gallery – Geomorphism

@The Sim Quarterly – CELLS

foto mokixbio 2021
Moki Yuitza

Moki Yuitza Flickr Website Instagram

E-Mail: mokiyuitza@gmail.com

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