In a captivating artistic exhibition titled “Silence,” Magda Schmidtzau takes spectators on an extraordinary journey into profound reflections, representing silence in all its facets. The event took place at the renowned LA MAISON D’ANELI (owned by Aneli Abeyante), a historic art gallery in Second Life, where virtual art merges with the emotional power of silence.

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For Magda, silence is not merely the absence of sounds but an intricate labyrinth of meanings. Her exhibition outlined silence as a multifaceted experience, from silence as self-listening to silence as a form of restraint and omertà. With mastery, the artist captured the essence of this theme, reminding me of the famous words from “The Sound of Silence,” a song that has the power to evoke deep emotions.

Magda Schmidtzau proposes a vision of silence that reflects the current journey of humanity. From silence understood as omertà, she leads us towards silence as a form of self-observation and inner listening. In an era dominated by transhumanism, where technology loudly asserts its presence, silence becomes a cry to remain human—an invitation to rediscover the connection with ourselves amidst the digital clamor.

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The exhibition, composed of images crafted with Magda’s distinctive mastery, places women at the center of her artistic world. The queen of her images, the woman is depicted with competence and skill. Magda demonstrates a mastery of artistic techniques, transitioning from colorful images that inspire renewal and personal growth to black-and-white images that reveal the duality of silence.

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The black and white images serve as an indictment of the darker side that silence can represent, emphasizing the often overlooked and darker aspect of this experience. However, surprisingly, she also captures the subtle and evocative aspect of unspoken words. These images forcefully and determinedly convey messages beyond words, highlighting the communicative essence of silence.

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In conclusion, Magda Schmidtzau’s exhibition “Silence” at LA MAISON D’ANELI is an artistic journey that explores silence in all its facets. Through masterfully crafted images, the artist captivates the attention of spectators, guiding them on a reflective path on the complexity and power of silence. A work that will leave a lasting impression, inviting each individual to reflect on their relationship with silence and the necessity of preserving their humanity in an increasingly technological world.


“Silence” by Magda Schmidtzau

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