Skip Staheli is a legend in the world of photography in Second Life®.
Like many photographers of the Linden Lab® virtual environment, it begins for fun, taking advantage of his graphic skills to explore the possibilities that virtual photography has to offer.
From the very beginning, he is in high demand, at first from friends and friends of friends, then from designers for advertising purposes. The result is a real career as a virtual photographer that makes him every day very busy in image processing.

The Paris Metro Art Gallery is hosting a series of various images of the artist, and in particular, those placed on the ground floor, are relevant to the winter season.
Skip likes to talk about himself, narrate his beginnings and how even today it seems incredible the success achieved with the art of virtual photography.
Personally, I follow this artist for some time, because his way of transmitting passion and love affects me.

In fact, most of his photos are portraits of women and scenarios of couple’s passion.

He, in the introductory notecard of the exhibition, describes himself using these words:

I am Skip, from the Netherlands.. love to make pictures in Second Life…and started in august 2008 my photostudio in SL.. Photo Studio PURPLE COWS…., never thought it would be THIS busy! Wow.. Im still surprised about the succes and the fact that SL people really seem to love to have their pictures done in SL. And that they sometimes pick ME to do that.. did u looked around and saw all this huge talents here on SL and flickr.. its amazing!

First I started for fun making pics for friends and myself, but soon I got asked to make pics for friends of friends..and their friends etc 😉
So I deceided to begin my own studio. I was really crazy busy, right from the beginning… And it simply never stopped.. I Create also a lot for designers in SL, and also covers for magazines etc… Its all so fun to do!

a bit about the technics.. I mostly always shoot on green screen in my studio, cause I like to create the enviroment and theme etc in PS… I love to blend rl and sl textures…mixing all the time… I (still) dont see myself as a pro at all or a superb artist…. Im still and always learning and am always playing and trying stuff..It’s never good enough, always room for improvement…Most of the time I really do not know how I made a piece at the end lol… I just mess around. So dont ask me to make the same piece again.. I simply cant, seriously!

For my SL work I use now PS CS6 and plugins like FilterForge and Alien Skin, Nik Collection, Painter also adobe lightroom … I would be nowhere without my Wacom drawing tablet.. a lot of my work I draw by hand. In RL I follow since 5 years art classes, and I draw with pencils and charcoal.. If I wouldnt have found out, through SL, how much fun and heart drawing is for me, I probably would also never learned about this creative side of me…

The images of Skip Staheli are highlighted in a structure explicitly created for artistic performances and created by Ayiki Takakura. The fabric is even more interesting because it is not mesh although full of details.

Just a few days to visit the exhibition.


Paris Metro Art Gallery

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