Exploring the April Round of Dubai Shopping Event in Second Life – Virtual Shopping & Socializing

Virtual reality is a fascinating concept that allows us to explore and experience new worlds from the comfort of our own homes. Second Life is one such virtual world that has been around since 2003, offering a unique platform for users to socialize, create, and explore. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at one aspect of Second Life – the Dubai Shopping Event – and how it brings together virtual shopping and socializing.

Recently, we had the opportunity to explore the April round of the Dubai Shopping Event in Second Life, and it was a truly remarkable experience. The event is one of the biggest in Second Life, attracting avatars from all over the world who come to shop, try on clothes, and socialize with others. The event features some of the best designers in Second Life, showcasing their latest creations in fashion, accessories, and home decor.

What sets the Dubai Shopping Event apart from other virtual shopping experiences is its ability to seamlessly integrate socializing into the shopping experience. Avatars can explore the event’s surroundings, take in the beautiful landscapes and stunning architecture, and connect with others at social gathering spots. It’s a great way to make new friends and expand your social circle in a safe and fun environment.

Another great feature of shopping in Second Life is the ability to try on clothes before purchasing them. This is a unique advantage of virtual shopping, allowing you to make sure that the item fits perfectly and matches your style. And with virtual currency, purchasing items is a breeze – no need to worry about carrying cash or swiping a credit card.

In conclusion, the Dubai Shopping Event in Second Life offers a unique virtual shopping experience that seamlessly integrates socializing and exploration. It’s a great way to explore new fashion trends, make new friends, and connect with others from all over the world. We highly recommend checking it out and immersing yourself in this vibrant virtual world.


Dubai Event in Second Life
Dubai Event on Facebook
Dubai Event on Flickr

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Overcoming the Spam Menace in Second Life: Tips and Strategies

A common and widespread problem in Second Life is spam. There are various types of spam, but the most common is realized by creators who send information to their customers regarding their new products. However, some shops are more aggressive, and in some cases, merely visiting their store is enough to be added to a mailing list that sends periodic information about new releases. These two behaviors are often seen as annoying by customers. Being added to a mailing list without having requested it beforehand is particularly bothersome. Another aspect that makes this behavior unpleasant is the difficulty in unsubscribing easily.

However, it is not only shops that behave in this manner. In some cases, even simple event organizers such as DJs, club owners, art gallery owners, and the like send their invites to not only their friends’ list but also to people who have simply visited their venue. It is quite common for the systems used to send this spam to make it difficult to unsubscribe from the mailing list.

For this reason, I use a system called Allomancy, which allows users to unsubscribe directly from the local chat when I send a newsletter to those who have subscribed. The newsletter sends a message locally with a link that the recipient can click to unsubscribe. They do not need to go to my store to click on an unsubscribe button; it is sufficient to click directly in the local chat.

It would be desirable if all mailing list distribution systems had this unsubscribe system. So what should you do if you are inundated with spam and have to waste precious minutes closing all these messages and possibly even deleting another resident’s object? There are two main solutions: the first is to mute the person who is spamming, and the second is to blacklist the object that is sending the spam.

Each time a message is sent to us in Second Life, we are provided with two types of information: the sender and the name of the object that sent the message as well as its location. If we have authorized Linden Lab to communicate with us by email regarding activity in Second Life, the same information is sent to us by email. The solution I recommend is to go to the location where the object is and proceed to blacklist it.

Why do I recommend this solution? Simply because we will not have aggressively blocked the sender, but rather the object that sends the spam. However, in some cases, the person sending us spam is present on our friends list. For example, I sometimes receive an event invitation through a mailing list service, and even manually from the same friend on my contact list. In this case, I believe there is little to do but mute the person, of course, after removing them from our friends list. Alternatively, if we believe removing them from our friends list is sufficient, this could be a solution.

Another solution that is possible is simply to hide our online status, but this will not prevent our friends from sending us communications.

In conclusion, I believe that the problem of spam is indeed particularly bothersome for Second Life users, and the solutions to consider are mainly blocking the object that sends the spam by adding it to our Black List. At the end of this article, I will include all the useful references to proceed in this direction. Additionally, I will attach further information that may be useful regarding object rendering and changing an account if necessary.


Block and blacklist forum conversation
Firestorm: derendering and Blacklist
Firestorm: Muting/Blocking

Exclusive Interview with Any Moonwall: Unveiling the Unique Design Elements of Second Life Dubai Shopping Event

Exclusive Interview with Any Moonwall: Unveiling the Unique Design Elements of Second Life Dubai Shopping Event

It is my pleasure to introduce Any Moonwall, the owner of Dubai Event, one of the most prominent shopping events in Second Life. This event covers a diverse range of items, including clothing, home decor, accessories, skin, and hair, among others. With her expertise in event management and passion for fashion, Any has successfully established Dubai Event as a go-to destination for Second Life shoppers. In this interview, we will learn more about her journey in the virtual world of Second Life, the challenges she faces as an event organizer, and her vision for the future of Dubai Event.

