Selen Love’s art, exhibited in the “The Keyhole” show in Second Life, invites us on an introspective journey through the keyhole of perception, where fragmented and reassembled images reveal the hidden depths of the human soul. The artist, with her mastery in manipulating digital technology, creates an immersive experience that transcends the boundaries of the real and the virtual, leading us into a labyrinth of symbols and suggestions.

“The Keyhole” is an exploration of the self, an investigation into the fragility and complexity of identity in the digital age. Through the use of multiple panels that animate and fragment the image, Selen Love creates a kaleidoscopic effect that captures attention and stimulates reflection. The female figures, the undisputed protagonists of her works, emerge from a dark and mysterious background, their faces partially hidden by veils of color and digital distortions.

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The eye, often placed at the center of the image, becomes the key to accessing this inner world, an invitation to look beyond the surface, to penetrate the deepest layers of consciousness. The gaze of the women portrayed is intense and magnetic, sometimes lost in the void, other times directed directly at the viewer, creating a silent dialogue that challenges and engages.

Selen Love’s technique is a blend of photography, digital painting, and animation. The artist skillfully blends real and virtual elements, creating a hybrid aesthetic that defies conventions and traditional categories. The images, digitally processed, acquire a new dimension, a depth that goes beyond simple representation. Textures, colors, and shapes merge into a continuous flow, generating an effect of movement and transformation.

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The use of red, dominant in many works, is loaded with symbolic meanings. It is the color of passion, blood, life, and death, a symbol of vital energy and inner strength. But it is also the color of danger, restlessness, and the unknown. In Selen Love’s works, red creeps into the folds of the image, creating chromatic contrasts and accentuating the atmosphere of mystery and ambiguity.

The fragmentation of the image, achieved through the use of multiple panels and digital effects, is a key element in Selen Love’s poetics. It represents the fragmentation of identity in the digital age, the multiplicity of the self, the difficulty of grasping the essence of the individual in a constantly evolving world. The image decomposes and recomposes, creating a game of mirrors that reflects the complexity of the human psyche.

The animation, which gives life to static images, adds a further level of interpretation. The female figures seem to come to life, their faces animated by fleeting expressions, their bodies moving in a hypnotic dance. The animation creates a sense of dynamism and fluidity, underlining the idea of transformation and change.

Selen Love’s art is part of the digital art and post-internet art movements, artistic currents that explore the expressive potential of new technologies and reflect on the impact of the internet on society and contemporary culture. But the artist goes beyond simple technical experimentation, using digital as a tool to investigate human interiority, to give shape to emotions, desires, and fears.

“The Keyhole” is a sensory and emotional experience that engages the viewer at 360 degrees. The images, sounds, and animations create an immersive environment that stimulates imagination and reflection. The observer is invited to enter Selen Love’s world, to get lost in her visual labyrinths, and to decipher her encrypted messages.

Through the keyhole, Selen Love offers us a privileged glimpse of her art, an art that speaks of us, our fragilities, our contradictions, our search for identity in an increasingly complex and fragmented world. An art that invites us to look within ourselves, to unveil the secrets of the soul, to discover the beauty hidden behind the mask.


Exhibition: “Keyhole”

Artist: Selen Love (selen.minotaur)


Dates: 12/10/2024 – 15/01/2025

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