The Heights at Haven” Art Gallery is a small, family-run art gallery in a location near Basilisk (Mainland).
The owners and curators are Seiko Blessing (softandred) and her partner Maggie Blessing (margaret.moleno).
It is a place dedicated to art and theatre even if, being a new gallery, at the moment no show has yet been staged.

Heights of Haven Art Gallery in Second Life®

Heights of Haven Art Gallery in Second Life®

Reading the information at the entrance of the gallery, we learn that the title of the first performance is “Shall we dance” and that, for more information that will be announced in the future you can refer to that section on arrival.
Being the first time I visit the gallery, I contact one of the owners for more information. In particular, I would like to ask her who the exhibiting artists are in detail.
She replied to me:

Seiko Blessing (me) is the main artist and most of the artwork is mine.  Other contributors are Maggie Blessing, Micki Blessing, and Kaia Blessing.  Maggie is my wife and partner, Micki and Kaia are our daughters.  Maggie is the builder and also helps with the decorating, and design.  I am the artist and help with the decorating and design too.  We are all part of the Blessing Players (along with Angus Brodie)… a performance art group with our own theater.

None of the works on display are for sale, but the gallery has an interesting voting and donation system. In fact, you can vote for your favorite image through a payment of 10 lindens to be made using the candles lit and placed under each picture.
The artist who receives the most votes will have the privilege of seeing his images displayed in the following month.

Heights of Haven Art Gallery in Second Life®

Heights of Haven Art Gallery in Second Life®

Personally, I am intrigued by this combination of art and theatre, which has been realized effectively despite the limited space.
I perceived in Seiko’s words a great enthusiasm for this project.

Heights of Haven Art Gallery in Second Life®

Heights of Haven Art Gallery in Second Life®

I recommend a visit to this little jewel of art, considering the idea of voting / giving to support the owners and the gallery itself.


“The Heights at Haven” Art Gallery

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