Dubai Event in Second Life

Oema: Any, how do you select the original mesh designers who participate in the monthly Second Life Dubai shopping event, and what criteria do you use for their selection?

Any: Dubai wants to bring the most variety of products for the customers (hair, skin, makeup, decor, etc.), and on the basis of that, we choose the number of designers for each category. Designers submit a monthly application, and then they are selected based on that. Of course, there are some brands that have been very loyal to us since the beginning, and they have a regular spot in our events.

Oema: Can you describe the process of selling and showcasing the designers’ creations during the event?

Any: On the 5th of each month, selected designers are contacted (the opening is on the 20th), and they have 15 days to prepare the products they want to sell in each round. The last day of set up is the 19th, but we are flexible, and if someone asks for it, we give them more time until two or three hours before the opening. Once they have sent us their advertising image, our team shares it on different social networks. In addition, we have the help of third parties like Seraphim, SL20, Essential Inventory, Sugar, etc. to whom we take the opportunity to thank for all the help they provide us.

Detail of the new building in the Dubai Event

Oema: How do you balance the need to provide visibility for participating designers with the need to attract attendees and promote the event as a whole?

Any: This balance is key and the most difficult to achieve because there are so many shopping events on the grid, and designers have to adjust their schedules at different timelines and periods. Sometimes, RL happens, and we contact designers from the reservation list to replace any empty spots, so it’s very exciting (and a little stressful too, lol).

Oema: What are some of the biggest challenges you face as an event organizer when it comes to promoting and marketing the event to potential attendees and shoppers?

Any: Precisely some of the challenges we were just talking about (finding balance, dealing with schedules and positions, etc.), but another important challenge is trying to improve or introduce something new and original for the customers like we did with the new building. Definitely attracting public attention is our main objective, and that’s becoming something harder and harder, but everything always goes well thanks to our very united team!

"Outdoor terrace "

Oema: How do you ensure that the event continues to offer fresh and exciting experiences for both designers and attendees each month?

Any: Well, we don’t have a specific theme for each round like some other events, because we don’t want to limit the creativity of designers. Instead, we offer 49L$ and 99L$ sales, in addition to exclusive products. I think these offers are a good option for both customers and designers. In fact, we were the first event to introduce this sales system during one of our rounds. Initially, we had the 49L$ sale and this year we implemented the 99L$ sale. We don’t usually have huge giveaways because Dubai is a humble event and we are still growing. However, with the help of some big and established designers, we hope to bring that to the public in the future. For example, in this April round, we are offering 4 Lelutka heads, 4 LeLAPEAU Skins fatpacks, and 4 Ebody bodies, in addition to exclusive items from the majority of designers participating in the event.

"Thelma & Louise"

Oema: Can you share any success stories of designers who have participated in the event in the past and gone on to achieve greater recognition or sales as a result?

Any: Dubai has always been a platform for beginner designers because we believe it’s important to give everyone a chance, just as we would like others to do for us. I think it’s fair to do so. It’s a pleasure for me to see many of them become successful brands and continue to participate in Dubai today.

Oema: How do you measure the success of the event from a commercial standpoint, and what metrics do you use to gauge its effectiveness?

Any: Well, from a commercial standpoint, success is based on sales. If the designer is satisfied, they are more motivated to offer a better quality product, which is very important. If they get more sales, the client is happy, and the designer is happy for their sales, so both parties will likely repeat in Dubai. This creates a circle of success. Additionally, traffic gives us an idea of how the round is going. Usually, like all events, the first few days are busy, then it decreases but remains steady.

"Wet and sweet girls"

Oema: How did you select the mesh builder who created the new structure for the event, and what inspired the design and style of the structure?

Any: Oh, that was easy. We chose Bersten, who is an excellent builder and a close friend. His work is awesome and very detailed, and the quality of his mesh is amazing. The way he handles lights and shadows is something he does exceptionally well, which was important for us given the context of Dubai. We had a clear vision of the design we were looking for, inspired by an oasis. From a functional standpoint, it was important to have clean and well-visualized stands/booths from all angles. We received a lot of compliments on the new aesthetic of the event, so we couldn’t be happier.

Oema: Can you describe any unique features or design elements of the new structure, and how they contribute to the overall experience of the event?

