15 January 2021 – 1 PM SLT
We extend a hearty welcome 4 the tune at Drune Babalon – Central Bank!
Sim Info
Welcome to Drune Babalon!
This is pretty much the ultimate Drune.
It has all the best bits of the past Drunes,
and finally feels for once like an actual place, rather than a small part of one.
Everything has been rearranged, and improved. If you take the time to wander around, you will find a lot of new stuff on sim.
Drune is now set to an EEP shared environment.
If you do not have EEP than any night setting will give pretty much the same effect.
Destination Rules
No vehicles
No child avatars
No nudity
Be respectful to the Sim Owners, Admins and others around you.
Join Drune Forever! Second Life Group
We wish you hearty welcome at this fantastic
Second Life destination to explore & enjoy the beauty of music!
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