July, 23th – 1 PM SLT

“Looking back, the retrospective” – Part 2 “Painting” by Harbor Galaxy

Exclusively at the “Dixmix Gallery Lounge” from July 2nd to September 23rd,

in 4 thematic exhibitions “Graphic, Painting, Surreal and Sensual” changing the display every 3 weeks.

Music by Dixmix Source 

It’s my pleasure to extend a cheerful welcome to you all!

PR: Violet Boa

DiXmiX Gallery Lounge

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Harbor Galaxy:

“There is a crack in everything. That´s how the light gets in” – May, 28th 2019

“This piece came about as I was taking pictures of various characters on my platform. I loved with the way the light fell on this mature characters’ face and body.

The style of the piece was part of a process I had begun playing around with for some time using a blurring tool to push pixels around to hopefully focusing the viewer on the light..and it was during this process that her hand was revealed. The title of the piece just fell into place once her hand touched the light.”

HARBOR Dixmix There is a crack in everything. That s how the light gets in ― Leonard Cohen Selected Poems 1956 1968
“There is a crack in everything. That´s how the light gets in” by Harbor Galaxy

“Harbor was born as a lark, a way to while away a winter afternoon.

That lark has proven to be if not life-changing at least life-expanding.

Through Harbor and the creative possibilities of SL, I have been able to explore my own creative impulses and give form to the pictures that have been swirling around in my head for years now.” Harbor

Harbor Galaxy Flickr – Facebook – Interview with Harbor Galaxy

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