Any: Once we had established our visualization goal, we aimed to create something distinctive and never before seen in Second Life. As the event is named after Dubai, we wanted to pay homage to the city while maintaining a clean and tasteful aesthetic. It’s easy to fall into the trap of luxurious extravagance, but we wanted the products to be the main focus of the event. As a result, we opted for simple and minimalist lines and colors based on the Arabic architectural style, using materials like sand, water, and stone to evoke the sensation of being in a modern, ethereal shopping avenue in the middle of the desert. Only Second Life can offer that experience, so why settle for more of the same? Additionally, we have decorated some corners with our designers’ merchandise that the public can use.

"Sunset moments"

Oema: Finally, Any, what are your plans for the future of the Second Life Dubai shopping event, and how do you plan to build on the success of the current event to continue providing opportunities for original mesh designers and shoppers alike?

Any: The future is now, and it’s uncertain. However, our aim is to continue doing our best, as it has always been a good plan.

Dubai opens today, April 20th at 1 PM SLT.


Teleport to Dubai Event
Any Moonwall Flickr
Any Moonwall Blog
Any Moonwall Facebook

Are you a designer/creator interested in Dubai Event? >> Fill the app here <<

How to Choose the Right Tattoo for a Dress in Second Life?

Tattoos are a great way to express yourself, and they’re also a unique way of adding some style to your wardrobe. However, when you’re wearing a dress with tattoos on it in Second Life, it’s important to choose the right kind of tattoo for that particular outfit.
There are many different types of tattoos available for Second Life avatars:

  • Tattoos can be colorful or black-and-white; they can be simple or complex; they can cover your entire body or just one small area (like around the eyes). Each type of tattoo will look different depending on where it’s placed on your avatar’s body–so keep this in mind when choosing which type works best with each dress!

Why Is It Important to Wear the Right Tattoo with a Dress in Second Life?

Wearing the right tattoo with a dress in Second Life is important because it affects your overall appearance and has an impact on your virtual identity.
In order to look good, you have to make sure that all elements of your avatar match well together. If you have a tattoo that clashes with the color scheme of your dress or hair, then it will distract from both pieces of clothing and make them look less attractive than they could be if they were paired with another tattoo design instead.

Delicate Rose Blossom at Sunset
She. Sabina Dress with inKdependent Rose of Blood Tattoo

Tips for Choosing the Right Tattoo for a Dress in Second Life

  • The dress should complement the tattoo.
  • The style of your dress should be taken into account when choosing a tattoo.
  • Color is important, but so is texture!

Types of Tattoos Available in Second Life

There are many different types of tattoos available in Second Life. Some have advantages over others, but all can be used to make your avatar look great with a dress.
The most popular type of tattoo is the one that covers your entire back or chest (or both). This type of tattoo gives you more options for what kind of dress you want to wear because it will cover up any skin showing through the top part of your outfit and keep it looking smooth and professional throughout your Second Life experience!

Where to Find the Right Tattoo for a Dress in Second Life

There are many places to find the right tattoo for a dress in Second Life. You can shop around at different vendors and find the best deals on quality tattoos, or you can research the different artists that offer their services.
The importance of researching different vendors before making a purchase cannot be overstated. It’s important to know who you’re buying from, so you can make sure they’re reputable and trustworthy.

She. Sabina Dress @Astral Dreams Event
inKdependent – Skull and Roses Tattoo
Links: slstylespotlight.altervista.org/a-secret-moonlight-walk/

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing a Tattoo for a Dress in Second Life

When you’re choosing a tattoo for a dress, there are some common mistakes to avoid.
First, make sure the tattoo is appropriate for your avatar’s body type and skin tone. A lot of people don’t realize this, but tattoos can look very different on different avatars depending on their proportions and coloring! If you’re unsure about whether or not your avatar would look good with certain tattoos (especially if they’re new), try searching for “tattooed” avatars in Second Life Marketplace–there are lots of options out there that may suit your needs better than what’s currently available at the local tattoo parlor.
Second: consider how well-suited the style of your dress is to have a tattoo applied over the top of it. If it’s an elegant gown or formal dress made from heavy fabric like velvet or satin (or even leather), then maybe try something lighter like lace instead–this way both pieces will complement each other perfectly without competing too much visually when worn together as part of one outfit ensemble!

How to Wear the Right Tattoo with a Dress in Second Life

  1. How to Make Sure the Tattoo is Properly Applied
    When wearing the right tattoo with a dress, it’s important to make sure that your skin has been properly applied. You can do this by checking the texture settings of your avatar and making sure that they are set to “High” or “Very High.” If you don’t see an option for “High,” then go into Preferences > Graphics Settings and change them there instead.
  2. The Importance of Taking Into Account the Dress’s Style
    When choosing which tattoos work best with certain styles of clothing, consider things like color and texture; these factors will help determine whether or not a particular piece works well together as part of an ensemble rather than just standing alone on its own merits alone (which isn’t always advisable).


