The “Icons of Fashion” Show

30 May 2021 – 9 AM SLT

The “Icons of Fashion” Show

Host: Fortunate Szondi


Come see some of the Grid’s most Iconic Designers, Models and Art Makers.

Frolic Mills
Callie Cline
Ponchituti Boucher
memole Giha
Salvo Waydelich….and many other Icon’s of Fashion. Come see how we do it.

Our show celebrates the people that created the fashion, the art, and models that display it. Come see what they chose to wear representing their phenomenal achievements of Second Life’s Fashion and Art scene.

Agency Creators, Miss and Mr. Virtual Worlds, Miss and Mr. SL and so many more of those that influenced fashion and art in Second Life.

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Icon’s of Fashion Show

We’re gathering the most iconic men and women that have been involved and love the fashions that they either created or worn or showcased.

Currently walking in group:
Frolic Mills
Callie Cline
Ponchituti Boucher
memole Giha
Misoindite Romano
Red Jess
Jamee Thompson
Risa Bright
Chelsea Malibu
Thera Taurog – (Lady Thera)
HoneyBear (Honey Crisp)
Sally Yachvili
Nino Heartsdale (HJ)
Ludmilla Umarov
Laura18 Streeter
Lalisa ‘Lisa’ Manoban 리사 (Olyvia Zenovka)
Ona (Ona Waffle)
Lιαм Rєєѕ Ɲєтιzєη (Liam Netizen)
N I C H O (Nicholai Shepherd)
Salvo Waydelich

It’s about the clothed not the clothes. Which means it’s about the models themselves and the fashion they love.

Our concept is to showcase the individual style of each asked to walk. We want YOUR style, your favorite outfits, the ones that say you are the Icon.

I’d like to have 3 walks. One formal, one casual and one Dealers Choice. That’s our only structure. You chose what you want to show.

Our venue will reflect an elegant Asian style calm, pleasing, and fit for and Icon.

Fortunate Szondi

Icons of Fashion Show

Art Promotion

ECLIPSE Magazine in Second Life® – June 2018

For this issue of ECLIPSE Magazine, we feature one of the most talented designers on the grid, Kiddo Oh of Dead Dollz, as our cover story. With the “World of Roleplay,” article, we re-visit Mischief Managed and learn about their latest addition, Diagon Alley. Under “Things to Do,” we highlight Shop Hop, a kid, and family friendly event. For “The Showcase,” we shine the light on the incredible bloggers of Rattletrap Shipyards. Be sure to check out our other pieces: “The Art Perspective” with Avaloir, “The Proust Spotlight” with Aleriah, “Trending Now” with the hottest styles of the season, “Voices from the Grid,” with residents sharing their thoughts and “The Wayfarer” exploring Bliss.

Artbyte, how support artists around the world and how also SL artists can advantage by this cryptocurrency

In my previous article, I introduced ArtByte and explained how it works and can be useful for Second Life® artists.

In this article, I will explain in detail the real possibilities for an SL® artist to have an economic help to promote his activity within the game and, why not, also in Real Life.
The first aspect to be clarified is this:

the ArtByte foundation finances artists, digital money is the tool through which they are financed.

Thus, each artist receives financial aid from the ArtByte Foundation, which pays them in artbyte money (ABY). The ABY coin is a digital currency just like lindens, the only difference is that lindens are expendable directly within the game, artbytes must be converted.
I hope Linden Lab takes an example from High Fidelity and gives the opportunity to spend the digital currency in the game. As long as this is not possible, it will be necessary to convert artbytes into euros or, directly into lindens.
In a subsequent article, I will explain how to proceed with this type of conversion, in this post I would like to illustrate what ArtByte can do for an SL® artist in the simplest way possible.

Ok, ArtByte is a foundation that helps artists, but why does it do it and how does it do it?

Mike Cabaniss, the founder of ArtByte, is an IT expert and passionate about photography. In 2013, on the occasion of a stay in New York, he discovered numerous valuable artists who, however, had little time available to enhance their creativity and, therefore, were forced to perform one or more part-time jobs to live. They were artists of various kinds, painters, dancers, photographers, writers, etc.
The admiration for valued artists pushed Mike to give life to the ArtByte Foundation which aims to finance the artists. Every service offered by ArtByte is, in fact, free for all artists and always will be.
Naturally, within the ArtByte community, there are both artists and people interested in creating digital money (the process called mining). In this article, I will not talk about mining.
The focus of this post is, in fact, on how artists can get donations and support through ArtByte. So, if someone is interested in how to earn through the digital currency, should read specific articles on the subject, here I deal exclusively with donations.
Having clarified this aspect, we can summarize how donation occurs with a simple statement like this:

Artbyte Foundation → pays artbytes (ABY) to the artist’s Artbyte account.

