“One day I wrote her name upon the strand.
but came the waves and washed it away;
Again I wrote it with a second hand,
but came the tide and made by pains his pray

‘Vain man’ said she,’that dost in vain assay,
A mortal thing so to immortalize;
For I myself shall like to this decay,
And eke my name be wiped out likewise.

Not so,’ (quod I) ‘let baser things devise
To die in dust, but you shall live by fame:
My verse your vertues rare shall eternize,
And in the heavens write your glorious name:
Where whenas death shall all the world subdue,
Our love shall live, and later life renew.”
– Amoretti LXXV by Edmund Spencer

“My thanks goes to Suzanne Graves for donating her sculpture ‘Shake our Troubles’ to display here at the gallery.

Enjoy my exhibition.”

Teleport to Dido’s part of the Gallery

ONE DAY DIDO HAAS September 2021

Dido Haas Bio

“Dido Haas is Dutch and has been in SL for a long time and still enjoying this fantasy world.

Since July 2009 I put a lot of my SL time in writing for my blog ‘Exploring SL with Dido’, however the emphasize shifted more and more from text to images.. In line with this I started to place my best blog images, and more private photos, on Flickr..

In 2012 my SL partner Nitro and I, we started Nitroglobus gallery and most of my SL time was dedicated to curating and promoting the exhibitions of guest artists in the main hall of this gallery.

January 2016 I continued with Nitroglobus on my own, because my beloved partner Nitro Fireguard passed away after a painful sickness. I am keeping him close forever in my heart and in my gallery, as Nitro’s awesome mesh sculptures are still on display at Nitroglobus.

Being so busy with curating I had little time left to make photos myself. When I do, my pictures showed visitors, exhibitions and parties @ my gallery.

But sometimes when I am in the right mood I do make photos, most of them black/white and portraits or avatar studies.”

Dido Haas – Curator of Nitroglobus Roof GalleryFlickrFacebook

Nitroglobus Roof Gallery – Facebook Flickr Group

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