As you can see, there are many factors to consider when choosing a tattoo for your Second Life avatar. The style of dress and color should be taken into account when selecting a tattoo. Also, the texture of your avatar’s skin can affect how well certain tattoos look on them.
If you’re interested in learning more about tattoos in general (and how they relate to Second Life), check out this vlog by Naria Panthar! You’ll learn how to make your own!

Anuska Loon: Capturing Fashion and Beauty in Second Life

Anuska Loon, a fashion blogger in Second Life, has a distinctive photographic style that is characterized by a high level of attention to detail and a focus on vibrant colors and textures. Her photographs are often shot from close-up angles, allowing for an intimate and detailed view of the clothing and accessories she showcases.

Sunset in the Oasis

Anuska’s use of lighting is also noteworthy, as she often employs dramatic shadows and highlights to create a sense of depth and dimensionality in her images. This technique adds a sense of drama and flair to her photos, making them stand out from others in the genre.

Overall, Anuska’s style is characterized by a sense of playfulness and experimentation, with each photograph showcasing a unique perspective on the latest fashion trends. Her images are both visually stunning and informative, making them a valuable resource for anyone interested in fashion and style in Second Life.

I had the pleasure to interview her.

Spring Vintage Memories

Oema: When did you first become interested in fashion in Second Life?

Anuska: I logged on to Secondlife for the first time in 2007 and although I love fashion in RL I was not interested in it until 2010 when I saw people around me making pictures for blogs, with those beautiful avatars. So in that time begin to improve my avatar and being interested in fashion but it was in 2014 that I opened my style blog.

Oema: How do you keep up with the latest trends in Second Life fashion?

Anuska: Well, actually I´m blogging for many events so I have access to designer products and I make an idea of what it’s trendy in each round, but Seraphim it’s my main fashion info media source.

Je veux

Oema: Can you walk us through your creative process when putting together an outfit for a blog post or photo shoot?

Anuska: At first it’s madness, lol! cause I don’t have as much time as I wish, so I make an excel with all my sponsors and events, and I try to combinate the most number of products that I can; I think of a theme and set up a scene, then I just do pictures and pictures with many ideas (maybe of 50 pictures I use 3). Lately, I’ve been making a lot of decor pictures, cause I feel comfy, maybe it’s cause it’s my job on RL.

Natural & Sweet Love

Oema: Who are some of your favorite Second Life fashion designers and why?

Anuska: Uff! this is not an easy question… I have a lot of favorite designers, but I gonna answer with heart, cause I´ve been working with them for years and I think they are really talented and the quality of their products it’s awesome. Sunami Beck from EMERY, Erratic Rain from ERRATIC, Harry Hyx from ISON, Nata Fluffpaw from TETRA Julliette Westerburg from TRES BLAH and Zaara Kohime from ZAARA are some of them.

Oema: How important is it for you to stay true to your personal style while also incorporating new trends into your looks?

Anuska: Stay true to my Style it’s ALL. Times and fashion change, although I personally think that in fashion all it’s almost invented, only change the way you mix the clothing pieces, I think it’s mandatory to have your personal style, the essence of how express yourself, without falling into the way of how others do.

Oema: Can you share any tips for new Second Life fashion bloggers on building an audience and growing their platform?

Anuska: The only tip that I can give is being persistent, if they really love to blog, continue with their work without the pressure of likes or views, and stay faithful as well as their personal style.


Oema: What challenges have you faced as a fashion blogger in Second Life and how have you overcome them?

Anuska: Blogging on Second Life has been like therapy for me, at the beginning my comfy zone caused external causes of my RL life. So I couldn’t say any negative about this experience, but if I had to say something that “frustrated” me it’s when I don’t know how to express my ideas due to lack of technique in photoshop, but this it’s like all in the life, if you want something, you have to improve forget it, so I saw a lot of tutorials on youtube of PS.

Oema: How do you see Second Life fashion evolving in the future?

Anuska: I see less and less fashion in SL If we talk of high fashion. Now the public consumes more and wear fewer clothes.


Oema: What are your favorite Second Life fashion events or experiences that you’ve had?

Anuska: I’m a very fan of my actual events, but a memorable experience is when I received a Collabor88 invite was a super special moment for me, and I thought wow! Is this true?. I remember it with a lot of warmth. I’m currently working with close friends on the Dubai event which it’s a project where we are giving our best. So could I say it’s my favorite event because are personal and affective implications? (I’m a very emotional person, lol).

Oema: Lastly, what advice would you give to someone who is just starting out in Second Life fashion and wants to make a name for themselves in the community?.

Anuska: A little more of what I said, just be they without influences, and follow their instinct, and super important! be insistent and sure of their ideas. Being original it’s always a good idea, the best I think.

Oh yes, for sure.

Anuska Loon Socials


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