EXTRAprimitives by Nevereux: Art in Second Life

EXTRAprimitives by Nevereux: Art in Second Life

EXTRAPrimitives,” is open from 1 to 30 November: it’s the artistic installation by Nevereux.

It is with pleasure that I received her invitation: Nevereux is an artist with an eclectic style, able to change quickly under the thought she wants to convey. Her art is conceptual; she moves gracefully between 2D and 3D, reinventing her style from time to time. Her aesthetic taste and harmony are a trait that unites each installation and that the artist searches for and finds every time.
In the most recent art installation, entitled “EXTRAprimitives” she searches for expressiveness in 3D and scripts. All suitably adapted to the feeling of the moment.
In the presentation to the installation, Nevereux says:

I want to invite you to EXTRAprimitives – a project that I started in April 2018 for fun and without a big theme in mind, a project that I would not have completed without the support of people who believe in art. I think in love. But since art is love made public, I offer it to you.

n e v e r e u x

Everyone will see EXTRAprimitives as an exciting and engaging installation. Interpretation is subjective, mainly because the project is born without a precise idea (as the artist herself points out).

I like the use Nevereux makes of 3D and scripts, I like the reference to the golden section (thanks to Van Loopen for the text), I like the harmony and elegance that this artist can convey with ease, making even complex installations seem simple.

EXTRAPrimitives 002 min
EXTRAPrimitives 005 min

→ Leggi in Italiano: EXTRAprimitives di Nevereux: Arte in Second Life

Dal 1 al 30 Novembre è aperta al pubblico “EXTRAPrimitives“, l’installazione artistica di Nevereux.

E’ con piacere che ho ricevuto il suo invito: Nevereux è un’artista dallo stile eclettico, in grado di cambiare rapidamente in virtù del pensiero che desidera trasmettere. La sua arte è concettuale, si muove agilmente tra il 2D e il 3D reinventando il suo stile di volta in volta. Il tratto che accomuna ogni installazione è il gusto estetico e l’armonia che l’artista ricerca e trova in ogni esibizione.

Nella installazione artistica più recente, intitolata “EXTRAprimitives” ella ricerca l’espressività nel 3D e negli scripts. Il tutto opportunamente adattato al sentire del momento.

Nella presentazione alla installazione Nevereux dice:

Vorrei invitarti a EXTRAprimitives – un progetto che ho iniziato nell’aprile 2018 per divertimento e senza un grande tema in mente; un progetto che non avrei portato a termine senza il supporto di persone che credono nell’arte. Personalmente credo nell’amore. Ma siccome l’arte è amore reso pubblico, te lo offro.

n e v e r e u x

Credo che ognuno vedrà EXTRAprimitives come un’installazione interessante e coinvolgente. L’interpretazione è soggettiva, soprattutto perché il progetto nasce senza un’idea precisa (come l’artista stessa precisa).

Mi piace l’uso che Nevereux fa del 3D e degli scripts, mi piace l’accenno alla sezione aurea (grazie Van Loopen per il riferimento), mi piace l’armonia e l’eleganza che questa artista riesce a trasmettere con disinvoltura, facendo sembrare semplici anche installazioni complesse.


Teleport to EXTRAPrimitives by n e v e r e u x

The Island That Is Not There

The Island That Is Not There is born from the ashes of OTIUM; this is how the co-owner of the location Franz Markstein explains to me (secondlife:///app/agent/a959ad32-fee1-4219-86f7-59ea85cd2c54/about). The region designer, however, is Coralile (secondlife:///app/agent/1cf878d2-5017-47f1-b12c-c3fe5463e477/about), who, in Franz’s words, did the actual furnishing work.
I confess that I did not know OTIUM, and with difficulty, I managed to find some old photographs from the Franz himself Flickr (who was the owner of OTIUM).

OTIUM - Leisure & Laziness_011

The Island That Is Not There is, in fact, the island of dreams. A place of well-being, peace, and harmony that probably exists only in fantasy and Second Life.
As I told Franz, I appreciate the meticulousness of the furniture and the ability of Coraline to assemble the various objects creating a harmonious and credible structure.

Franz had not mentioned that he was the owner of OTIUM, while I asked him how the idea of The Island That Is Not There was born.
A not insignificant detail because the sim that was the inspiration was precisely his original creation.
I was able to find some images, as I said, of OTIUM and in fact, some corners and the structure and overall style are identical.

At the arrival point, you will find icons that invite you to follow the location events: Flickr, Youtube Machinima by Inworlds Film, and the invitation to the inworld group.
The group is essential for the rez and useful to photographers and bloggers. Membership costs only 50 L$, so I think it’s very convenient.
The light settings of the region are rich in contrasts of light and shadow, but I also invite you to try CaIWL by changing the east angle. You can obtain impressive results. I recommend that you have the shadows active, whether you use Black Dragon or any other viewer.
Finally, explore, explore, and more explore. There’s a lot to see and photograph.


