Lelutka, in collaboration with 54 designers, has started an event where the 54 stores offer free skins, shapes, and other items compatible with the new Lelutka heads also provided for free.

Sometimes, the store requires group membership: finding the group to join (always free) is simple. By clicking on the vendors, a message will appear in local telling which group you need to join to get the gift. By clicking on the name of the group that appears in local, it will be possible to have the profile of the group and join.

In this post, I would like to highlight the work of the community and the splendid images that show the different looks that users have created with these very welcome gifts.
I wanted to share more images, but sometimes, the permissions were limited to friends, and I couldn’t share them.

Let’s start with the Raven female head, Lelutka Evo X.

A N A S T A S Í A 

And now, let’s explore male creativity with the head Quinn – Lelutka EvoX.

Are You Gonna Be My Girl..
Anais Maelle
Time to celebrate

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