Dear iLoveEvents readers, today I bring you important news that involves one of the essential tools for managing Second Life: the migration from Jira. Linden Lab has announced the transition from to a new community engagement portal,, along with Github Issues. has long been the venerable repository for Second Life bug reports, development tracking, and new feature requests. However, with the discontinuation of Jira Server support, it is time to migrate before support ends in February 2024.

New Feedback Portal –

During this migration, LL is excited to introduce the new feedback portal, This site will be the new home for feature requests, bug reports, and will replace the public BUG project on

You might wonder, “Where will my reports go?” Rest assured, all your reports will be preserved and not deleted. Jira will remain operational until all reports are migrated to Github. Further details on the report archive will be shared in an upcoming article.

Features of the New Feedback Portal uses, a platform designed to receive and respond to community feedback. This will ensure a better experience for both users and the development team, thanks to features such as:

  • A public roadmap: LL will provide a public roadmap of user-suggested features to be implemented. Increased transparency and accountability from SL to deliver what they promise.
  • Multiple boards: The new portal offers boards for different areas of Second Life, making it easier to view reports related to our areas of interest.
  • Board features: Ability to format text using a simplified version of Markdown, merging reports, trending posts, and more.

Process Improvements

LL has acknowledged that some of its processes on Jira were not community-friendly. With the new portal, they claim to be addressing these issues:

  • Open conversations: Comments will be allowed throughout the entire life cycle of the request, unlike Jira’s behavior.
  • Knowing when an idea is implemented: Reports will be directly linked to internal development tickets, automatically closing when the change is implemented.

Open Source Collaboration

With the transition to Github Issues, LL will facilitate collaboration with open source contributors. Canny, the platform behind, offers convenient integration with Github Issues, opening new opportunities for contributors.

Timeline and Migration Details

Access to Jira will end in early February. Meanwhile, LL will back up, migrate existing reports to Github, and allow the community to use and provide feedback on the new engagement portal.

jira migration
“The image is courtesy of Linden Lab.”

In conclusion, this transition is a significant challenge. LL asks for patience as data migration is underway, as they create documentation and refine tools and processes. These updates are part of a broader initiative to modernize Second Life development. Stay tuned!

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