The Island That Is Not There

Old Posts About OTIUM


Mon Joli Cadeau, an attractive place for art lovers

Mon Joli Cadeau, an attractive place for art lovers

I was looking for new places to explore, and so I opened Second Life Destinations. I’m usually informed about new locations, but it’s been a long time since my daily engagements diverted me from virtual tours.
As is often the case, the image chosen to represent the location in Second Life Destinations caught my attention, and so I decided to visit Mon Joli Cadeau.
Upon arrival, I received a warm welcome from the owners of the sim, Yoh, and Avalon Boa. The region is tastefully decorated, which is something you will notice immediately upon arrival. Also, the owners take great care of the artistic and musical aspects, devoting care, attention, and time to organize live events that have a nice following of people.
The art galleries hosted by Mon Joli are enchanting, and the art on display goes well with the architecture of the region itself.
Besides, in Mon Joli there are several shops of well-known brands that represent an additional reason for interest.
For all those who are interested, I report in detail the musicians, artists, and shops that are at the location.
For any information, owners are often present on the sim and willing to help.

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Showcasing Artists

Live Singers

  • Virgil Flowers
  • Vinalyn
  • Merkabah
  • Phil Setner
  • Eth Tedeshi
  • Kaleb Avedon  


  • Risa’s Shapes       Avatar’s Shapes
  • Abigail’s               Women’s clothing
  • GEMYLES              Women’ / men’s  clothing
  • GO MAKE UP         Make up,  Tattoos, eyes 
  • CHOP ZUEY          Couture jewelry
  • FLOWERDREAMS   Women’s  clothing
  • Tori’s                    Women’s / men’s clothing


Mon Joli Cadeau


Chouchou still lives and Chouchou XVI will be living soon

Yesterday, September 29, 2019, the official news came from the owners of Chouchou regarding joining to the Second Region Preservation Society. We are talking about the program that allows the rescue of regions that, without the support of LL, would close.

The owners of Chouchou have therefore made official the decision to preserve their sim and to resurrect the sim Chouchou XVI – The Babel that went off-line in 2013.

Besides, the owners of Chouchou confirm the creation of a staff that will take care of the region’s maintenance, appointing in particular Tofu (10223 Resident) as a reference point.

From the content of the message published on the official Facebook FanPage, you can see the reasons that led to the initial closure choice. The impossibility of taking care of the regions for RL reasons, combined with, as often happens in high traffic places, the fact that the regions themselves were attacked by some jammers, have meant that the Chouchou creators opted for their project closure.
In fact, reading their announcement, it seems that the decision to maintain the regions is influenced by a calm routine. That is to say; we have to hope that these disturbers will not return to the assault of the Chouchou visitors.
Unfortunately, I fear, but it is my opinion that the harassers will return and that nothing can be done about it other than to ban them as soon as a member of staff is available. Griefers are a common problem in every crowded region, a price to pay for a high traffic sim.
However, it is important to be aware that it is unthinkable to close a project just because there are troublemakers: such a choice is equivalent to “throwing in the towel”, surrendering to the overbearingness and haughtiness of certain subjects.
So, I hope that Chouchou is always well attended and that visitors can appreciate it in peace. However, if not, I hope that the owners have the strength to move forward and not so quickly satisfy the desire for the destruction of some griefers.

Another good news about Chouchou comes today: on October 18th Chouchou will release the new album “code01 oort” from their “Experimental Album.” The collection will be available in pre-order from October 4.
The Chouchou owners specify that the new “code01 oort” is the result of an experimental live concert held last December at the “Architecture and Resonance” event sponsored by Kanto Branch of the Architectural Insitute of Japan.
More information can be found on Chouchou’s Facebook FanPage.


Chouchou Facebook FanPage

That (Autumn) Missing Melody

It’s no mystery that Missing Melody is one of my favorite destinations in Second Life.
I had, in fact, already written a post and record a short video to remember over time the creative ability of Bambi (secondlife:///app/agent/c5ae19fb-fc35-4847-930d-ff5574e3b2d4/about).

Missing Melody (Old Version)

I’m back today, having peered at a few shots captured by community users. I learned that Missing Melody had renewed again in its autumn version, giving all its passionate visitors a beautiful gift.

The autumn version is, if possible, even better than the previous version. The choice of light settings is, perhaps, a little dark.
I preferred it so that the visitors of my blog could enter a mood of serenity and peace by watching the images and the video. For this reason, I chose the CaIWL setting, appropriately modifying the East Angle value in “Lighting” (World → Edit Sky Preset). For optimal viewing use Black Dragon Viewer.
I also removed the vision of all the lights attached to the avatar. The natural light is already optimal for beautiful shots.

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For those who want to rez, they can join the group that allows the rez rights at the cost of L$ 250 → Join To Missing Melody Staff. A reasonable price, given the beauty of the place’s landscape.


Missing Melody (Autumn Version)

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