Subsequently, the artist converts the artbytes into Euro (if he wants to spend the donation in RL) or in Lindens (if he prefers to spend the liberality in SL®).
That’s all.
Simple? Yes, if the artist becomes familiar with these two steps. I think that having some extra money can be an excellent incentive to learn two little steps. 🙂

Open an ArtByte account and receive a donation from the Foundation

Ok, it’s not exactly that simple, in the sense that you have to be one of the artists chosen by the Foundation. 🙂
In case you are (congratulations), it is enough for you opening an account ArtByte (it’s like opening a PayPal account, just to understand).
Warning: opening an ArtByte account does not mean you have to do mining or connect your PC to the ArtByte Network to create digital currency! (many confuse these two aspects). It only means that you open an account to have a wallet on which to credit the donation. That’s all.
To know how to open the account and have your wallet, read my article here.
Congratulations, now you know enough to open your wallet and receive donations through ArtByte.
If this is all you wanted to know, you can end the reading here; if, however, you want to know more about ArtByte, read on.

Which artists does ArtByte support and how does it do it?

ArtByte supports different types of artists, inserting in this category an extensive series of people who make creativity their work: musicians, painters, sculptors, actors, filmmakers, directors, publishers, producers, dancers, writers, photographers, designers, models, etc.
The primary “goal” of ArtByte is that it integrates digital currency technology on its social platforms through 5 different channels:
• Ability to make donations in ArtByte through Social Media such as Twitter and Reddit;
• Support through the publication of its contents on more than 140,000 Social Media;
Grants, awards, and showcases directly from the ArtByte Foundation;
Earnings through the “mining” of ArtByte;
Sale of their art through the ArtByte website: musicians already can sell their musical pieces, soon the possibility will be implemented for artists to sell their works (images, etc.);

In 2017 the investment in ABY has far exceeded that of the most famous digital coins, such as Bitcoin, LiteCoin, and Ethereum: what is the secret of this success?

Mike explains that one of the reasons may be that ArtByte aims to create a community of real users, people who interact with each other, participating in the various occasions sharing their opinions.
Personally, I think the tool of the Forum that I tried first is very valid: it is indeed a charming and very active community.
Besides, ArtByte currently supports more than 25,000 artists and promotes a weekly contest that allows the winner to pocket 5,000 artbytes.

What are the goals of ArtByte for 2018?

The primary objectives of ArtByte are summarized in this exhaustive interview with Mike that you can read here.
One of these and that, I think, is very interesting is the implementation of virtual reality in the 3D Gallery of ArtByte … Wow. I hope they will soon be able to do this project because it would be great to be able to visit the various 3D galleries.

Finally … the Forum

Mike has created a unique forum section for SL® artists. Being the community of ArtByte very active and engaging, my advice is to put your events, artworks, posts, etc. in this section dedicated to us! Go to the part of the Forum devoted to SL® artists.


ArtByte is an extraordinary tool for growing as an artist. The “craft” of the creative too often is not remunerated by forcing the artist himself to carry out different jobs to maintain himself.
Through ArtByte we have the opportunity to be helped both economically and in the dissemination of our content, being able to count on a broad and robust community … which is the “secret” of ArtByte’s success.

Photo Article: Mike Cabaniss

ArtByte, the digital currency that supports Artists around the world, also in Second Life®!

A few days ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Mike Cabaniss, founder of ArtByte. It is a digital currency that has the mission to help artists of all kinds: musicians, singers, writers, photographers, painters, designers, graphic artists and … virtual artists (artists working in virtual worlds, such as Second Life®). The financial aid which ArtByte gives artists comes from the eponymous foundation that is committed to supporting the art.

