Lika Cameo is an extraordinary artist who has been captivating audiences since February 2018 with her stunning watercolors, crayons, sketches, and digital art. Her works are inspired by the world around her, and her passion for drawing humans is evident in her pieces.

Lika’s art is not just about answering questions or solving problems, but rather about giving meaning, feeling, and beauty to the world. Through her art, she aims to awaken emotions, convey beauty, and evoke memories within her audience.

In an interview, Lika shared that her artistic process involves a journey of personal discovery. As a dreamer and romantic, she immerses herself in her art, continuously exploring who she is as a human. She is driven by strong emotions and curiosity and always eager to discover what feelings she might have awakened in her audience.

Lika’s luminous personality and love for art inspire those who come across her creations. Her works of art are a testament to her creativity and devotion. Visitors to her gallery can see how her space changes and evolves, reflecting her constant exploration and evolution as an artist.

For Lika, art transcends boundaries and touches the soul. To experience her work is to experience the magic of art. She invites all readers to visit the CameoArt Gallery and exhibitions in Second Life to discover the beauty and emotion that her art brings to the world.

Today, The Kondor Art Center showcases the latest exhibition by Lika Cameo, entitled “Endless.”

This collection is a tribute to the unrelenting nature of time and its continuous motion through the circle of life. The idea for this collection was inspired by the “circle of life” and how it relates to time, which evolved over a few months, culminating in 24 stunning images that capture the essence of the never-ending cycle of life.

Lika’s artistic process involved using procreate to paint and sketch over each photograph, creating unique and mesmerizing works of art that are a blend of painting and photography. She also used landscapes and sim photos to connect each month with a specific setting, giving each piece a unique sense of place.

The exhibition is arranged over two levels of the gallery, and each photograph’s placement is intentional, adding to the overall impact of the collection. As you move through the exhibit, you will be taken on a journey through time, reflecting on the circle of life’s endless nature.

Lika Cameo drew inspiration for this collection from Elton John’s iconic song, “Circle of Life”, which perfectly captures the essence of the exhibit’s theme. In her writing, Lika reflects on the different elements of the exhibit, describing the feeling of falling endlessly through space and time, the importance of cherishing every moment, and the power of the stars to inspire us to dream.

  • CA Time Solid bw 2
  • CA Time Solid color with text 2

“From the day we arrive on the planet
And blinking, step into the sun
There’s more to be seen than can ever be seen
More to do than can ever be done
Some say eat or be eaten
Some say live and let live
But all are agreed as they join the stampede
You should never take more than you give
In the circle of life
It’s the wheel of fortune
It’s the leap of faith
It’s the band of hope
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle, the circle of life
Some of us fall by the wayside
And some of us soar to the stars
And some of us sail through our troubles
And some have to live with the scars
There’s far too much to take in here
More to find than can ever be found
But the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky
Keeps great and small on the endless round
In the circle of life
It’s the wheel of fortune
It’s the leap of faith
It’s the band of hope
Till we find our place
On the path unwinding
In the circle, the circle of life…”


  • 3.2 evolution
  • 3.1 evolution

“I was falling,

falling through the time,

space and stars,

sky and everything in between.

I feel for days

and weeks

and what felt

like lifetime across lifetimes.

I feel until I forgot

I was falling…


  • CA Mar Solid bw evolution
  • CA Mar Solid color evolution


  • 5.2 Enhancment
  • 5.1 Enhancment

“Is it not funny


day by day

nothing changes,

but when you

look back


is different…”

  • CA May Solid bw Enhancment
  • CA May Solid color Enhancment


  • 7.2 freedom
  • 7.1 freedom


you will

never know

the value

of a moment

until it


a memory…”

  • CA july Solid bw freedom
  • CA july Solid color freedom


  • 11.2 empirical
  • 11.1 empirical

“I know


with any certainty

but the sight

of stars makes

me dream…”

  • CA Nov Solid bw empirical
  • CA Nov Solid color empirical

The “Endless” exhibition by Lika Cameo is a must-see for anyone interested in exploring the intersection of art and the circle of life. It is a poignant and thought-provoking collection that will leave you feeling inspired and reflective.

Come to The Kondor Art Center and experience the beauty of Lika’s work for yourself.

Lika Cameo Biography

“I never called myself an artist until people near me started to call me that way, however I like to call myself a dreamer or an explorer. All it started with a hobby that always was an obsession, because visual art was and is a way I can see expressing myself. I studied art for a few years, however never had the intent to practice, focusing on a different carrier. Although, deep in myself I always wanted to do more, I always kept a sketch book, and I was always seen doodling something.

As the pandemic emerged, I found myself drifting more into art. In the last two years I had several exhibits in Second Life, each one was a story, an opportunity and a learning experience. The intent of my work is not to make changes or to solve problems, or answer questions, all I do is convey feelings a human can have through my eyes. Visual perception of feelings is an incredible dive for me. I am mostly focused on human body, I am drawn towards portraiture, use of lights and shadows with mostly a monochrome pailleté.
I always challenge myself and experiment, I don’t have one specific style that I totally contemplate. I use several technics, mixed media, starting with hand sketching or taking pictures, to digital painting and editing. My most recent works in Second Life will start with the concept, the idea, tied to a specific theme or emotion. Usually, the idea, could be very spontaneous and simple, which grows and expands further.

One work piece it is like a story to me, it could change many times through its birth, therefore I find it hard to stop. I start with an image that has grown in my brain and subsequently I take steps to articulate that. I use my Avatars as mannequins to build the poses I need, followed by digital painting and editing. I lose track of time while working as am emerged into my world while sketching or drawing.”

“Endless” at The Kondor Art Center – Curator Hermes Kondor

“Marrionettes” series at Twisted Paradise – Curator Amethyst Dovgal

lika portrait 2022 october
Lika Cameo

Cameo Studio Art GalleryLika Cameo – FlickrCameo Tattoo StudioCameo Tattoo – Flickr

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