ArtByte supports Second Life® Artists

Mike contacted me to ask what ArtByte can do to support the art even in SL®, thus was born in me the desire to better understand the logic of virtual currency in general and in particular of ArtByte.
As for the digital currency, it is a new way to make electronic payments to anyone in the world. The first coin of this kind was Bitcoin. After Bitcoin, other digital currencies are born, including Dogecoin to support Internet posts, Auroracoin for Iceland country and Mazacoin for Lakota Indian tribe.

Speaking of ArtByte, the purpose of this digital money is to support artists.

Art lovers will have, therefore, one more chance to show their appreciation to a particular artist, paying him/her directly in “artbytes.” The donator can pay an artist via a Twitter account in a completely anonymous manner. To better understand the usefulness of this mechanism will give an example: if we want to receive a donation in SL® we have two alternatives: either we put in-world a box with an internal script to obtain a money-gift, or ask to be paid via PayPal or credit card. In the first case, that of the in-world contribution, anonymity is preserved by the fact that the donor pays with Lindens (another virtual currency) an account that coincides with our avatar. We can then sell lindens and convert them into euro/dollar or another currency. Or we can spend lindens in-world, as we prefer. In the second case, the donation via Paypal or credit card does not allow us to remain anonymous and, therefore, our real identity would inevitably be revealed at the time of donation.
Several times people asked me how to support the blog without having an account in SL® and, not wanting to confuse my Real Life with my Second Life®, I preferred to give up on that aid. Through the virtual currency, however, this anonymity can easily be preserved. ArtByte is a digital currency created on purpose to support artists.

How ArtByte works and is useful for SL® Artists?

How does it work?
I must say that it is not necessary to connect to the ArtByte account any credit card to receive donations and all ArtByte services are free for artists.
To open your own “ArtByte wallet” click here: get started.
If you use an online wallet it’s essential to write down your password in a safe place because ArtByte is a peer to peer digital currency, so the password is not saved on the server and, if lost, it can not be recovered in any way. The site warns several times the importance of preserving your password, so be careful, because if you can not access to the ArtByte wallet, you can not, of course, also to have access to your “artbytes.”

Once registered, by going to “receive” we can access our wallet, identified with a numbers-letters sequence.

ArtByte wallet

ArtByte wallet

This string can be shared with all those who wish to donate. I advise to publish it in your socials, on your blogs, and on your SL® profile so that those who want to give can do it without asking for the number of your wallet. You have to think of this alpha-numeric string as the number of your credit card or to your e-mail address for Paypal: it is the reference for those who want to give digital currency.
Easy, right? Open an account and share your wallet number.

If you prefer to receive donations via Twitter the only information that the donor needs is your Twitter account. Indeed through a specific ArtByte app, who donates can give artbytes through the famous social network. The ArtByte App Creates an ArtByte address for you if you don’t already have one.

The “Free ArtByte Showcase,” the stunning weekly contest

Another excellent opportunity for artists offered by ArtByte is to participate in the “Free ArtByte Showcase” that in SL® that we would call in a more familiar way “contest.” To do this, you must register for the forum and post your content, not forgetting to indicate the address of your wallet (if you have one). If you win, you would see increase your purse of 5000 artbyes (which, at the time of writing, are 99,50 Euro → Conversion here).

How to spend artbytes?

Ok, we have our artbytes in the wallet, as we can now spend it?
The best way to send Artbyte to LiteBit.Eu. LiteBit is an exchange system that allows you to carry their digital money in your LiteBite Wallet and convert it into Euros.
How to do? We should send their encrypted coin on LiteBit wallet. At that point, we can change the currency loaded on LiteBit into money we can spend in everyday life, such as the euro.

Mike explains better than me:

“If a person lives in Europe it is easy. On the LiteBit.Eu exchange, ArtByte can be traded directly to Euros. In the US and the rest of the world, it is a two-step process. On an exchange that trades ArtByte/Bitcoin, you trade your ArtByte for Bitcoin, then trade the Bitcoin for cash on another exchange. In the US the biggest one for that is Coinbase. There are many exchanges around the world that trade Bitcoin for that country’s currency.
ArtByte trades on these exchanges:
Bittrex (BTC/ABY): (EUR/ABY, BTC/ABY):

Cryptopia (NZ)

ArtByte Forum to promote your contents and activities in SL®

Finally, if you are an SL® artist and you want to promote your contents on ArtByte Forum, you are welcome to do. It’s free. You have just registered an account and post them!

For any question, please comment this post.

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